Saturday, September 16, 2006

Maybe Rainsy does not want to associate with F'pec because it only gives him pains back in return, just like what the CPP did to Ranariddh

Friday 15 – Saturday 26 – Sunday 17 Sept 2006
Prince Ranariddh recalls the limits of alliance with CPP

By Leang Delux
Cambodge Soir

Translated from French by Luc Sâr

Prince Ranariddh, Funcinpec president, stressed again in Kompong Chhnang his desire to pursue his collaboration with the CPP, but he immediately detailed also the limits of the cooperation and he brought back to the table a plan for an alliance with the SRP.

“Funcinpec has a clear objective: pursuing its collaboration with the CPP. But it also has a sacred objective which is to see that Cambodia put an end to poverty, to social injustice, and these clandestine people who come to fish in our Khmer waters without any intervention from the authority,” the Prince declared. “I helped Hun Sen a lot, and I only received back pains in return. It is unfair for the Funcinpec,” the former president of the National Assembly claimed.

Norodom Ranariddh had also warned that his party would be watching the application of the Supplemental Border Treaty between Cambodia and Vietnam, which was ratified by his party. He also noted that You Hockry, Funcinpec president of the national committee for the resolution of border disputes, had not been invited to the installation of the first marker last week. “It is not to look for a fight, but we want to pay attention to the border issues.”

He lashed out at Sam Rainsy and the latter’s displayed will of not wanting to associate with Funcinpec. “The candle party [the SRP] said that it does not want to work with Ranariddh. However, the interest of nation, is it a personal interest or a common interest? I practice what is called in French “la politique de la main tendue” (the policy of reaching out). It is up to you to judge those who do no want the union, and not to give them your vote,” he concluded.


Anonymous said...

It seems everyone has their own definition of national and personal interests.

It is rather disturbing when they talk about national interest.


Anonymous said...

Narraridth! better stop making stupid commons. You and your father always help lift up the crooks and down the goods. You are also worse than aninal (ie. crocodile). In fact, Hun Sen has helped you and your father a lot; for example, to restore the monarchy, etc...

You should admit or confess that you are devil to the nation. You are sick. You have too many personal problem. RM

Anonymous said...

This is the first time that prince told that he helped Hun Sen. But I never heard such a comment when he was in power. He normally mentioned about the interest of the nation and people. Even border supplemental agreement he blindly supported but now he wants to wash his hands. The present of Funcinpec in ignauguration was not important the important thing is signing agreement. If my memory is still good, at that time royal family members appealed and explained to king to sign it. I can't believe that this prince talks without being shameful to the people. another thing, while SRP does not accept the Funcinpec to work with, this prince again accused SRP not working for the interest of the people, but personal interest. You cry like mad dog now.

Anonymous said...

This Prince is helpless now. No one will support him anymore. He always say that he did everything for nation, but he sell the country to CPP just for money!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh prince! There is an end to everything in life and the good time that you used to enjoy so much belong to yesterday. Now is it possible that you can learn new skill or start new career something in law? How about offer your expertise in law to help those poor helpless Cambodian people who couldn't afford to defend themselves in court! ahahahah!

Oh here is another way out! I know how much you hate to work for other people (You used to work for AH HUN SEN before!) How about put your million dollar in the bank and live off the interest and pass the rest of the money to the next generation.

Oh well! Whatever you do please don't make a fool out of yourself!

Anonymous said...

Could you please just leave him alone. He is the prince. We have to respect him before
he drop DEAD.

Anonymous said...

Hello fellow citizen,
I love so much for the comment postings at 7.21AM and 9.20AM. This Prince is very illusioned. He think that he can cheat people every time he likes. Only a few monkies who were the most mediocre in the US and in France are still lining up to entertain his childish action.

Anonymous said...

I have no respect to this Narraridth. He must have rock brain. He attacked and abused anyone when he got into power, even those who have sold cows and land to support him during the national election. That is why he is well known as CROCODILE. He talks non-sense. He is worsen than hyena in Affrica countries.

How do we (Khmer) trust you if your wife cannot trust you too.

I can't leave or respect this brain dead as long as this guy does not stop create more grieving to Khmer people. RM

Anonymous said...


According the newspaper SRALANH KHMER published on Saturday 16 September 2006, one member of CCP said that HUON XEN would try to meet Mr Sam Rainsy and Mrs Tioulong Saumura in Paris and ask THEM to intervene with sister-in-law’s Sam Rainsy, Mrs ANTONIA TIOULONG NOSEDA who is in charge of the publication of the weekly magazine EXPRESS, to stop publishing DOCUMENTS or ALLEGATIONS of HENG POV anymore.

Apparently Mr Sam Rainsy left Phnom-Penh to PARIS on Thursday 14th at 8 pm (instead of Saturday 16th as planned) while HUONG XEN was in PARIS AT THIS TIME as well (IS THAT JUST A COINCIDENCE?), after he had left the ASEM SUMMIT in FINLAND LAST WEEK, and would return to Phnom-Penh on Saturday 16 September.
One another source said that, on last July, HUONG XEN had also tried to make contact by phone with Mr Sam Rainsy while the latter was in visit in America. HUONG XEN would have requested Mr Sam Rainsy not to get involved in an internal CCP problem , especially HENG POV's, that what Mr Sam Rainsy could have agreed.
When Mr SamRainsy came back to Phnom-Penh, he called his members to abstain from getting involved in HENG POV affair that, (in his own opinion, but not in the public opinion), is just an INTERNAL CCP PROBLEM .

As a strong and loyal supporter of Samrainsyparty, I would request him to take account for the rumour above that could undermine your reputation as a GREAT PATRIOT.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like every one don't like Ar RRID very much in commond. But I still like him. If he don't have a job, he and his misstress can come to work for me as dishwasher or gardener and his misstress can do cooking or housecleaning for me.
8.00/hour, 10 hours/day, 7 days/week. Haahh, Haaahhh...