Tuesday, November 21, 2006

F'pec Converts To Serve In Ranariddh's New Party [- The new F'pec mini-tyrants are trying to hold the party together]

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

By Yun Samean

The newly formed Norodom Ranariddh Party has finished appointing officials from the national to the local level, a party official said Monday. Prince Norodom Chakrapong said that he has been made the NRP’s deputy president. At the local level, newly appointed NRP spokesman Muth Channtha said the party will be making use of Funcinpec officials already in place and who have left to join the Norodom Ranariddh Party. He added that all that remained was to give these officials NRP membership cards. Funcinpec spokesman Nouv Sovathero said his party would conduct investigations into any Funcinpec officials that the NRP claims as their own. Officials who have not left Funcinpec will be required to make public statements denying their support of the NRP, he added. Nouv Sovathero said most Funcinpec members have been dedicated to the party far too long to switch party. "The Norodom Ranariddh [Party] has just taken its first step, but Funcinpec has walked a thousand steps already," he said.


Anonymous said...

It is very shameful for these no brain Royal parties. I just can't imagine how these parties and officials could be the leaders for the country. Lots of them didn't have much educations to do the jobs for the country and being the leaders. All of you didn't posses capasity to be government officials. You can't even lead your parties, how could you lead the country? I think cambodian people should not vote for the Royal parties and I am not going to vote for the Royal parties. They are unfit. In the history said majority of Royal family are lazy and useless, always do stupid things just like now a day. Every body wanted a piece of corruption. they never had a willingness and sacrify for the country. While Millions cambodians are suffering, the Royal people are dancing, travel abroad, staying in the safe heaven in luxury hotel. I think those are abunch idiots that never change, no conscience. You could not yourown party, you can't be agood leader. I urge every cambdian citizen please don't vote for the Royal parties.

BY Norodom reajeasie.

Anonymous said...

And who should we vote for? a bunch of ignorant blood sucker no education corruption communist slave of Vietname!