Thursday, November 23, 2006

Opposition is concerned about the killings of their activists

Sam Rainsy, opposition party Leader (Photo: RFA)

22 Nov 2006
By Sophorn Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Click here to listen to Sam Rainsy interview with RFA's Mayarith on this issue

Opposition officials and officials involved in the election claim that during the past vote registrations and the name verification processes, several people lost their life or were threatened for political reason.

The Sam Rainsy Party issued a statement on 20 Nov 2006 indicating that two SRP party members died.

Meng Rita, interim SRP secretary-general, said that SRP issued this statement hoping that the authority will find justice for those killed, and that the culprits be arrested and brought to justice.

Meng Rita also indicated that during the preparation for the upcoming commune election, two SRP activists have been killed. One of the two victims is 24-year-old Man Met from Kraing Chambok village, Kien Raung commune, Prey Veng district, Prey Veng province, who were shot five times and died on the spot on 18 Nov 2006. The second victim is 27-year-old Thoeung Thea from Phsar village, Popel commune, Ponhea Krek district, Kompong Cham province.

Meng Rita claimed that the political killings are real: “They occur in every election.”

Regarding the irregularities during the voting registration and the name verification process, Koul Panha, Comfrel NGO director, said that according to Comfrel, three cases of violent acts perpetrated against political activists have been observed: two in Prey Veng province, and one in Kompong Cham province. Furthermore, two SRP activists have been murdered without counting the more recent one which occurred on 18 Nov. As for threats, they have been observed in all 24 provinces.

Koul Panha said: “Recently, we observed that these activities have been perpetrated, and they climaxed into killings of opposition activists.”

In response the above issued, Khieu Kanharith, the government spokesman, indicated that the culprits in the murder will be sentenced and the authorities are involved because it is their duty. However, he asked that the opposition does not use the victim for political gain.

Mrs. Pung Chhiv Kek, Licadho NGO President, said that according to her observation, near every election, the killings and threats are reoccurring, and they involve political parties. She hopes that the government will search for the killers and bring them to justice.


Anonymous said...

All SRP member must be allowed to carry conceal weapon to protect themselves!

Anonymous said...

The SRP should not be called " the opposition " anymore.

Why? They could be easily confused with the meaning of terrorist.


The SRP just want to change the system peacefully and thru a none violence means or activities. All done in the name of a better tomorrow. This should not confuse everyone.

Please pay attention to the new law that will soon introduce and write into law.

Very very important!

Anonymous said...

Why don't they annexed the law to have SRP seasonal hunting like we do here in the States (deer hunting in November). Make the Election season for the SRP day to hunt the CPP, one will be rewarded an extra Buck to get the leader of the heard (ie: Hun Sen).

Extra Buck... get it? Will this be ratify by the NEC?

Anonymous said...

Look at the Good guy Sam Rainsy, all he could do is to go and attend the funeral of his supporters (one by one killed by CPP). That's what his CANDLE logo is for and Hun Sen laugh his ASS OFF. The only thing that Hun Sen fears the Most is People Revolution and that's the only way to go to kick hiss ass out, lives have to be sacrified! Ultimately (no matter how long it will take, you have to be patient just like

Anonymous said...

Mr. Khieu Kanharith ...what political gain can this victims received when they are dead?

You have over and over, election after election indicated and I quote "that the culprits in the murder will be sentenced and the authorities are involved because it is their duty".

I haven't heard of properly investigation done, any follow up report on the investigation, any sespects of the killing caught and properly prosecuted or any matter has been release to the what exactly is the "authorities doing over the years"?

When you do catch the suspect as in Chea's case. It the wrong suspects one in whick fault evidence and framing innocent civilian whom knew nothing about the killing....Heng Pov can proof that!

So stop commenting about political gain and start getting and giving answer to the Cambodian pulblic and international observers facts mon why opposition members killed in every election.

Anonymous said...

These days Mr. Sam Rainsy spend alot of his time just going to the funeral of his member.

Too many doom and gloom! Tell me where is the sunshine!