Saturday, November 18, 2006

“Genuine Sihanoukists” and “False Sihanoukists”

Translated from French by Luc Sâr

Funny Story
“Genuine Sihanoukists” and “False Sihanoukists”
By N. Sihanouk

Beijing, November 14, 2006

Recently, some “Ranariddhists” informed me about their great displeasure regarding the “intolerable claim” made by H.E. Keo Puth Reasmey in which his neo-Funcinpec consists of “Sihanoukists.”

According to these “Ranariddhists,” the Keo Puth Reasmey and Co. are “Putschists in the same manner as the Lonnolians from March 1970,” [they are] “puppets and a-- kissers [brown nosers]” of the Great Leader and “false Sihanoukists” and 500% “false Royalists.”

Personally, I believe that the Politicians from the Party belonging to SKP N. Ranariddh, those belonging to H.E. Keo Puth Reasmey’s party, (and) those belonging to HRH Thomico’s party, do not know anything about genuine Sihanoukism, and they do not know about ‘not to render bad services to the Royalty’. Since I love all my men and women Compatriots who are my Kaun [children], Chau [grandchildren], Chau-tuot [great grandchildren], Chau-luot [great great grandchildren], I cannot reject anybody who claim to be “Sihanoukist,” “Royalist.” Nevertheless, I advise these Messrs, Madams, Misses, our men and women Politicians to only talk about what they plan on doing for the Country, and for the People (in particular, the Small [Ordinary] People), instead of losing or trying to win “the Battle of Verdun,” i.e. wasting their time with “being genuinely or falsely Sihanoukist and Royalist.”

(Signed) Norodom Sihanouk


Anonymous said...

All real Sihanoukist are all real killers. All non real Sihanoukish but join Sihanouk for position are all corrupted officials. None of them are all good citizen. They are all social evils and creating suffering to every one.

Anonymous said...

To Sihanouk! no one care about Sohanoukism, so just shut up and stay out off politic, you are the most idiot of politian and every time you put your stupid mouth in there will be trouble, so be a man and keep your world of getting off off politic, shut up and get out. Your are a trouble maker and we are Cambodian don't need you

Anonymous said...

Listen to this King, he's the great pretender, everywods come out of his mouth is helping Little People. If he really cares like what he said Cambodia would have been prosperous like Thailand.

He's fake and if you want to know more about his son inlaw Keo Puth Rasmey he's even worst and incompetent than Rannaridh, the following is the true story and information obtained from the insiders of keo puth Rasmey, Arun(his crook wife) and Mo(his crook sister)'s family...

Anonymous said...

Listen to this King, he's the great pretender, every words come out of his mouth is helping Little People. If he really cares like what he said Cambodia would have been prosperous like Thailand.

He's fake and if you want to know more about his son inlaw Keo Puth Rasmey he's even worst and incompetent than Rannaridh, the following is the true story and information obtained from the insiders of keo puth Rasmey, Arun(his crook wife) and Mo(his crook sister)'s family...

STORY ABOUT KEO PUTH RASMEY :He came to this position with the help of his sister"Mo" and his wife(princess Arun). "Mo" used to be Tep Khunnah's wife in the old days. Tep Khunnah a restaurant owner in Paris slept with BOTH of Keo Puth Rasmey's sisters(Incest, Sic!). Tep khunnah died of cancer, "MO" married a Canadian man then divorced and moved on to marry Hong sun Huot a senior minister in Funcinpec. "MO" is very opportunist and a big time ass kisser, she kissed both CPP's first lady BUNRANNY and Funcinpec's MARY.
Keo Puth Rasmey's wife princess ARUN had a plan to destroy Rannaridh so she can put her husband up. She was the one who fix OUK PHALLA with Rannaridh and break up Rannaridh and Mary' s Marriage.( MARY fell to princess ARUN trap). Keo Puth Rasmey's wife ARUN and his older sister"MO" had planned this strategy since 2004. They are Very CROOK!.
MARY asked MO to take revenge on Rannaridh for abandoning her and MO saw this golden opportunity to put her brother Keo puth Rasmey up. MO has BUNRANNY as her backbone to control and command all Funcinpec's Dogs to elect Keo puth rasmey. Plus with the help from Mary ofcourse a combination with 2 punches. Rasmey is nothin' but another corrupted gonnabe to take opportunity to pocket dollars like Rannaridh did. Worst than Ranaridh this dog will take 120 percent order from Hun Sen, Y'all will see if you dont believe me. Unlike Ung Huot this dog has a strong backbone because of his sister closeness to Hun sen family. Watch you will see that the way it's going to be....
Believe me these people are very crook, Sralanh Khmer newspaper and Sam Rainsy seem to favor this new Funcipec people over Rannaridh, thay are deadly wrong, all these new people Keo putyh Rasmey his wife ARUN, Nkhek Bun Chhay they are as crook as Rannaridh, they are all taking avantage of the situation and they are very harmful to SRP party as well, Sam Rainsy is too blind to see the fact..

Anonymous said...

La-mom ghap hoeuy sdach kraham.
you stay in pekin (red china )because you are scare of the khmer rouge trail.
sut up the rest of your life, and don't admit like OJ Samson.

Anonymous said...

My parents came to the United States and settled in Long Beach they lived in Freeman Ave apartments where I was born. Many royal family members were living there who were on exile from Cambodia. My parents remember Princess Arun, and my dad specifically remembers the Princess working at Pioneer's Fried Chicken on Long Beach Blvd and 10th Street (It's not there anymore). Yes Princess Arun fried chicken for a living ... just ask her. But most of those royal family members moved back to Cambodia now to partake in politics. They're no good gamble and borrow people's money ... they only just have the title. But my parents were surprised and shock to see Arun on CTN and TVK serving in politics.

Anonymous said...

Sdach Sihanouk is playing game again. All of the trouble within the Funcipec Party are created by his sons and daughters from different wives. His stupid politics and ideology is only to destroy khmer people and the motherland. Khmer people who are living abroad fully understood of this situation. This stupid king could only fool uneducated people who are living the country side. Sihanouk, you are not a khmer king, you are Chinese king living in Beijing. Leave khmer people alone, we have enough suffering because of your terrible politics.

Anonymous said...

I am very disappointed to see this old animal are still making old mistake. He should ask Thaksin how Thaksin has done for their country. When Lon Nol toppled out this animal, his went to bring Khmer rouge and Vietconf to come to destroy and kill all Cambodian people. Every household has lost their love one and their properties. This old animal had never care about people properties. After 1993 election he has ignored all the small people. They lived with pain and suffering. Sihanouk has grabbed a lot of dollars and put up all the high position on to his children. Why people care about this old animal anymore.

Anonymous said...

People in my generation had their youth and property accumulated by their ancestors stolen by this idiot Sihanouk and have to restart their new life with empty hand, let a lone the killing of their family members.

Is there any possible way to have a combined legal action against this Idiot in order to shut him up.

Please advise if anyone in this forum with a good international legal knowledge and we should just organize that action.

Anonymous said...

I need Sihanouk address in Beijing so I can surprise him with my posting to him.

Anonymous said...

The king ,who is cozy with communists ,and his willingness to cooperate with the khmer rouge until their victoty, is more than enough for him to stand trial along with his comrades. Please don't let him go away with it .

Anonymous said...

So what u were trying to say earlier wuz that Keo puth reasmey had set up the affair between ouk phalla and rannariddh so that problems will occur, so that he can push himself up to be president of FUNCINPEC so that he can be corrupted. The most idiotic thing've heard! Might as well steal from a bank than do that! I dont think it was for power either considering the FUNCINPEC party sunken ship and is falling apart. It is almost impossible to bring it back up to the surface of water again. So why would he be dumb enough to volunteer to be in such a difficult position if it wasnt because he felt as if he could do something to help the country??? He was living a great life with his wife and children, so why would he want to put himself in such a stressful position knowing that he will be constantly criticised and put down, if it wasnt for mere patriotism. I have to say, it wasnt a very smart move but he cant turn back now. U probably didnt even think about this properly when you making up all that crap about his crook family and his corrupted self. He isnt so poor that he would do such a thing. His sister may be an ass kisser but i guarantee you that she did not do ANYTHING to bring him to such a situation. Keo Puth reasmey is definately not a bastard who would plot to bring down a the beloved brother of his own wife. He's a human being with a heart, not a devil.

Anonymous said...

Why are you guys writing bad comments?