Saturday, August 12, 2006

He returns ... he returns not ... he returns ... More on-again/off-again charades on Ranariddh's return

Friday, August 11, 2006
Prince Ranariddh To Return Monday: Spokesman

By Yun Samean

Funcinpec Resident Prince Norodom Ranariddh will return to Cambodia Monday morning, five months after he beat a hasty retreat from the country following a barrage of verbal criticism from Prime Minister Hun Sen, his spokesman Chea Chanboribo said Thursday.

His announcement came one day after the prince told Voice of America that relations have thawed between himself and Hun Sen, and that the prime minister has invited him to return.

"My stance on the alliance [with the CPP] is to re-promote the good relations because there were some problems in March," the prince told VOA from Malaysia. "The problem was not between the CPP and Funcinpec. It was between Samdech Hun Sen and I."

Prince Ranariddh left the country on March 14, after Hun Sen made repeated verbal assaults on royalist officials over issues including incompetence, nepotism and extra-marital affairs.

The prince said Hun Sen asked him to come back in a conciliatory phone call on Aug 4.

"Samdech asked me about my health and told me that he and the CPP wanted nothing but to strengthen the relationship between the two parties," Prince Ranariddh said. "He asked me to return to the country soon and asked me to take care of and unite the party."

The prince said he asked Hun Sen to consult him before removing any more Funcinpec officials from their government posts.

"I just asked Prime Minister Hun Sen not to reshuffle [any royalist officials] that would cause instability in the Funcinpec party," he said. "We have another priority to reunite the party because, as you understand, the party has fragility issues."

He said he now wants to focus his attention on the 2007 commune council elections.

The prince also said that he has no dispute with Sam Rainsy, but stated that the party does not want to form an "Alliance of Nationalists" with the Sam Rainsy Party, which he had earlier reportedly proposed.

Sam Rainsy said his party will steer well clear of the prince.

"Funcinpec is drowning. The person who is drowning wants to drag someone down with him," Sam Rainsy said.

Government spokesman and Minister of Information Khieu Kanharith said the government needs Funcinpec officials.

"Funcinpec should focus on the commune elections and the general elections rather than arguing," he added.


Anonymous said...

That is a sick dog lick the feet which kick his head and groin!

Stay away dog you wiil get more kick, or people will stone you to back to your mother's worm!

Anonymous said...

If it were not so serious, it would be a cruel joke. The minor parties take turns to run their party by remote control.

No wonder the ruling party looks so strong, no matter what it has done to the country; there is simply no viable alternative.