Saturday, November 18, 2006

More than 2 billion riels ($500,000) stolen from Battambang

17 Nov 2006
By Lim Pisidh
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy

More than 2 billion riels ($500,000) representing the pay for 1,160 families of soldiers dead on duty have disappeared on Friday morning.

An anonymous army official from the Battambang military zone, told RFA by phone on Friday afternoon that an amount 2 billion riels (more than $500,000) which was transported from Phnom Penh to pay the spouses and families of soldiers who died on duty in the Battambang military zone, disappeared along with the drivers: “[this is for paying] 1,160 people, it’s more than 2 billion riels, the money disappeared as it was transported this morning.”

A group of people consisting of wives and families of the dead soldiers who are waiting to cash the pay, are angry and frustrated about their futile wait at the military office.

Yem Chum, a 59-year-old woman whose husband died during the war period, and Phy Heang, a 35-year-old woman who husband died of malaria in 2003, had waited from morning till afternoon. With anger and frustration, Phy Heang said: “There is no money, they (thieves) took all the money. They (military) told us that there is no money to pay, they told us to go back home and they will let us know later.”


Anonymous said...

If the government is really care to the people, they will not doing this kind of dirty work. They can also cancel all this monies legal used because with over a billions riels all these notes are very new and have all the same seriel number. THe government replace these lost sum by a new one very easy. They can only bully the poor but cannot bully us. Come on Chea Chanto, cancel all of these notes and re-dispatch a new one. No problem!!!!!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing to do with the banknote. The issue is risk management system for financial mamagement did not apply by the this stupid Governor of the bank. Can't the huge amount of cash be transferred to provincial bank in Battambang rather than carrying from PNH? This is stupid, what is IMF, WB and ADB doing in Cambodia in the context of Capacity Building to the Government of Cambodia?

Anonymous said...

Where is an insurance Company?
Don't we have any?

Anonymous said...

The problem of stealing and corruption are rampant in Cambodia due selfishness and greed! Soon more will be caught and hopefully will be executed!!!

This is the very reason why Cambodia is go nowhere!!!

Anonymous said...

khmer's congress acted like a rubber stamp. Court received orders from the ruling party. People who make laws ,and people who executed them are all corrupted. Who is going to prosecute who?..

That is why Cambodia is going nowhere.....