Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Sam Rainsy: "...[A]nything which includes the participation of Prince Ranariddh will lead to defeat"

Prince Sisowath Thomico (Photo: RFA)

Thomico and Ranariddh agree to unite

07 Nov 2006
By Sok Serey
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Prince Sisowath Thomico, the general-delegate the Sangkum Jatiniyum Front Party (SJFP), claimed that he and Prince Norodom Ranariddh have agreed between the two political parties [KI-Media note: Prince Ranariddh’s party has not been officially accepted yet] to gather and strengthen royalist lovers, and to again unite the fractious royal family members.

The agreement between Prince Ranariddh and Prince Thomico took place during the meeting between the two princes in Malaysia on 05 Nov, however, there was no signed agreement made.

One source indicated that this is a preparation for entering in the 2007 commune election, and also for forming an alliance before the general election in 2008.

At a press conference on Tuesday, Prince Thomico said: “There will not be any unity made before the commune election. If the unity is started before [the commune election], there will be technical difficulties in preparing the candidates list.”

Prince Thomico said that he wants to ask Mr. Sam Rainsy, President of the Sam Rainsy Party, and members of the royal family, as well as various important political figures to participate [in the unity] in order to gather strength.

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy who is currently in France, told RFA by phone on Tuesday: “Our aim is to obtain a very large number of votes in order to become the No. 1 party to lead the country. I believe that anything which includes the participation of Prince Ranariddh will lead to defeat.”

Regarding the claim made by Prince Thomico on the ability to cooperate between the two princes, Serei Kosal, Prince Ranariddh’s special representative, said: “The royal family members will unite in this difficult moment. The monarchy is under threat.”

Serei Kosal is still waiting for an answer from the Ministry of Interior (MoI) regarding the 27 October application made by Prince Ranariddh to form a new political party.

Khieu Sopheak, MoI spokesman, said that the application provided by Prince Ranariddh has no problem, however, MoI experts are still hesitating: “Samdech Krom Preah sued the 18 [Oct] congress and at the same time, he is applying for forming a new political party. We don’t know which one to resolve first, we don’t know what he wants.”

According to Serei Kosal, Prince Ranariddh would be returning back to Cambodia by the end of this week.


Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy, if you join these idiots again, you know what your fate is. Let these bastards go down the drain. Be strong and reform your party ! Don't follow the Communist-CPP style of running your party. Don't turn your party into a family's business having just ralatives, wives,'s member holding politial stake in your party. Otherwise, no compassionate Khmer, intellectual supports you. All the best and good luck. A SRP's sympathizer

Anonymous said...

khiev Sopheark don't be a prick! do your job!

Or those stupid guys who run MOI do not know how to work? OK We know you stupid know notthing if Vietnameses do not tell you!

How many department do you have in MOI or Hun Sen do every thing?

If the law alowded one person to have two parties let him have it you fool!

If you know not thing about the legal stuff sent the case to the court, and let the supreme court decide if you want it final!

fool work smart,not just smart in corruption!