Thursday, August 24, 2006

Ron Abney asks the FBI to reopen its investigation

Ron Abney, a US citizen victim of the 30 March 1997 grenade attack. (Photo: Rich Garella)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

By SoS and KS
Cambodge Soir

Translated from French by Heng Soy

Ron Abney, a US citizen injured during the grenade attack on 30 March 1997 against a demonstration in Phnom Penh, wrote to FBI to ask for the reopening of the investigation of this affair. He believes that the recent written declarations – which he also sent a copy to the FBI – by an “eyewitness”: the former municipal police commissar Heng Pov, are deemed worthy to be included in the file. “I urge you to read this transcript carefully as the facts are very similar to those of participants, bystanders and your own FBI report on what exactly happened that tragic day. The testimony leads directly to Hun Sen's top police official, Mr. Hok Lundy and to the Prime Minister himself,” the former International Republican Institute (IRI) employee wrote.

The FBI already performed an investigation, but the complete version of its conclusions was never made public. Leaks to US news media revealed that this report points the finger at the Cambodian government. Neither the US embassy, nor the IRI director in Cambodia wanted to discuss this mail, clarifying that this is only a private business. Khieu Kanharith, the government spokesman, declared that the FBI is better equipped to investigate than Heng Pov does. After years of struggle to find justice for his case, Ron Abney withdrew his lawsuit in this affair last year.


Anonymous said...

What does Mr Abney hope to achieve with his request?


Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:08,

Is it a rhetorical question, or just plain dumb? Haven't you follow the news? He is a credible witness, and he's a US citizen. Now, let's go back to President Bush said and contemplate about a Terrorist act. Do some research yourself, BB!

Hun Sen regime & Family members are EVIL and COMMITTED TERRORIST ACT toward many Khmer women, children, young, and old alike. I think it's about time the FBI to complete the investigation and bring this Fucker to the Internation Court. Better yet, the UN should arrested him for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. Do you know "Saddam Husein" is Hun Sen's brother and other Dictators.

One Eye Monster:

Anonymous said...

Hi 2:40PM Poster! I support you 100% that Hun Sen and all his ministers are all terrorists. They have worked together to create suffering to all Cambodian people. THe fake freedom now that Cambodian got is not from Hun sen and all his circle. This freedom and this very tiny developpment are from Untac intervention and from billions of foreign aids. Without UN assistance in 1992 for an election and billions of foreign aids, Cambodian will be even worst suffered. Hun Sen and most of his ministers were former evils communist of Pol Pot and Sihanouk. They wanted only squeese blood from Cambodian people instead of helping them.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen and his gang are responsible and must be accounted of the suffering and impoverish of Cambodia and the Khmer people.

This guy and his gang have been sucking Khmer blood too long….

Anonymous said...

Out of curiosity. How does anyone know Heng Pov has not been a set up figure of Phnom Penh governement? Accroding to media reports, the conflict between all of them started before he left Cambodia and then How could it be very serious impaired judgement of Phnom Penh government to let Heng Pov out of the country?. Two things that can be done to verify his claims to be truthfully and worthy. 1. Lie detector test(polygraph) has to be conducted by good and experienced professional(some individuals can beat the test, if they got the training to manipulate the test). Second test is the serious one (administer only when the polygraph is useless or the person is suspected of know how to beat the test), Mr Heng Pov has to agree to go through batteries of test called Celebro-Manipulated Test (CMT), which the series of medications will be administered through I/M and IV drops, then barracks of questions will be asked. The brain-wave will be monitored through MRI or CAT SCAN. 75-80% responses are considered accurated. therefore 7-8 out of 10 counts of his claims,for example, can be considered credible evidences.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This guy Ron Abney is too much politics-motivated and not even sure wether to sue or not to sue. Once having dropped his case, he already lost his credibilty as victim. no need to listen this flip-flop chap any more!!!!

Anonymous said...

8:17pm, I think heng pov is telling the truth. He is not animal like Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

People stave for true and justice, can you crook understand?

Politic or not politic we need justice for humankind!

Anonymous said...

No need lying test for Heng Poev. If the 97 grenade attack happened in the US, the killers will be caught in 24 hours. there were tons of ducuments and witnesses, and Hen Poev is the final witness to clarify the cloud over the cases. But this case in Cambodia, the land of lawlessness.

Anonymous said...

Like everycase Mr. Abney have the right to request for the case to be reopen since there is new evidence arised. Note the evidence come from a former Hun Sen's and Hok Lundy official Heng Pov.

I am sure that Heng Pov taken order from Hok Lundy/Hun Sen. The recent Hok Lundy US visa refusal (people smuggling) indicated that there is many hidden crime/motive the government trying to cover-up for many years and is doing everything possible to keep it going.

People in Cambodia know about it but what can they do again a government to who have full mitilarty and police control. For god sake they can't even perform "demonstration" which is their rights under the constitution. While the government uses the constitution/laws as reasons to capture it oposition and individual perceived a threats to thier current livihood.

This illustrated well when Khieu Sopheak & Kanharith all when out to say & accussed one of it defector Heng Pov of being a "terrorist", if they know that why didnt they capture him then!.

Heng Pov is part of Hun Sen and like your family you will know many activities that outsider dont. The important thing is when the outside informations matches the inside informations (Heng Pov) declarations, then we know the government have allot to do with it.
If Hun Sen and Hok Lundy and others a found guilty of it what next? does anyone in the CPP or outside of CPP can kick Hun Sen and Hok Lundy asses?
Who can...if so i wouuld love to see.
I mean the khmer people are to poor and weak because of Hun Sen. What can they do now that they dont have land/house to live on proper food to eat and not to mention the illegal Vietnamese in Cambodia, who is counting them?

So go ahead Mr. Abney & Mr. Pov make Hun Sen day ;-) show me what you body can kick Hun Sen not even his dead mother... he is the King....the one and ONLY.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Abney is a brave man! He is the voice for democracy for million and million of Cambodian people. He had been fighting an uphill battle with the FBI to find justice but American government is not going to do a damn thing about it! American government won't doing anything to upset any Vietcong because all the Vietcong is needed to contain China!hahahah.

I try to understand the reasoning the use of Vietname to contain China. I mean the Viet economy depend on China! There are so many Chinese-Vietnamese dominate in every sectors of the Viet society and it would be impossible to think the Viet can do anything on their own without the help from China! I think China has come along way and overcome many hurdles! When China emerged from colonialism and China possessed Atomic Bomb and become Super Power! When China emerged from the cold war and China has economic prosperity and the Soviet Union collapsed! Now China is becoming a major concern for many world powers like United States and Japan because China soon will overtake Japan and United States economically and then maybe militarily. Well aside from this.

If the FBI don't get involve soon the door will open wider and wider for AH HUN SEN regime to do anything they want! Once the door is open and it is very hard to close! Please take away the opportunity from AH HUN SEN regime and close the door now and don't let it happen to any US citizen or any Cambodian again.

Anonymous said...

Heng Pov's revelation of their dirty laundry had to scare them, otherwise why would Hun Sen ordered his cronies to conduct a full-scale media blitz to destroy Heng Pov's credibility. Anyone, who knows the characters of Hun Sen and cronies, knew that all the charges that leveled against Heng Pov were committed by them. I'm sure Heng Pov was part of the criminal acts, but nontheless he is a crucial witness.

Anonymous said...

Who wrote this comment below I can bid this person is one of Ah Kvack Hun Sen.

"Anonymous said...
This guy Ron Abney is too much politics-motivated and not even sure wether to sue or not to sue. Once having dropped his case, he already lost his credibilty as victim. no need to listen this flip-flop chap any more!!!!"