Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Palace: No Bad Blood Between King and S Korea

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

By Yun Samean

The Royal Palace has denied a newspaper report that quoted anonymous sources as saying King Norodom Sihamoni left the country last week to avoid meeting with visiting South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun.

The statement by the palace, released Tuesday, was apparently made in response to an article that ran Monday in Sralanh Khmer ("Love Khmer") newspaper. The story quoted an unnamed Foreign Ministry official as saying the King had gone to France to avoid meeting with the South Korean leader because of retired King Norodom Sihanouk's close relationship with North Korea.

The Royal Palace said in its statement that the newspaper's account was false and that King Sihamoni had a scheduled state visit to France that coincided with the South Korean president’s visit. The King allowed Senate President Chea Sim, as acting head of state, to welcome Roh Moo-hyun in his stead.

Both the Royal Palace and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have said that Roh Moo-hyun came to Cambodia at the King's invitation.

"All information that deviates from the truth above is regarded as exaggeration and would affect the King's reputation and jeopardize the good relationship between Cambodia and South and North Korea," the Royal Palace's statement read.

Boy Roey, the editor in chief of Sralanh Khmer, declined to comment.

Speaking to reporters Monday, government spokesman Khieu Kanharith said that in 1993, Prime Minister Hun Sen moved ahead to build a relationship with South Korea over the objections of other politicians, whom he declined to name.

"There is no conflict between the retired King Norodom Sihanouk and the government," said Prince Sisowath Thomico, a former adviser to retired King Norodom Silianouk. "The retired King doesn't mind if the government has close ties with South Korea as long as it serves the country's development."


Anonymous said...

Yes! the retired king does not mind that Hun Sen established relationship with the South Korea, because he could not refused or opposed, but I can tell you that if this happened in the Sang Kum Reas Reyum era then Hun Sen would be shot by Sihanouk's order without any consideration.
Cangradulation Mr. Hun Sen

Anonymous said...

It's fortunate that King Sihamoni is on a good term with Hun Sen. And, the King Father seems only have praises for his great leader Hun Sen. Otherwise, Hun Sen would prevent the King from travelling overseas and force him to welcome the South Korean President.

If Hun Sen can threaten to turn Cambodia into a Republic at his command he will have no problem pressuring the King to stay and bite the bullet. The King Mother and Bun Rany must have done something to tame the beast. Not that is meant to be a good sign as well.

Anonymous said...

Politic of the monkeys!

I mean you the commenteers!

what hystory do you learn !

wake up and kick yourself 7 times before you write anything!

Anonymous said...

To 3:02 AM

I'm not quite sure what point you are trying to make. Go back to your English class and do your English homework properly.