Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Cham Prasidh welcomes Thai investment [- Thai will be allowed to rent land at very low rate, Khmer will most likely face land eviction]

November 21, 2006
Cambodia's Minister of Commerce welcomes Thai businesses to invest in Cambodia

Thais News

Cambodia’s Senior Minister and Minister of the Ministry of Commerce, Mr. Jom Prasit, indicated that the national tax privileges and the readiness of the national economic and political situation will attract Thai investors to invest in Cambodia.

During Thailand-Cambodia conference on investment cooperation today, Mr. Jom revealed that Cambodia is ready to open up its arm if Thai businessmen are interested in expanding their businesses in its Poipet Special Economic Zones. Poipet of Cambodia is near Thailand’s border and this will facilitate the transportation between the two countries. In addition, Cambodia's telecommunication is ready for the economic growth of the areas. He said that Thai investors will be allowed to rent the land at a very low rate.

Mr. Jom informed that Cambodia’s economic and political situation has grown steadily. As a WTO member and a key player in the textile industry, he believes that Cambodia's position will help place confidence on Thai investors.


Anonymous said...


The fucken Thai can't even spell his name correctly and yet they want to do business with him!ahahahahah

AH CHAM PRADShiT is one of the most corrupted Cambodian officials and this bastard is only welcoming the AH THAI BUSINESSMEN to Cambodia to drop their pants for cheap sex with under age girls!

Over the fucken years, I have to wonder why the fucken Thai even come to Cambodia for beside selling fake products include fake medicine to Cambodian people and these fucken Thai had done enough damage already to Cambodia economy!
Oh! watch out! The fucken Thai will use the Thai and English jargon lawyer language(not Khmer language) to write any business contract to confuse stupid Cambodian people! I warn all of you to watch out all the fucken fine print in the contract design to trap any stupid Cambodian people!

The fucken Thai will want to own 80-90 percent in any business deal!
There is also another twist to any business deal when the fucken Thai can't honor any part of the business contract and there is always a fucken Thai court to help the fucken Thai businessmen to smooth out the bad business deal in their favor!

Cambodian people have every right to be worried because the fucken Thai businessmen have their fucken Thai court and now they have AH corrupted CHAM PRADSHIT on their side to help them out and for the Cambodian people they can kiss the dirt the fucken Thai walk on and pray to God for help!

Anonymous said...

So now that siam have taken cambodian land, now they can buy it to? How much more Money does this guy Hun Sen want

Anonymous said...

Come on we need business they do not buying it they rented! No land can be sele to foreigner!

and we not live in an island in this modern time!

Anonymous said...

To Mr. Fucken,

I always have a good laugh when I read your fucken comment. I totally agreed with you. I have been telling the fucken Cambodians all along that they have been fucken by their neighbors but they think that I am fucken insane. The Thai fucken them; they fucken the poor khmer. They live one day at a time in that fucken country. They are all for themselve.

I am glad I got the fucken out of there!!!!

Anonymous said...

To 6:06 AM

I am glad you agree! ahahahahhaahh
It is time for a change!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Prasidh not long ago your CPP's govt burn the Thai embassy and open the Cambodia markets to the Vietnamese flooding our local market. You don't check the quality of the products that come into Cambodia. There is no standard enforcement on any of these goods!

Now you are asking them to come a re-invest in Cambodia with cheap RENT and low tax? They will cause more damage then good without proper planning.

If you are so boastful of your govert economic performance...RESPONSIBLE government spent THEIR tax money or donations to build:

Housing for the poors,
Improve hospital,
Improve education,
Improve and build water storage, dam, Build more canals for the farmer,
Build more electicity stations,
Build road and railway systems

This spending will generate many jobs for the unemploye Khmers that you have generated over 25 years.

Your Government keep borrowing money from every country you meet...where does all these money go to?..if you take this economic growth $ and pay off the debt you owes ...it mean your GDP is in negative growth.

Anonymous said...

It's all about money going into their own pockets(the top few government officials). If that going to happen the Khmer government going to kick the poor Khmer people out of their farm and land. Short term the poor going to be event more poor. The so call tax money going to go in the official pockets. The long term the Thia going to claim that part of Cambodia land as their. Those dam rich Thia businessmen so call rent that make fine line between renters/owners so blurrrr to the point of no return when Thia claim that peace of land belong to them as well.

All we have left is the hearth of our land. We lost every thing else.But you know, Gon Khmer as long as the heart is still beating we still have hope. The hearth of Cambodia land, the pure love of Gon Khmer, the authentic patriotisms, and the faith in Angels and God with the brain and knowledge of Gon Khmer over sea,and inside the country will one day in the short future conger our land again. We'll then kick-kick-kick the Viet., Thia and the corrupted out of our land for good.
Please Gon Khmer for right now scream load to make the UN hear about this matter or any other matter for that matter and hope they will put presure to stop this none sense before we lose any more of the little land that we have left.