Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Phnom Penh, the Wild Wild East Capital of Cambodia

Wednesday, November 8, 2006
3 Shot, Injured During Dispute Between Drivers

By Prak Chan Thul
The Cambodia Daily

Three people in their early 20s were shot and injured during a dispute between drivers in Phnom Penh's Chamkar Mon district Sunday evening, witnesses and police said Tuesday. Koy Kimpheak, who works at a swimming pool cleaning company on Street 63, said two young men and one woman who appeared intoxicated stopped their Toyota RAV4 in the middle of Street 310, which intersects Street 63, to get out and talk. When a Toyota Camry drove up behind their vehicle and started honking, the three threw rocks at it, Koy Kimpheak said. Two men in civilian clothes then emerged from the Camry, and one fired a handgun into the air, Koy Kimpheak recalled. The man then fired six or seven shots directly at the other group, Koy Kimpheak said, adding that the three wounded people ran to Mekong clinic on Street 63. Kim Sotha, a security guard at the clinic, said three people shot in the back, thigh and shoulder came to the clinic at about 9 pm and were transferred to Calmette Hospital. Chamkar Mon district police chief Ouch Sokhon confirmed the shooting but said he could not discuss the case as it is under investigation by the municipal police.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our old proverb goes " when the country is being led by a blind man, the country will face with insecurity, corruption, land grabbing, daytime robberies, killings, drought and flood. People will be very hungry, the country is needing to beg from foreign country. The Nation has lost her dignity and pride. Teachers are no longer well look after. Everyone try to be the God King. THe neighbours are trying to steal lands and seas etc...... All of these blind leaders will die at one event all at once then a real good leader reappear to save the Nation.