Friday, September 15, 2006

The [Thai] PM's soap opera

Friday September 15, 2006
Bangkok Post Postbag

By comparing himself to Aung San Suu Kyi after being confined to his house for one whole day, it appears that our billionaire prime minister has decided to play the role of the misunderstood, martyred victim in this latest episode of Thaksin: The Soap Opera.

Like the ruthlessly ambitious mother who does whatever she has to do to help her family get ahead in life, in this episode we see Mr T pleading for our understanding: "I did all those things [undermined independent bodies, ordered alleged drug dealers to be summarily dealt with, tried to muzzle the press, used my position to make my friends and family even richer, etc.] because I loved you and only wanted what was best for you. Yes, I made mistakes, but it was done out of love. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. You have to believe me," as tears flow down his cheeks.

In the next episode, will the angry people whose rights he has trampled on, money he has stolen and whose government he has undermined finally relent, understand and finally forgive this poor misunderstood soul, or will we discover even worse things that he has done in the past and that he isn't really repentant and is even more ruthlessly ambitious than we thought?


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