Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Announcing Cambodia's first military university. Corruption 101 on the curriculum?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Cambodia’s First Military University Is On Its Way

By Yun Samean

The Council of Ministers has approved a Ministry of Defense sub-decree calling for the establishment of the country's first military university.

The sub-decree, which the cabinet approved Friday, declares that the Cambodia Military Institute in Phnom Penh's Russei Keo district—an officer training ground—will be upgraded to become the National Defense University.

The purpose of the university, which will start classes in 2008, is to train officers to become future leaders of both the military and the civil service, said Hak Savuth, a secretary of state at the Defense Ministry.

The university is to consist of five faculties: national defense; commanders and general staff; social science and languages; psychological and military research; and technology and military logistics, the Council of Ministers said in a statement.

Hak Savuth said the university would be open to senior officers above the rank of lieutenant colonel and qualified soldiers who have served for at least 18 months—which is the length of service mandated in the military conscription draft law passed by the National Assembly Oct 25.

"When people complete 18 months of military service they will be eligible to apply for the colleges," he said, but added that acceptance was based on the needs of the military.

The colleges of national defense and commanders and general staff will be restricted to only senior officers, but all enrollees will receive a bachelor's degree when they complete one of the programs, Hak Savuth said.

Military personnel are often so heavily trained in one discipline that it is difficult for them to tackle new tasks, Hak Savuth said. The university is intended to give officers a broader base of general knowledge, he added.

"To date, we have focused training on only national defense, we have not considered general knowledge," he said.

Hak Savuth added that the Ministry of Defense is working with the Ministry of Education to find teachers for non-military subjects.

Rong Chhun, president of the Cambodian Independent Teachers' Association, said plenty of other institutions already provide general knowledge courses.

"[The National Defense University] is such a waste of the national budget," he said. 'This university is not important because our country is not at war."


Anonymous said...

The idea of a National Defense University is good, but implementing it and put it to practice will be a tough task. I don't agree that this is a waste of money or that you will only needed when there is war. It will be worth it if you can produce a few good men/women to lead the country. If you're not prepare for war, then you're already lost when it does come. We Khmer need to be more proactive about our country and not reactive and wait for things to happen. This seem to be the mind set of our leaders for the past few hundreds years and it the reason why we are where are today. We only have ourselves to blame for our country failure and no one else.

Anonymous said...

I agreed with 10:09pm but not the conscription. I think the money should be prioritize for other areas that in dire need at this time. Conscription can be consider later when Cambodia become more advanced and prosperous.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree with you 9:09Pm. we should train our soldier right now.
I think it a litle too late already to late the militairy run by uneducated hootlump and lawless trafickers!
UTAC should start doing that in 1992! Whow about those stupid Royal Police?

Anonymous said...

It depends on WHO is doing the training and WHAT they are trained in. To be a Dictator or to defend the the People.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Have faith on knowledge and goodness in people!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just have to laugh! ahahahahahah!

I welcome this so called military university, if only if this university can teach all the corrupted Cambodian army some proper manner!

So far stupid Cambodian army don't even know how to behave and how can they learn anything from this University? Talking behavorial problem including AH HUN SEN himself!

Anonymous said...

They never have army they are having warlord and fighter!
Hope that they accept khmer as student not only, those NGEUNG, GGok, HHOK, Viennm Viet, as students!