Sunday, October 15, 2006

Depressed SRP Lawmaker Giving Up On Politics

SRP MP Keo Remy (Photo: RFA)
Saturday and Sunday, October 14-15, 2006

By Lor Chandara The Cambodia Daily

SRP lawmaker Keo Remy announced Friday that he is planning to quit his political career after becoming deeply disillusioned with Cambodian politics and the direction in which the country is going. Speaking to reporters outside the National Assembly, Keo Remy said he will continue to work for the SRP until the 2008 national elections, but will not serve in the new mandate. "I will stop my political life because I see no light at all that all political parties can work together to address the real problems facing Khmer society," he said. "There is no system that encourages the healing of social rifts. I feel so depressed about the future of our country." SRP leader Sam Rainsy said Keo Remy's bleak outlook may be motivated by stress, and that he hopes that Keo Remy will change his mind. "He is a good parliamentarian," Sam Rainsy said. "I dont know exactly what happened to him." He added that internal problems within the SRP did not prompt Keo Remy's remarks. CPP lawmaker Cheam Yeap said Keo Remy is simply thinking too much and has got things out of proportion. But Hang Puthea, director of the Neutral and Impartial Committee for Free Elections in Cambodia, said other Cambodians have similar misgivings. "The parliamentarian and the regular people feel the same," he said.


Anonymous said...

The question is whether Keo Remy is good enough for the president to find out exactly why he quits.


Anonymous said...

I support the concern of Keo Remy 100%. At present, especially CPP which has changed their U turn policies from extrem left ( to make every citizen in the whole country poor and only leaderships can afford the confort of their lifestyle) to extrem right ( by creating a small group of super rich by allowing them to escape tax), ignore all the wellfare of the country and the people.

Anonymous said...

It is my firm conviction, as a person and a khmer, that the current HANOI satellite regime in P. Penh has no other motive than to execute Hanoi's blueprints to Vietnamize Cambodia. With the full control of everything from the bottom (the chief of commune/village) up to the top, this Vietnamization of Cambodia has no Khmer's interest in mind. It's rather a cruel and premeditated concept and philosophy to systematically cleanse native khmer race. The little thing they do at best that appears to be for the Khmer people interest from times to times is just to fool the outside world and camouflage the Viet's true ugly and dirty steps taken to ultimately achieve their complete annexation of CAMBODIA.

[C'est plutot ma ferme conviction, etant un individu et un KHMER, que le gouvernment satellite to HANOI a P.Penh, n'a aucune arriere pensee ou motif autre que d'executer ce plan directeur (blueprints?) pour vietnamiser completement le CAMBODGE. Avec un controle absolu du plus bas (chef du village) au plus haut, le peuple khmer n'est pas dans l'interet du gouvernement actuel a P.Penh. La vietnamization du Cambodge est un concept et une pholosophie politique pour systematiquement se debarasser une fois pour toute la race khmere. Pourtant, nos compatriotes a l'etranger, n'osent meme pas ouvrir leur geule pour notre petite patrie bien aimee - LE CAMBODGE. On se soucie plutot de ce qu'on applle "Political correctness" et on risque d'etre accuse comme etant "raciste". Quel malheur!]


Anonymous said...

Cambodian leaders, Hun sen, Chea sim , heng samrin, sok an, cham praseth, ranarith, nhik bun chhay, sar kheng...... all forget their difficulty when they were in jungle. They act like princes in chinese films: when the king fathers are happy with his girls in palace, son goes to rural areas and see difficulty of poor people tehn prepare to overthrow the father. but when they are in power and a bit older they become happy with their girls like their fathers again, later their sons overthow them again.
It's just a question now whether these hun sen, chea sim.... can prevent any events allthe time or not with their kind of corruption everywhere and widespread poverty like this?

Anonymous said...

Keo Remy is down, very down because of the myriad and confused difficulties of Cambodian politics. He is the voice of other real nationalists. It is up to his boss to coach him through his hardship. I truly understand his deepest frustration. Don't give up if you love and you want to serve the poors, the needies, for all the unjustices of our Cambodia. You are our country's asset. You are our voice for freedom (from the Vietnamisation of Cambodia) and social justice. There is no greater virtue than PATIENCE. There is no greater evil than ANGER.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Mr. Keo Remy. Sometime you put up a very good fight and still not wining then it is time to call a quit! You have done you best and your best is not good enough.

Cambodian politic right now are dominated by thug, criminals, bitches, and dictator! The whole Cambodian society are being rotten to the core and there is no point of trying to save it! By nature when something is rotten and it will turn into fertilizer and it become very useful for other purpose! But in Cambodian politic, the rotten core will give raise to new form of resistence and violent movement and eventually will challenge the existing government!

Go ahead destroy Cambodia with the rotten core!

Anonymous said...

Before the morning Sun, there is the greatest dark of the dark. Be patient Mr.Keo Remy.

I sure understand that foreign economics dominate everything and that including doing bisiness and supporting bad regime,because They are the one that had money to buy good and gun from whatever those foreigns country that suppport them which intern able to control us like you would not believe, but that should not make you lose faith in good leader and government or yourself. If Mr. Rainsey fails to convince you, let me tell you that you are a good man and stand for good purpose. Please at least think, that it's for your own as a person. We look up to you. You are our hope as well as the many good men and women that are fighting everyday for our own existence and voice. Please don't quit,instead think harder, brainstornm yourself for the success of your party. Mr. Rainsey had firm belief and he did not quit.He will fight until he dies. That is the kind of a man I admire. You Go Mr. Remy! t's your turn!!!

Anonymous said...

Cheam Yeap is right, Keo Ramy thinks too much and get little for his proportion. Cheam Yeap's rule is to think little and get much more through even corruption and sell state property and later on sell people.

H.E ! If you still think about our nation and people, you have alot of ways to help people. It is useless if you are in naitonal assembly but you could not do anything. It may be better for you to stay outside politics and help people and nation through the way you think it is right and effective.

I think people in national assembly are not politicians but they are political actors or actress who can ratify every legal documents without acknowledgement.

However, we should remember that power is at the grassroot level but this power is misled by greedy political actors, and the real politicians have no ability to activate this power for the better society.

H.E ! You should feel free to do whatever you want but please still think about our nation and people by other ways.

Anonymous said...

In Cambodia today, even if a Divide from heaven try to come to Cambodia to help with all his divide mouth, he even cannot convince Cambodians inside the country to follow him in doing good path for the country. For monky with two or three contaners load of USa dollars will. Even Hun Sen at the moment, he is not scared with any bullet. But he is so scared with US dollars

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Mr. Keo Remy,
I hear you, I sympathize with you. Please hang in there and help SRP out against the crooks in P. Penh, please?

You don't want to stoop yourself low to the level of ah YOU HOK KRY - a janitor, ah SIENG DE LA PRESSE - a jobless, and ah SOK PHANNA aka 11-fingers - a con-artist with fake diplomas, all from the States, do you? Sure they are millionaire now and continue to steal, robb Khmer's blood moneys...but soon they will pay the price for their actions. It's only a matter of time, all you damn crooks!
