Friday, August 25, 2006

Poor villagers told that they will not receive rice handouts because the poor didn't contribute to village development

Friday, August 25, 2006
Kampot Chiefs Mismanaged Aid: Families

By Kuch Naren

More than 230 families in Kampot province's Kompong Bay district lodged a complaint with the provincial governor's office Wednesday asking that a village chief and a commune chief be fired for improperly distributing flood relief aid, officials said.

The villagers allege that Yoy Sithan, chief of Andoung Khmer commune, and Sreng Lisuor, Thvar Khangtbong village chief, listed only relatives, close friends and the wealthy as eligible for rice handouts during the Cambodian Red Cross' distribution Sunday, said Chhim Savuth, a monitor with the Cambodian Center for Human Rights.

Villager Leang Sour, 40, claimed she was told she was not on the list to receive rice because the poor didn't contribute to the village's development.

"I want the commune and village chief to be removed and the government to replace them with officials who will serve the people's interests," she said.

"Those officials only help families living in concrete houses while we have only a small cottage...and no food to eat," said villager and mother of five Yun Chantha, 47.

Yoy Sithan denied the villagers' accusations.

He said that aid did not reach every family because it was limited and had to be channeled to those most in need.

There are 1,848 families in the five villages of his commune, but there was only enough aid for 250 families, he added.

"I acknowledge that those villagers who lodged the complaint against me are poor and victims of the flooding," he said. "But the aid was only enough for 50 families [per village], so I had to choose the worst-off families."

Sreng Lisuor could not be reached for comment.

Kampot province Deputy Governor Khoy Khunhour said that the allegations are incorrect and that the chiefs will not be removed.

"They are poor families, but the ones that received aid are even poorer," he said, adding that he would try to find more aid to help those who did not receive it Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor or not! People need to eat to live! Give food or Give revolution!