Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Hun Sen: “MPs must work harder” [- And the government should work even harder to apply the new laws]

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

By Leang Delux
Cambodge Soir

Translated from French by Luc Sâr

After moving to their new building, it would be good for the Members of Parliament to work harder. That was what the prime minister suggested on Friday during a visit to the construction site of the new National Assembly. He wished to see that the debates on newly proposed laws not be limited to just half a day as it usually happened. “In the new building, there is everything to make the MPs comfortable: break room, dining room. If the debates are as fast as those in the current building which does not have all the conveniences provided here, the population might not appreciate that, and they could say that we have spent $20 million for nothing. This is only a personal opinion. I do not have any order to give to the MPs,” Hun Sen commented. He also said that he is satisfied with the quality of the equipments used in the new building which will allow MPs to follow the debates even if they are not present in the debate room.

For Son Chhay, SRP MP, if the MPs are not working, it is not because they lack the will. First of all, they are often asked to ratify international treaties and conventions, and this does not take much time, especially when they do not involve serious debates, Son Chhay said. However, he regrets that MPs are not encouraged to propose new laws. “There are other difficulties. We don’t have a timetable for work and there are not enough specialists to help MPs to write new law proposals,” Son Chhay added.


Anonymous said...

Our belove Prime Minister Hun Sen encourage more debate in the new National Assembly building and he even go further to point out "In the new building, there is everything to make the MPs comfortable: break room, dining room?"

Gee! debate is a fancy word for more talking than taking action! Yes more talking among old fart and sit on their hand in the break room make alot of sense! ahahahhah

If all the MP get anymore comfortable than this and they will sleep on the fucken job!

For those Cambodian people who want to be MP in Cambodia and this is a good time to be MP! Life is good as MP!

MP= More Power! ahahahahahahah

Anonymous said...

When the Prime Minister said he wants MP to work harder by working faster in the new National Assembly building I wondering how much faster does he want when there is hardly any quality debate on any law. The Cambodian people will see the benefit of the $20 millions if you allow all the CCP's MP to freely debate the proposed law and implement the electronic vote counting rather than the raising hand which use to suppress the freedom of MP.