Saturday and Sunday, August 19 20, 2006
Ranariddh Asks Hun Sen To 'Pity Funcinpec'
By Lor Chandara
Prince Norodom Ranariddh, president of the much-troubled royalist party, pleaded on Friday with Prime Minister Hun Sen to be lenient toward Funcinpec officials who are still committed to a coalition government with the ruling CPP.
Speaking for the first time after a political hiatus of five months while living overseas, Prince Ranariddh told more than 500 supporters in Siem Reap town that Hun Sen was an unofficial son of retired King Norodom Sihanouk and should therefore show compassion to his "elder brother."
"Please let my message be conveyed to you [Hun Sen]: don't harass your elder brother, who is your partner party, too much," the prince said.
"Funcinpec is the heir to the party set up by [Norodom Sihanouk] who is also the father of Samdech Prime Minister Hun Sen. So please pity Funcinpec," he said.
Prince Ranariddh's humbled appeal to Hun Sen came on the eve of today's ceremony at Funcinpec headquarters in Phnom Penh where hundreds of party officials and supports have been invited to welcome the prince's return.
But Hun Sen has threatened to sack any Funcinpec official who travels from the province's to Phnom Penh for the festivities. He also said that the Funcinpec officials who sent the invitations would also lose their government jobs.
While several senior royalist figures indicated they would stay clear of the prince's party, other members said they would defy the prime minister's threat, which they said had no authority because the event was being held on Saturday, a day off from government work.
Ok Socheat, a close aide to the prince, said Prince Ranariddh's speech was important for Cambodia's stability.
Funcinpec is still a strong political institution and has 40,000 civil servants in the government, including 30,000 military and police officials, he said.
Ok Socheat also said the prince's welcome-home party would be well attended despite Hun Sen's threats.
"If the government does not have something for Funcinpec officials to do, they will come to the [today's] reception," he said.
Speaking for the first time after a political hiatus of five months while living overseas, Prince Ranariddh told more than 500 supporters in Siem Reap town that Hun Sen was an unofficial son of retired King Norodom Sihanouk and should therefore show compassion to his "elder brother."
"Please let my message be conveyed to you [Hun Sen]: don't harass your elder brother, who is your partner party, too much," the prince said.
"Funcinpec is the heir to the party set up by [Norodom Sihanouk] who is also the father of Samdech Prime Minister Hun Sen. So please pity Funcinpec," he said.
Prince Ranariddh's humbled appeal to Hun Sen came on the eve of today's ceremony at Funcinpec headquarters in Phnom Penh where hundreds of party officials and supports have been invited to welcome the prince's return.
But Hun Sen has threatened to sack any Funcinpec official who travels from the province's to Phnom Penh for the festivities. He also said that the Funcinpec officials who sent the invitations would also lose their government jobs.
While several senior royalist figures indicated they would stay clear of the prince's party, other members said they would defy the prime minister's threat, which they said had no authority because the event was being held on Saturday, a day off from government work.
Ok Socheat, a close aide to the prince, said Prince Ranariddh's speech was important for Cambodia's stability.
Funcinpec is still a strong political institution and has 40,000 civil servants in the government, including 30,000 military and police officials, he said.
Ok Socheat also said the prince's welcome-home party would be well attended despite Hun Sen's threats.
"If the government does not have something for Funcinpec officials to do, they will come to the [today's] reception," he said.
Even people with no brains are sick and fed up with this guy.
I can't believe that one leader begs for survival from other party leader. I think it is better to beg his own party memebers in order to strengthen the party. It is very shameful to use excuse "political stability" in begging for survival. I think governemnt has enough capability to stablise the country. Why so coward?
Oh, mine! Mine! What's a coward and useless Pret ( I meant prince)!
At least for the sakes of your stupit fellowers, you should be standing on your principles; not standing underneath Hun Sen's shoes. What's hopeless prince!
Let's me remind you, Krop Pret, Hun Sen is not the only son of your father Sihanouk. He is also the son of Vietnamese foreign minister Neang Koah Thach, from the 80's through 90's. Two fathers who have the same son, it seems very suspicious.
Ah Krom Pret chea kaun chau robos' Gen. Nhek Bun Chhay
This crooked is very unashamed of all his behavious. If he wants to win people heart, he must return all his stolen monies from Cambodia back to the Nation. He must call his followers who have stolen ten of thousands of millions from Cambodia back to Cambodia.
He stood up. Hun Sen, why don't you have your cronies throw the Grenade for Runnarith as a welcome present. Let it be done with. Come on HUn Sen.
There is nothing surprise to see this man comeback. He didn't nothing to improve Cambodia politics and economic. He just tried to restore relationship with CPP party and did nothing for the nation and people. According to his interview with Radio Free Asia 18.08 2006. He said that cpp party will always win election upcoming 2008. He never talk about his own party going to win next general election in 2008. He just do what ever to please on Hun Sen. He never talk about people died by stavetion, homless, land-grabbing or corruption. Why all Funcinpec memders alway follow him? Why don't you vote him off? Don't you think, how stupid to have leader like Rannarith? And how can Cambodia nation have bright future ahead? If have leader like him?
bad genes produced bad offsprings.
And bad society produces scum-bags.
I like 12:11 and 2:39 comments. You are absolutely right. Don't blame Krom Pret Prince, Blame Sihanouk. He is of Sihanouk product and look at that clown? One after another... these princes and kings look more like American clowns ever.
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