Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Angelina Jolie visits Cambodia

November 22, 2006

PHNOM PENH -- US megastar Angelina Jolie has made a surprise visit to Cambodia, the home country of one of her adopted children, airport officials said Wednesday.

"Angelina Jolie has arrived," an airport official in Phnom Penh said.

Officials at her charity declined to comment on her trip, and it was unclear if her celebrity husband Brad Pitt or any of their children were traveling with her.

The two had been in Mumbai filming A Mighty Heart, a movie about US journalist Daniel Pearl's abduction and murder by Islamic militants in Pakistan in 2002. Jolie is starring in the movie and Pitt is a producer.

Last week they became embroiled in controversy after three of their bodyguards were arrested following a scuffle at an Islamic school in Mumbai.

Parents at the school had accused the bodyguards of shouting, "You bloody Indians, you bloody Muslims," when they came to collect their children after classes.

Pitt apologized Friday to Mumbai police over the incident.

The three bodyguards have been released on bail each of 25,000 rupees ($555) after being held on accusations of making threats and an "insult to religion."

Jolie came to know Cambodia while shooting Lara Croft: Tomb Raider at the famed Angkor Wat temple in 2001, and owns a home in the Samlot district of northwestern Battambang province.

She has campaigned for environmental reform in the impoverished country, which has rewarded her work with citizenship and last year gave her a Cambodian passport.

Jolie sponsors the Maddox Jolie-Pitt Project, named after her Cambodian-born son. She plans to give the charity $1.5 million to build schools and healthcare centers, provide training for health workers, and construct public toilets and roads.


Anonymous said...

The most generous Khmer movie star on planet eart! Our goverment should do everything to preserve and foster her interests in our poor country.

Anonymous said...

Treat them equal and they like you more!

Anonymous said...

why you said Jolie is Khmer Movie Star??? Has she made any movie in Khmer or has you heard her speaking Khmer??? Come on.. she an American Hollywood movies start dude....get it straight.

Anonymous said...

Don't discriminate Sir,

She has Cambodian nationality

Anonymous said...

We are proud of her to be our nationality

we also are proud that Maddox is her child

Anonymous said...

She told "Maddox has changed her life"

I think it's true

Anonymous said...

She is a Khmer star, indeed. You guys must remember that she is cambodian, whom all Cambodians are happy to grant her a Khmer Passport.

Anonymous said...

We should all learn from her kindness and compassion. american/cambodian movie star or not, she gives a damn about Cambodia and is doing something about it. this is a good example of someone using her star power to influence the world. and for that, she has more than earned the respect and admiration from this fellow Cambodian. Bravo Angelina! Bravo!

Anonymous said...

She is kind as well as she is hot! Let's make her feel right at home in Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

I think she feel very much here, w her walking along street side of Siem Reap freely not even need to hide her face. She cant do like this in any other country, reporter and magazine writer will go after her

I think she felt oppsolutely more than home here.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Jolie deserves flowers or roses' petals throwing at her feet when she walks down on our street.

Love til the end of time,

Ordianry Khmer