Monday, September 25, 2006

Thai Coup Will Not Affect Hun Sen's Trip to Australia

Monday, September 25, 2006

By Yun Samean

Prime Minister Hun Sen will go ahead with his official visit to Australia next month regardless of last week's coup in Bangkok, his adviser Om Yentieng said Sunday. The Thai military overthrew Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra in a bloodless coup Sept 19 while he was out of the country in New York. Hun Sen will still go to Australia from Oct 8 to Oct 14 because he is not concerned about stability in Cambodia, Om Yentieng said. Although Hun Sen warned last week that Funcinpec President Prince Norodom Ranariddh and Prince Sisowath Thomico were planning a coup against the Constitution, the prime minister is not worried about it Om Yentieng said. "We have no concern about the constitutional coup attempt," Om Yentieng said. Government spokesman Khieu Kanharith said security measures in Cambodia have not bolstered in response to the Thai coup.


Anonymous said...

Of course, "We have no concern about the constitutional coup attempt." Only the CPP can carry out a coup, whether constitutional or military.

Remember the constitutional amendments for the package vote, anyone? The CPP is hijacking all the legislative bodies. They only introduce laws that serve their own interests. They should stop treating ordinary Cambodians as stupid folks. We live in the 21st century now.

Anonymous said...

Sure, no coup because the one who made coup and has ability to make a coup is the one who will travel abroad. I am sure no one makes a coup to get power from the one who made coup already. No double coup! Completely agree !

Anonymous said...

Yes! there will be no Thai coup for Khmers government for now, but I wish and hope that this event will be your worse nightmare everyday and everywhere you go for the rest of your life. You will always see this coup in your eyes, in your head and it doesn't matter when and where or if your eyes will be closed or opened. Enjoy until then CVP! You will get your day! Just like everyone else!!!!!!!!!