Friday, August 25, 2006

Lu Lay Sreng may be kicked out of F'pec for criticizing its historical president

Lu Lay Sreng seen here giving a press conference on Tuesday. His diatribe is considered as verbal attack by Prince Ranariddh (Photo: Koh Santepheap)

FUNCINPEC President Considers Removing One of His Party Member

Reaksmey Heng
Voice of America
Phnom Penh

Royalist Funcinpec party's president, Prince Norodom Ranariddh, is considering plan to have one of his party's members removed after this member verbally attacked him earlier this week.

The verbal attack was a surprise to FUNCINPEC officials. Although the prince did not mention the person he considers removing, but it is believed to be Funcinpec's top official, and Minister of Rural Development, Mr. Lu Lay Sreng.

Informing his party members in Prey Veng province Thursday, Prince Ranariddh says that he returned to unite his party, and does not wish to remove any member, but that if this official plans to celebrate by hosting a 50-table party, then he may just go ahead and fire this FUNCINPEC official.

Mr. Lu Lay Sreng cannot be reached for comment Thursday. However he expressed his discontentment with the prince Tuesday, during a press conference by seriously attacking the prince's leadership.

Mr. Lu Lay Sreng says that it will be difficult to remove him from the party, warning that his supporters will not like it. It is not known why Mr. Lu criticizes Funcinpec party leader after having served this party as a top official for so long.

Funcinpec's secretary general Nhek Bun Chhay has no comment on Mr. Lu Lay Sreng's position.
Opposition Sam Rainsy party's (SRP) acting general secretary, Meng Rita speculates that Prime Minister Hun Sen's Cambodian People's Party (CPP) support Mr. Lu Lay Sreng by encouraging him to attack the prince.

Government spokesman and Minister of Information, Khieu Kanharith dismisses this charge, saying the CPP will not benefit from Funcinpec party's internal conflict.

Prince Ranariddh's Funcinpec party faced internal rift after its leader left Cambodia and stayed abroad until his recent return.


Anonymous said...

Sack him and then bring him for a full selected committee investigation of corruption before let him free to USA. This man is wellknown to have corrupted to bones in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

I think this man will be joining the CPP after he has been sacked. If the CPP is behind him, he probably holds the same position but working for CPP, or he has enough money now, and he will retire from politic.

Anonymous said...

retiring from stealing rather than from polistick.

Anonymous said...

He has joined and is a C-Peepee turncoated.But it is personal.The real core is what happened to nation interest now?

If the historical president can take the punches stop being the punching bag.That's how real democarcy works,public servant done wrong,the critic wheter within or outside would slap silly out of the disoriented.

Make RRidh a real history for a change.Put him under investigation of $30 million kick back and selling C-Peepee positions for profit.

Anonymous said...

If he wants to join CPP then he would be a foulish. He must remember about Ung Huot and Ung Huot group who have broken aways from Rannarith for a short life Prime Minister in the 1997. Now Ung Huot has to return back to funcipec. CPP will not use anyone who have betrayed their own party. They are communism and they belived that" Killing a wrong person is far better than to leave free a wrong person ". Look at Chhang Song who was a former Minister of Lon Nol regime !!! after many years working with Hun Sen, return back to USA with a panty. Rannarith can sack him and send him for investigation of corruption. This man is very wellknwon to be very corrupted. To let big fishes to run out from the pond into the ocean. You can use this big fish for a big meal rarer to let them small lunch for a big whale.

Anonymous said...

I reckon you guys, include the bloody prince, stop fighting amongst your own gang and stop betray your supporters; it is time to wake up.

I never forget, Lu Lay Streng, visited Sydney in late 90's, he promised better Funcipec in the next few months when he return... he was half drunk. This guy alcoholic.

Anonymous said...

lu lay 'Srey' is telling the prince what to do? they didn't called him lu lay "srey" for no reason. this guy is the most corrupt, most power hungry, most greedy, and MOST INCOMPETENT. this guy is uneducated, couldn't tell his pie hole from his ass hole. but what he's is good at is having many girls. that's why he is selling Rannaridh's head and kissing CPP's stinking shit hole. He needs more cash to pay for his sex slaves.

Anonymous said...

anony 1040am

Funcinpec members are idiots. they switch sides at the drop of a hat. what they keep forgetting is that they might end up dead when the cpp stopping needing them. cpp will never in hell trust any of the funcinpec that switch over. they will never ever gaining any good position in the cpp circles. never forget so many funcinpec died 1997 and many other times in the hands of cpp. yets these idiots are fight each other instead of uniting against the cpp. stooopids.

Anonymous said...

this bastard is fucking useless, typical Chas Steav! anyway, he is the same bunch of F'pec guys, like his boss, he indulges in playboy life, thinking the Khmer people are fool! He would be in jailed in the US!

Anonymous said...

All ofvthem are F,,,,u,,c,,,k,,u,,,p