Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Irony: A former F'pec traitor, now calling himself member of "F'pec Loyalty Committee", asks Ranariddh to return

Tuesday, August 8, 2006
F'pec Committee Asks Ranariddh To Return

The Cambodia Daily

A group calling itself Funcinpec's "Loyalty Committee" has urged party President Prince Norodom Ranariddh to return to the country and rally "True royalist and nationalist believers" from in and outside the party before the 2008 national election. In a statement issued by e-mail Monday, the committee urged Funcinpec's feuding leaders to put aside their differences and make a united call for the prince, who left Cambodia in March amid intense criticism from Prime Minister Hun Sen, to return. "The Funcinpec party has to rebuild and fight back under the leadership of HRH Samdech Krom Preah Norodom Ranariddh and the royalist ideas of nation, king and religion," according to the statement. It added that the royalist party is aggressively factionalized and has left its constituencies feeling abandoned. The committee includes former royalist prime minister Ung Huot, as well as Huot Pong An, undersecretary of state at the Ministry of Education, according to the statement.


Anonymous said...

You can stab a person only if you are behind them all the way.


Anonymous said...

Ung Hout is a traitor to ruin Funcipec since 1997 coup d'état.

He serves CPP party

Ung Hout is ah kbot pak, ah Lam Leum