Thursday, September 14, 2006
Ranariddh Slams Border Markers and Ceremony
By Pin Sisovann The Cambodia Daily
Prince Norodom Ranariddh Tuesday condemned the construction of border markers along the Cambodia-Vietnam frontier, claiming that Funcinpec officials were not present at last week's groundbreaking ceremony. Speaking to a crowd of supporters in Kampot town, the prince also questioned the location of the border posts, claiming that the project was too much in the hands of Prime Minister Hun Sen's ruling CPP and Vietnam. Var Kim Hong, chairman of Cambodia's Border Committee, who attended the ceremony, said that he did not attend the ceremony as a representative of the CPP, but on behalf of the Cambodian government. Funcinpec officials were present at the ceremony, but perhaps the prince did not see them on television, Var Kim Hong said. Information Minister and government spokesman Khieu Kanharith said that the prince works too much on his own and didn't consult his party before making his statements. "What the prince said was wrong," he added.
Cry baby Cry! And Cry your heart out! Sva Kim Hong and AH Hun Sen will wipe away tear! It is the tear of joy for making Cambodian people suffer for so long.
Why are you soon to forget your past in the 1980 and you were sleeping along Thai-Cambodia border infested with mosquitoes in the jungle fighting AH HUN SEN and the Vietcong! Prince you have forgotten your history too soon and now everything is catching up with you! So please cry some more!
វាគ្មានន័យអ្វីទាំងអស់ ែដលយំនៅេពលេនះ ពីព្រោះ
(This script is using Khmer Unicode. It feels so unkhmer because the font and the typing standard are very different but it works with any publication.)
cry on demand in front of the press. pretty good.
he should be in the movies.
what a drama queen he is. one of these days he will shed real tears from the bitch slap and the behind blows coming from you know who.
Hun Sen: "come here oun Rani. no, not you, the other oun Rani from france. come here frenchy, frenchy, kiss, kiss... you live in france a long time, show me how to do a la franchaise and i stop give you and funcinpec trouble."
Re: Anon@5:03PM
Gros, gros BISOUS, eh?
joke asides, I know that Viet dog Hun Sen is going to ask that so-called Prince to give him a "gros bisous" in his arse. Damn that trou Duc' Hun Sen!
It is not a crocodile tears, it is a parasite tears!
Close your mouth, Ar RRid.
It's smell so sting just like dog's breath. Ar Hun Sen doesn't need your useless Fucking Bitch Party. Your Political Party should be melt out.
Hala, Hala , Hala, Hala, Hala help!!!Hala help Hala help hala help!!!!!!This disparated sihanouk son is calling for Hala to help. He kneel a day five times for his Hala. The Buddha has already told him that: That is Karmpea!!! You deserve to fullfil your karmpea. Even the God in Heaven cannot help you. You have breached the most important deeds of your people.
Neither your tear drops or ah Hun Sen or ah Viet Kim Hong will get Cambodian land back from Vietnam.
The only people who can get Cambodia's land back is a united Cambodia, Cambodian krom and Cambodian International movement working together to expose this 21st Century Viet colonisation fo Cambodia krom and Cambodia.
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