Sam Rainsy, returned from exile, speaks of corruption.
By Greg Mellen, Staff writer
Long Beach Press Telegram (Long Beach, California, USA)
LONG BEACH - A year-and-a-half ago, Cambodian politician Sam Rainsy was in exile from his homeland and facing criminal defamation charges for his attacks on Prime Minister Hun Sen and his ruling party.
Rainsy was pardoned and allowed to return home six months ago, but he hasn't toned down the rhetoric.
On Friday, the leader of the main opposition party in Cambodia spoke to supporters, community leaders and other residents of the Cambodian community at the New Paradise Restaurant.
Rainsy and his wife, Saumura Tioulong, speaking in Khmer, addressed a crowd of more than 200 at the popular Cambodian eatery and fielded questions from audience members.
Rainsy spoke at length about issues of ongoing and rampant corruption in the Cambodian government, the ruinous effects logging and deforestation have had on the ecology of his homeland, rampant land-grabbing that is displacing large numbers of farmers and leaving them destitute and homeless, preparations for upcoming elections in 2008 and the government's efforts to prevent a fair election.
"To try and level the playing field, we have to push party members to educate people to vote and to raise our voices," an interpreter quoted Rainsy as saying. "In a fair election, democracy will win and our party is the democratic party so we will win hands down."
Rather than being chastened by his latest brush with authorities at home, Rainsy remained as defiant as ever, accusing leaders of operating in a "culture of impunity."
Rainsy's arrival comes on the heels of potentially explosive charges leveled against Hun Sen and his associates by a fugitive former police chief in Phnom Penh.
Heng Pov, an ex-Hun Sen adviser now seeking asylum and facing murder charges in his home country, released a statement in which he accused Hun Sen of involvement in a number of crimes, including a 1997 grenade attack on a rally by the Sam Rainsy Party in which at least 16 people were killed and 150 injured. The crime has never been solved, but many have hinted at Hun Sen's involvement, including Rainsy himself.
A number of observers have discounted Heng Pov's assertions, saying he lacks credibility and suggesting the claims are meant as a diversion from the serious charges he faces. Others say the charges, which include complicity in several unsolved high-profile murders in Cambodia as well as drug trafficking and other crimes, are just a rehashing of rumors and old conspiracy theories.
But Rainsy said Heng Pov's assertions have hit Cambodia like an "imploding bomb."
"I think this is one of the biggest stories to hit the regime, because now they're fighting among themselves," Rainsy said through translation.
Rainsy hopes authorities won't simply dismiss Heng Pov's claims.
"I urge competent authorities to examine what he has exposed and check to see if his charges have grounds," the 57-year-old Rainsy said in an earlier interview with the Press-Telegram.
"If what he says has truth to it," Rainsy later added, "it shows Cambodia is a terrorist state and a Mafia state."
Rainsy said regardless of the allegations against Heng Pov, the former police chief has insider knowledge that could be invaluable.
"What Heng Pov has revealed the government can't ignore because he comes from the system," Rainsy said. "He's part of the system."
It's a system Rainsy said is rooted in the country's troubled past.
"I don't accuse anybody. I just point out the facts many already know," Rainsy said. "We've had a culture of impunity. Even the Khmer Rouge who killed 2 million have not been prosecuted. They started a culture of impunity that exists today."
Greg Mellen can be reached at greg.mellen@presstelegram.com or (562) 499-1291.
Rainsy was pardoned and allowed to return home six months ago, but he hasn't toned down the rhetoric.
On Friday, the leader of the main opposition party in Cambodia spoke to supporters, community leaders and other residents of the Cambodian community at the New Paradise Restaurant.
Rainsy and his wife, Saumura Tioulong, speaking in Khmer, addressed a crowd of more than 200 at the popular Cambodian eatery and fielded questions from audience members.
Rainsy spoke at length about issues of ongoing and rampant corruption in the Cambodian government, the ruinous effects logging and deforestation have had on the ecology of his homeland, rampant land-grabbing that is displacing large numbers of farmers and leaving them destitute and homeless, preparations for upcoming elections in 2008 and the government's efforts to prevent a fair election.
"To try and level the playing field, we have to push party members to educate people to vote and to raise our voices," an interpreter quoted Rainsy as saying. "In a fair election, democracy will win and our party is the democratic party so we will win hands down."
Rather than being chastened by his latest brush with authorities at home, Rainsy remained as defiant as ever, accusing leaders of operating in a "culture of impunity."
Rainsy's arrival comes on the heels of potentially explosive charges leveled against Hun Sen and his associates by a fugitive former police chief in Phnom Penh.
Heng Pov, an ex-Hun Sen adviser now seeking asylum and facing murder charges in his home country, released a statement in which he accused Hun Sen of involvement in a number of crimes, including a 1997 grenade attack on a rally by the Sam Rainsy Party in which at least 16 people were killed and 150 injured. The crime has never been solved, but many have hinted at Hun Sen's involvement, including Rainsy himself.
A number of observers have discounted Heng Pov's assertions, saying he lacks credibility and suggesting the claims are meant as a diversion from the serious charges he faces. Others say the charges, which include complicity in several unsolved high-profile murders in Cambodia as well as drug trafficking and other crimes, are just a rehashing of rumors and old conspiracy theories.
But Rainsy said Heng Pov's assertions have hit Cambodia like an "imploding bomb."
"I think this is one of the biggest stories to hit the regime, because now they're fighting among themselves," Rainsy said through translation.
Rainsy hopes authorities won't simply dismiss Heng Pov's claims.
"I urge competent authorities to examine what he has exposed and check to see if his charges have grounds," the 57-year-old Rainsy said in an earlier interview with the Press-Telegram.
"If what he says has truth to it," Rainsy later added, "it shows Cambodia is a terrorist state and a Mafia state."
Rainsy said regardless of the allegations against Heng Pov, the former police chief has insider knowledge that could be invaluable.
"What Heng Pov has revealed the government can't ignore because he comes from the system," Rainsy said. "He's part of the system."
It's a system Rainsy said is rooted in the country's troubled past.
"I don't accuse anybody. I just point out the facts many already know," Rainsy said. "We've had a culture of impunity. Even the Khmer Rouge who killed 2 million have not been prosecuted. They started a culture of impunity that exists today."
Greg Mellen can be reached at greg.mellen@presstelegram.com or (562) 499-1291.
Man of new attitude and culture tried to sell out the supporters once again.
He never shared why his posse lost seat in Senate?
Why he never call the party congress to rename the party and reshuffle the hypocritical leadership?
Aasonn yoak domrei tov bonn barn sronn yoak paung tov thwai,as usual, a la Raingsy mode.
He sold out his parents soul to be near Chomkuot lung Hanuman.Can people trust such ingrateful son like that?
Rainsy, you are the most respectful man. Continue your good work to bring democracy and justice to Cambodia at all cost.
Sam Rainsy is the most respecful man in Cambodia society
Hun Sen is the well-known criminal in Cambodia society
Ah Krom Pret is ah sdech thauk teap
som Rainsy cannot do it alone. Everything depend on khmer people.
A majority of khmer people care for nothing but themselves. Most of them are unpatriotic. These people are easily be brainwashed and influenced by anything. Whenever there're problems, they tend to blame everyone else but themselves (blame the Thais, Vietnamese, Chinese, foreigners and God but themselves). They have to start taking responsibility. Don't just blame everything on Hun San (I know he's an asshole and a criminal too) or someone else, start blaming yourselves too. On an election day, you do have a choice. Why voted for Hun San the last time? Didn't you see your country is in such a bad shape? A begger state for more than 20 years is not enough? Look at the near by countries (China, Vietnam, etc), they're moving forward very quickly and these are communists states too! Look at your own country, not only it's not moving forward but for most parts, it's moving backward.
Hun San himeself is not a smart guy but with more than 200 advisors on his side, he's able to see your weaknesses. That's why he stays in power for so long. The pathetic thing is a lot of you still probably think Hun San is a hero, not a criminal.
If Sam Rainsy wants to defeat Hun San in the next election, he has to start changing the minds of the Cambodian people first especially the people in the country side. Re-educate these people. Show them all the bad pictures of Cambodia (poverty, corruptions, killings, etc). Show them the good pictures of other countries (eg. advancements, good government, high standard of living, freedom, etc). Show them how citizens' lives in these countries have improved. Remember Sam, at the end of the day, food on the table is what counts the most for most people. Don't talk about nonsense like nationalism, border issues, etc (keep that for yourself for now). Emphasize more on the economy in the area such as investments. Tell them how you can improve their lives by bringing more investments from abroad. How you can change their lives by producing goods and services and sell it abroad. Tell them how can you move the country forward by investing on technologies, change the current government and education systems, fighting corruptions, etc. You tell them by not just talking, but by printed materials, by videos, by pictures, etc and spread them all over the country. For instance, print Hang Pov's statements on government corruptions and killings and making sure that each and every Cambodian get a chance to read it by passing it around the country, advertise in the newspapers, magazines, billboards, etc. If Hun San can brainwash them, you can do the same too but the real different is you tell them the truth. To fight an enemy like Hun San, you have to be able to do that otherwise, you won't stand a chance for the next 30 years until after Hun San's death but by then Cambodia will have nothing left.
anonymous who wrote a long point of view sounds like easy to do. Hun Sen won the election because intimidation by pointing the guns. Hun Sen banned the opponents not to access media such as TV, newspaper, etc... So how can Mr. Rainsy do to promote democracy system. Cambodia is corrupted from bottom to top. bottom gets less and top gets more. These corrupted people never think about society, but themselves. 80% of rich Cambodian people earned their money thru corruption. Only 20% earns their wealth thru hard work. So it doesn't amuze me if one tells me he is rich.
At the end of the day, they are all the same (politicians). There appear to be no way out for Khmer, notherless it's sad to say. Khmers like to hurt & kill Khmers, refer back to Khmer history. They seem to forget and keep repeating the same mistakes, in lieu of learning from them. This is the truth, nothing but the truth.
Anonymous 7:49pm & Anonymous 2:36am, you two sounded like Youn, maybe there is only one of you but playing to be two. It doesn't surprise me, a typical Youn tactics. Anyhow, at the tone of your comment, you're definately Youn. You're stepping in the wrong side of tuff....buddy. You're trespassing into Cambodia and unleshed your ignorant and stupity, wrong moved, be mindful of what is coming out of you, it smells like shit.
What do you know about Cambodia history? You don't know half of the story. What you've learned about Cambodia is what you've read in the negative presses and negativities are only what you search for. Your assumption of Khmer(Cambodia)blaming the Siam(Thailand) and Youn(Vietnam) for the state of condition of Cambodia today is correct because it is the truth. To add to the truth (I will only pertain to Vietnam) is that Vietnam is a bloodsucker of Cambodia. It is being relentless in pursuing the territory and economic expansion eversince the defeated of the Mongol in 14th century, the Mongol was already weakening anyway. Your Youn ancestors has Mongol bloodlines that is why most of you are bloodthirsty for domination, even if through lies and deception, that is how you obtain a country.
Today's Cambodia government is being controlled by Hanoi. Hanoi installed Hun Sen as a puppet of Hanoi and will do anything to keep him in power so to be easier to control and manipulate. Don't be so arrogantly proud of your country and government for that. Learn the truth about Vietnam from the point of views from Cambodia, you might learn something.
The corruption, poverty, and whatever else in Cambodia are only reflecting toward Hanoi for its involvement in Cambodia. Hanoi is very afraid of Cambodia becoming better. Hanoi only wants Cambodia to improve to certain extent. Youn do not get along with Champa(no longer a nation and became central Vietnam), Cambodia, Laos, or China. Who is your friendly neigbors? You stabbed them all in the back. There will no forgiven for Youn when the time comes.
Cambodia only have two enemies, Thailand and Vietnam because this two nations would like to see Cambodia be erased from the map of Southeast Asia. That dream will never happened. Cambodia is becaming stronger eversince 1975, and it ain't going stop here. The problem now is the goverment of Hun Sen (which control by Hanoi) soon or later, that government will not be around and will give even more opportunity for Cambodia to gain soveignty and progress further. Vietnam is very fearful of that. The people of Cambodia are becoming more and more aware and educate of their own history. They are beginning to learn the truth. The truth is, NEVER TRUTH YOUN. They begin to see the agenda of Vietnam. Hun Sen government is trying its best to keep the lid shut tight. The lid will not stay close too long. Cambodia will rise again and be a great nation it once was. Kampuchea Krom will be reunited with the montherland of Cambodia and kick the Youn back to a small tiny nation one time call Dai Viet.
I see, so the sneaky Youn was a tiny nation called Dai Viet along the Red River one time. I believed Dai Viet was also wearing a leash of China control for about 1,200 years. I believe, Dai Viet freed itself in year 936. Yes, once a dog, will always be a dog. Vietnam was China's dog. It tried to escape but soon or later, China will catch back its dog.
AH HUN SEN learn to follow and the Vietcong learn to lead! But there is a limitation to where one person can lead another person!
This lead me to a conclusion that if the international community hammer out the election process that is fair to all Cambodian people before 2008 and AH HUN SEN will lead himself and his family to an airplane and fly to Hanio!
I just hate to mislead myself but it is so true! ahahahah
Anonymous 9:58 AM is a typical khmer person who is barking like a crazy dog when he/she hears something that he/she doesn't like even if it's the truth. Gets angry very easily and if they happen to have a weapon in their hand, they'll use it right away. That's how they solve their problems - quickly and violently without real thinking. You see, this guy accuses the other two persons as youns, who wrote earlier infavourbly of khmer people. Why don't you read carefully to see if anything there is true and correct it. Maybe they just want to point out the mistakes and hoping that khmer people can change for the better.
You're probably a khmer living in the U.S.A, and have ever experienced any discrimination for all this time? How would you feel if the U.S government kicks your brown ass back to Cambodia? Don't give me wrong.
Anonymous 6:34pm, CAMBODIAN DON'T EAT DOG MEAT LIKE VIETNAMESE, therefore we don't bark like you. HMMMMM... Where did I hear that phrase of that dog barking from? You've sounded very familiar. If I'm not mistaken, we've talked before. You don't want me to go to Vietnam forum to stir up some shit.
Anyhow, We Khmer know our strengths and weakenesses. We don't need Youn to tell us that. The weakness is Hun Sen controlling and manipulating everything in Cambodia, even the election. How the hell can a prime minister stayed in power for so long, for 21 years? And guess what, Hun Sen is being dictated by Hanoi to make everything go uneasy for Cambodia to move forward. The strength is that Cambodia is progressing, very slowly but it's a progress. In the next several decades or so Cambodia will be strong again.
If you were Khmer like you think you are, maybe you should be proud of being Khmer, instead of being nagative about Khmer. Your style of nagativies is very Youn. So stop bullshiting me. What is this about taking my brown ass back to Cambodia? What do you know about my ass? My ass can be in Cambodia and America or anywhere in the world, I please. I'm a legal, naturalized citizen of America. I paid my tax, a law biding citizen, and member of U.S arm forces, heck..I fought for your freedom so you can have the right to be nagative of Cambodia. I'm assuming you live in America, not Canada. Your hit and run smart-ass comment is very childish, very typical Youn of you bro...
Please be honest to your comments, use your wisedom to judge the situation in Cambodia. focusing on our country politics rather than personal politic. Our Nation is in danger and most people don't care about what going on in our country, but we are the compatriats who care about our beloved country, so we should use our time to educate and inform, our readers about the truth.
Dai=die in English = slap in Khmers=Dai veit= dead to youn!
After reading all the comments, I believe many of you side track off the topic. This is about Rainsyism. I think we are lucky to have Rainsy bark for us at times. We use him when we can, but do not forget, Rainsy, in turn, is still a Rainsy's Party. I mean that Rainsy is very selfish person I ever known, AND let me tell you, I know Rainsy. His father would be so disappointed if he was still alive. I still not am forgiven him for leaving the injuries on March 1997 to go out of the country, begging for more money. Rainsy is an "Opportunitist" who uses Khmer blood for his own gain. He is not better than Hun Sen or Ranaridh. The TRIO are all crooks. Rainsy begged Hun Sen for forgiveness for something in his heart that he does nothing wrong. But for POWER, Rainsy may even kiss Hun Sen ass to get back to politics. I am so fed up with this individual, just as I fed up with the other 2. For those who do not know Rainsy enough, please follow him closely.
May peace and prosperity come to Khmer peasants.
Your excellency Sam Rainsy! You have come very far in your political career! You need to understand that sometime even politic has a limitation to achieve what you want! Please take a second look into arm struggle! Politic and arm force must go together!
I honestly like to see more choas in Cambodia then ever before because even among choas there is an order! Stability in Cambodia is killing Cambodian people and nation through corruption! The Thai and the Vietcong are now fullly in the game of corruption with AH HUN SEN!Cambodian people can no longer live like this!
So next time when you look into the night sky full of choas and you see the galaxy, the universe, and the nebula and the black hole...But underneath what you have seen there is an order in the universe!
Sometime it is necessary to be off the subject to defend comment that was way off the subject about Cambodia. I was the one who wrote that longest comment concerning some dumbass being anti-Cambodian. As Khmer, I find that ignorant and illogical. If someone is going to be nagative about Cambodia, be constructive. What was written about Cambodia negatively was a very unconstructive criticism and only came from someone who don't like Cambodia and he's not Cambodian, or at least didn't sound like one. So it's only fair for me to return the favor. This is one example of sending a message that no one, whethere Youn or Siam can bully with Cambodia, especially tresspassing into Cambodia's territory, that is KI's Bloggers post.
9:04 AM. You're bullshitting yourself again.
"This is one example of sending a message that no one, whethere Youn or Siam can bully with Cambodia, especially tresspassing into Cambodia's territory". This is a real joke. Go to Cambodia, you'll see there's not much there anymore. Question is, what the fuck are you going to do about it? With your dumb brain even cleaning a Siam or a Youn's ass is not good enough.
Wow..very interesting reading. I will not be accused of STAYING OFF THE SUBJECT, so I will try to stay on the subject.
I would love see someone beside Hun Sen ,for once, be in the office in 2008. I think Sam Rainsey is a man who has the most qualifications and can see farther into the future for Cambodia than that one-eye man Hun Sen. Ooooops... me so sorry.... for those Hun Sen fans out there.
For crying out loud, 21 years in office must have driven Hun Sen insane, talking about stresses. You know, truthfully, I don't think Hun Sen really like his job. The man has no choice, Hanoi had him by the balls. I'm not off the subject, am I? Peace to all my brown ass brothers and sisters out there... hahahaha. Where the hell did that guy get the brown ass Cambodian from. I think he's been checking out too many Cambodian brothers' asses. Yes, he does sounded like YOUN.
Whaooo...Anonymous 9:04AM.I just left not so soon ago, I cam back, you try to be funny with me bro? I assume you're Cambodian and I don't believe in creating bloodshed(verbally ranting, that is) among my brothers, fuck this fuck that don't mean shit to me, that an easy language any motherfucker like you can use. Do you really want to shed blood about this bro? You sounded like a Khmer Rouge, assuming you're Khmer. Give me your best shot, what you got for me bro?
Sorry Anonymous 9:04AM, I meant to direct my comment for Anonymous 9:35AM.
Hey... what did I say to be offensive? I'm Anonymous 9:35AM, Anonymous 9:27AM is your target, not me. I didn't pull out any fucks on anyone. Ooooh, I see good reading coming up. Peace my brown ass brothers and sisters, peace. Khmer should make peace among Khmer, there is an understanding. That one anti-Khmer guy seem to be so upset, it's only for the good for Cambodia. You know what? I think he's Youn. Oh my god, I'm surrounded by Youn.
To 10:10AM
I am so fucken confuse by your statement. You said "Peace my brown ass brothers and sisters, peace." Do you mean your brother and sister? Beside how do you know that most Cambodia people have brown ass? Do you go around checking every ass to see if it is brown? ahahahahah Man! You are one perverted freak! Do you check to see if your ass is brown too? Maybe your ass is dark brown? Be honest man and do you think every Cambodian people have brown ass? If you sit on dirt all day and do nothing and definitely your ass will be brown or dark brown but if you sit with a cushion and the air conditionary running all dat and I don't think any ass won't be that brown!
I tell you what! If you have a sister whose ass is brown and round and very voluptuous with curve, please give me her phone number!I love big butt and I can't not hide! ahahahah
10:30 AM, YOU SOUNDED LIKE I JUST FUCKED YOUR MOTHER AND ALL OF YOUR FEMALE SIDE OF THE FAMILY, now we're finally talking shit. Do me a fucking favor, go to the top of this fucking page and read about the brown ass, if you're fucking confused. I don't know who's that.. peace my brother peace .. bullshit aws, I didn't write that shit, I'm not that sensitive.
Now, I like to see you motherfucker stop bullshitting about Cambodia. Look at your fucking comments, what the fuck did you write? A bunch of negative bullshit about Cambodia. The only motherfucker that write suck bullshit are the anti-Khmer. Are you Khmer, motherfucker? Show me your Khmer side? And I fucking hope you're Khmer, if not my assumtion is correct and will make you swallow every word you've just unleashed about Cambodia. If you're Khmer, then you're a fucking disgrace and get the fuck out of my sight, you piece of shit.
To 11:00AM
Man! You talk like you just got out of jail! You had been another man wife when you were in jail? It is ok and you don't have to tell me! I can tell by the way you walk!ahahahah!
All right Mr. sensitivie 11:00AM, you have the right to call all Cambodian people as brown ass people and When I talk about your sister's ass and you are pissed!
I tell you what! Why don't you show me what you got and I will show you what I got! Next time you better think twice about calling Cambodian people as brown ass people because I am here to mess with you!
This is getting so ridiculous to see Cambodians fighting Cambodians with dirty words. Now you can see why Cambodia is so fucked up as it is today. That's exactly what the Hanoi government has been trying to do, to see Cambodians fighting Cambodians(they even supply the necessary weapons for you to kill each other) and so far they've been very successful because of dumbass brainless people like you. You should be ashame of yourself.
Anonymous 12:23PM, that's where you go wrong. You are confused of who calling who and calling what. The Cambodian brown ass thing was called by one guy toward another guy who was defending Cambodia.The guy that defend Cambodia is trying to get a message across that the first long comment about Cambodia at the top of this comment page is anti-Combodian, got it? To him, it didn't sound like a constructive criticism, as he put it. That was why he assumed that Youn or some ingorant Khmer was up to all of this to stir up the problems.
The next thing you see was someone or the same guy jumped on the guy who was defending Cambodia by saying something like " stop bullshitting" and from there on thing got messy messy with the introduction of the word "fuck".
You see, that's why Cambodian killed each other because it doen't take much to let loose that Khmer Rouge mentality. We have a guy who's trying to defend Khmer and another guy trying kill him for that. If anyone going to criticize Cambodia, please use your head and some commensense and do it very constructively. Any type of tough bad-ass rhetoric will only offend someone. Khmer must learn to get a long, this is the only way to stay alive, if Khmer kept fighting Khmer, Cambodia will be erase from the map of Southeast Asia. Vietnam and Thailand love to see that. This Khmer weakness. Well, I hope I don't sound like I'm bullshiting.
Cham of Long Beach, CA
To 10:58PM
Oh please! I know know better than that! If any Vietcong want to use certain word toward any Cambodian people and it is their fucken right! But the Khmer has the right not to repeat what the Vietcong have to say! There are many ways to say thing! The Vietcong don't have brown ass? and they better think twice! I had seen a dark skin Vietcong too and I know they have black ass! ahahahah
Man! This is just a small war of words! I don't take it too personally! There is nothing to be ashame of! In any writing, people should be little bit mre descriptive in their adjective and the pronounce and be little bit more creative to say thing! If the whole Cambodia disappear because of stupid Cambodian people can't write and let it be!
I hope you know that human kill another human than any other animal on Earth! This is not just happen between Khmer and Khmer! People kill people for territory gain! People kill people for economic gain! People kill people for women! People kill people because of rage or road rage!People kill people for jealousy! People kill people because of race!....
Now tell me that I don't understand!
Anonymous 12:48 AM, So you're Viet Cong and you have the right to come to Cambodia's forum and stir up problems? I guess that one Khmer guy is correct with his assumtion. I will not have a mind of a Khmer Rouge or a Viet Cong, so I will not make a fool of myself by lashing out toward you.
So what is your point of " stupid Cambodian can't write and let it be" Is that all you have to unleash? Do you know how to write?
Cham of Long Beach, CA
To 10:25
Welcome to my playground. First, I never claim that I know how to write! Second, I never claim that I am an English teacher! Third, I claimed that Cambodian people have the right not to repeat what the Vietcong have said!
You take thing out of context! Why don't you read the whole paragraph? You need to understand that paragraph are made of sentences and sentences are made of words. You take a small fragmented sentence of my words and use it against me?ahahaha
Don't you ever take a cheap shot at me again!
You guys should join the Hun San regime because you're acting/behaving like them - talk tough and accusing others (who disagrees with you) of anything and everything.
Wow. It seems to me that the level of immaturity is still pretty low. Just by assessing the prior comments, really shows that there is a lack of integrity and to an extent intelligence-when we consider changing the politics of a country, let not forget that some of us are not actually there to see the oppressive government operate in full capacity. Anonymous 6:02pm, I think you are correct, today, Cambodian politiking is accusative and this alone sums it all and becomes the foundation for which it exists. It is neither productive or effective when it comes down to strategically shifting the system inside out.
Hello everyone,
Im glad that many are on the discussion, and its good but don't get too serious with the different.
Im more agree with Anonymous 6:02PM. More then that, We all who appear to be interested with what going in cambodia, should keep up with the good work with having such a concern and respect for our homeland. SO, MORE THEN JUST A DISCUSSION. I THINK WE ALL IN ANY SMALL WAYS SHOULD SEE WHAT WE AS AN INDIVIDUAL could do for the country, the poor, and the elders. "" little by little, drop by drop, the big bucket will be full again.
thank you all, one love, one khmer,
khmer pride til death due us
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