Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Blacklisting Workers Won't Solve Anything

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Letter to the Editor
The Cambodia Daily

On reading "Union Activists Claim Factory Has Blacklisted Them" (Friday, page 18), I was shocked to learn about the idea of blacklisting workers. This seems unfair because the workors did what they did for the common good. Is it wrong to ask for what you deserve? Blacklisting workers sabotages their future job prospects. I want to know if the factory owner actually meant to do this. There should be a more harmonious way of approaching these issues. The root of the problems, I believe, is a lack of mutual understanding. It would be wiser to spot the root cause of the argument bring it to the table and talk it over.

Sovicheth Boun,
Master's student
University of Hawaii at Manoa,


Anonymous said...

Hi, Sovicheat Boun, a Master's Student in USA!

Can you kindly tell me whether if you were an employer, are you going to choose or hire a well-behaved worker or a trouble worker one?

Anonymous said...

"are you going to choose or hire a well-behaved worker or a trouble worker one? "

Can you briefly explain what is a " well-behaved worker" and what is a " troubled one"?


Anonymous said...

I don't know, but let me suppose. If you got the children, you stay with them everyday. So that, you may observe to get to know which one among them having good behavior or always create trouble in your family or outside.