Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Thomico: SRP will stand responsible before the Cambodian public if it does not join Thomico and Ranariddh for a "regime change" -sic!-

Wednesday, November 8, 2006
Thomico Urges SRP To Join Princes' New Alliance

By Yun Samean

Fresh from recruiting Prince Norodom Ranariddh into a new political alliance, Prince Sisowath Thomico on Tuesday urged the SRP to join ranks with him ahead of the 2008 national elections and defeat the ruling CPP.

Prince Thomico told a press conference that he and Prince Ranariddh have agreed to work toward "regime change" in Cambodia and described the current government as "a people's republic and Oknhaism."

"Up to now only Sam Rainsy remains [outside the alliance]," Prince Thomico said at the Tuol Kok district offices of his Sangkum Jatiniyum Front Party.

"Does he want to join strengths with the objective of getting 50 percent plus one seats to take power?" the prince asked.

He compared his new alliance with Prince Ranariddh to Funcinpec in 1993, and said if the SRP does not respond to his invitation, the party will stand responsible before the Cambodian public.

"I permit Sam Rainsy to decide based on his conscience," Prince Thomico said.

"Myself and Prince Ranariddh don't have the answer. Only Sam Rainsy has the answer," he added.

The two princes have agreed to work together to reunite Cambodia's royal families and rebuild the royalist movement ahead of the 2008 election, he said.

Prince Thomico said he was concerned that the SRP is aligned with the CPP. The decision of SRP lawmakers to vote for the ousting of Funcinpec parliamentarians has exacerbated this fear, he said.

"All these issues created suspicions about the SRP," he said.

SRP Acting Secretary-General Meng Rita said his party would only consider allying with the two princes if they unconditionally agree to join the SRP.

"Prince Thomico's party has no structure while Prince Norodom Ranariddh's reputation is finished," Meng Rita said.

The SRP is not allied with the CPP, but is simply taking a softer approach toward the ruling party, he added.

CPP lawmaker Cheam Yeap said that his party does not see a possible tripartite alliance as a threat to its power.

"People don't get close to those people who just came from France," he said.

"People never forget us...they regard us as second parents."

Funcinpec spokesman Nouv Sovathero said he did not believe Sam Rainsy would risk joining forces with Prince Thomico.

"[The SJF] has no body. Only a head," he said.

However, Koul Panha, executive director of the Committee for Free and Fair Elections, said that a tripartite alliance could offer a genuine challenge to the CPP at the ballot box.

But the real question, he added, is whether Sam Rainsy and Prince Ranariddh can put aside their long-standing animosity and agree to cooperate.

They can compete with the CPP if they trust each other," he said.


Anonymous said...

Depuis de nombreuses années, Ranaridh a toujours eu soif de pouvoir, non pour le bien de son pays, mais pour pouvoir se livrer à ses trafics d'influence ( vente de postes de fonctionnaires ministériels, ... ). Il est pret à toutes les bassesses pour disposer ne serait-ce que les insignes d'un pouvoir factice.

Qu'a fait Thomico par le passé pendant que les membres du Party Sam Rainsy risquent leur vie pour s'opposer sur le terrain au dictateur ? RIEN, nothing, nada !

Conclusion : Que les NORODOM et les SISOWATH couchent avec leurs danseuses favorites et quittent la polititique ou, comme Ranaridh, le pays !
A défaut, que les princes aillent coller les affiches du PSR avec leur 4 X 4.

Anonymous said...

Depuis de nombreuses années, Ranaridh a toujours eu soif de pouvoir, non pour le bien de son pays, mais pour pouvoir se livrer à ses trafics d'influence ( vente de postes de fonctionnaires ministériels, ... ). Il est pret à toutes les bassesses pour disposer ne serait-ce que les insignes d'un pouvoir factice.

Qu'a fait Thomico par le passé pendant que les membres du Party Sam Rainsy risquent leur vie pour s'opposer sur le terrain au dictateur ? RIEN, nothing, nada !

Conclusion : Que les NORODOM et les SISOWATH couchent avec leurs danseuses favorites et quittent la polititique ou, comme Ranaridh, le pays !
A défaut, que les princes aillent coller les affiches du PSR avec leur 4 X 4.

Anonymous said...

Look who talking? These two bloody idiot princes, you should ask yourselves mate? Thomico! I reckon you should watch what you talking. Nararriddh's political life is already finished! and for you is nothing compare to Sam Rainsy and SRP. Your parties are just like WITCHES(ie. only heads exist).

Sam Rainsy must be stupid if you believe these two bloody crazy princes!


Anonymous said...

Thomico! fuck off. You should be ashamed of yourself. Leave SRP alone. This party and its leader have been doing excellent works for Khmer people!.

From Cambodian youth in Australia.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Tombitcho, as far as i'm concern -- anyone that sided with ah Norodumb family had no moral principle and dignity for humanity.

This royal pain Swines are brought Khmers people suffering for eternity. Khmer were known once as the Great Empire, now we are known as the Beggar Empire! This is a result of the Norodumb Lineages.

Anonymous said...

Does KI know what "sic" means? Or what does it means by "sic"?


Anonymous said...

It is good to form an alliance to change the cuurent evile regime, but to form any kind of alliance with Ranarith will be doom to destruction, as the recent past lessons have told us. I wish all opposition forces to form an implicitly strong alliance under a good leadership, not Ranarith.

Anonymous said...

Thomico you should read more about democracy! not "roubroup chiis kor reas!"

you stupid just try to do your best and let good people do their own thing not to get bad smele from your shit eater.

The fuck of Fucksomprick had been colaborated with CPP to destroy the country for many term, it need to be kicked by the head if we have the opportunity, you prick prince!

Anonymous said...

Thomico, Rannaridh geta-fuck out of Khmer politics. The only objective you want to do is to restore your royal clans and power. You don't think about the suffering of our people. Leave SRP alone, they are doing a very good job for the people. If Thomico think he is patriotic, he should find a better person to join with him or join with SRP who has more popularity among khmer people, rather than calling rannaridh (womanizer) to destruct his own party.

Anonymous said...

These clown princes are DELLUSIONAL. This is what happen when there's too much in-breeding within the "royal" family. Retardation overtake mutation that are part of the intelligence design and you loose all sense of reality.

Anonymous said...

Everyone ages 18 and above in Cambodia is fullly accountable and responsible for the future of the country and her young generation. Your vote is your weapon and hope. HISTORY: It took many generations of Black people in South Africa to overthrow apartheid regime. It took FILIPINOS over thirty years to overthrow their dictatorship.

IN CAMBODIA, One chopstick can be broken but except a bunch. Here in USA, UNITED WE STAND. Mr.Thomico or Tobacco, you got that PAL.

Anonymous said...

Thomico was fearful about recent SRP MPs joined CPP for voting to strip some FUNCIPEC MPs from their positions. And that's the case created his concern.

In 2005, FUNCIPEC and CPP MPs joined forces to strip the immunity of SAM RAINSY along three others SRP MPs, prompted Mr. Sam ran for his life and sent one of SRP MPs to the hell of prison.
You should do better than that?

Anonymous said...


First time I heard about this name and looks like HIV person in the photo.

Tomato, you're dumb head. Why you put condition for SRP to join you? It should be another way around. I hate the Cambodia royal family. Whoever told me that he or she is relating to royal family, I give a shit. This family is the truth Khmer rouge, especially their father (Sihanouk) who destroyed Cambodia and its people as a whole. If anyone of you don't see this, go to library or internet to see what he has done to the country. He never sided with the West, only the communist countries. That means Is he a communist? The answer is 100% Yes.

For CCP, You and I have one or more relatives working for Hun Sen, but personally, I don't like them even though they're relating to me. These people are just lazy and dumb head that don't want to work hard for the money. They just want to make the easy way and look for their own interest like big house, power, and wealth. They're traitors and no brain.

Time to have a regime change. When it changes, the new government need to take all their properties and money wherever they have and place it in the people bank. The more Ah Hun Sen leads this nation, the more land and poor people lost their lives.

Regime changes... and do whatever you can to support one good person and that person is honorable Sam Rainsy.


Anonymous said...

Yes! tell him to look in too his own pans!
And they find nothing but $ still from Country and sold the life of FUNCIPEC members in 1997!

Anonymous said...

Youn shit Pal! If the Rannarith get the power will he do any good to the people or his just to currupt more so La Phalala let him lick her bottom!


Anonymous said...

Go help and loyal to the King forget of those frog called princes!

we are strong we we work together under the king in democracy that mean multy parties under the King !

Anonymous said...

Ranarith could NOT even successfully maintain his leadership in well-established FUNCINPEC for which the khmer people had voted, how can he hope to be successfull with his leadership in a new party?????????

Anonymous said...

Thomico said " [he and Ranariddh] have agreed to work together to reunite Cambodia's royal families and rebuild the royalist movement ahead of the 2008 election". Nothing is said about improving ordinary Khmer's interest but his own's family. Royalist movement believes in monarchy but Khmer people believe in DEMOCRACY. Too bad Thomico cannot see the differences between the two.

Anonymous said...

Ranarith? As Cambodian we have tried this idiot and we dont't it. Tomico don't talk stupit at least you need som sort of respect for yourself.
Sam Rainsy? At least his the only choice for change and the only hope for Camodian futhure, he is on his way up and should mix with you (Ranarith Tomico, Sihanoukist)rotten eggs

Anonymous said...

How many times we have heard this animal Rannarith talk about regime change?
-Is it poosible for him to remove Hun Sen? Hun Sen is being supported unconditionally by Sihanouk for an exchange to spare him from the Khmer Rouge trial. Hun Sen can call Sihanouk to the trial at any moment if this sihanouk upset him. Therefore Sihanouk must do all possible can to suck his dick to make sure that Hun Sen is 100% confortable.
-In this reason what Chance can Rannarith do? Lie Lie Lie Lie and make 10000000000of lie to get power for monies !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Definition of -sic!-

According to Wikipedia in French: "En français, sic est couramment utilisé comme une moquerie, pour souligner un point faible dans l'argumentation d'une personne ou introduire une réflexion ironique." (In French, sic is commonly used as a gibe, to underline a weak point in someone's argument or to introduce an ironic reflection.)

According to Wikipedia in English: Sic is a Latin word meaning "thus", "so", or "just as that". In writing, it is italicized and placed within square brackets — [sic] — to indicate that an incorrect or unusual spelling, phrase, or other preceding quoted material is a verbatim reproduction of the quoted original and is not a transcription error.

This may be used either to show that an uncommon or archaic usage is reported faithfully (for instance, quoting the U.S. Constitution, "The House of Representatives shall chuse [sic] their Speaker...") or to highlight an error, often for the purpose of ridicule or irony (for instance, "Dan Quayle famously changed a student's spelling to 'potatoe' [sic]"), or otherwise, to quote accurately whilst maintaining the reputation of the person or organization quoting its source.

Hope this helps 6:14 pm!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sam Rainsy, please don't be fooled by naked trick to hold you political hostage by these idiots. Stand firm on your principles, lean on intellectuals, listen to youth, and your heart. I'll love to see you at the Ministry of Finance again.

Anonymous said...

I agree with many people here. It is just a waste of time to help the FUNCINPEC type parties. You seldom hear of them doing half as much activism for the rights of the people as do the SRP. Offtopic: I always wondered this. Is it true that Norodom Sihanouk had Sam Rainsy's father executed during one of his purges?

Anonymous said...

Hey everybody,
I feel impressed by all your comments. It seems that all of you have the same feeling about Cambodia situation.

I see this blog as a good way for all of you-I mean Cambodian people to express their idea freely. No one gonna know who you are!

Cambodian people do not have their voice in newspaper because of political pressure. You can be arrested by saying something like some of commenter have said, I believe.

I have an encouragement for all Cambodian citizens to express their thought about Cambodian Government in this kind of blog.

This is a freedom of speech. You can say what you think...

Anonymous said...

The only change that people see is to get rid of the ruling party.

And I think the only choice that we as Cambodian citizen have is opposition party.

So get ready to vote on 2008

Anonymous said...

Thank you, 4.25 am. Your explanation is clear. So KI may be run by people with French background.

However, Wikipedia may have some credibility problem. It explains that the Great Wall of China was built to keep rabbits out.


Anonymous said...

Why having an army of the royalty family joining the SRP is a bad

Didn't we all want change? and
Deosn't any body deserve a second chance?

If together means changing, i said let not wasting time fighting! let's start find some real solution or figuring out how to put an end to you know....

Prince Thomico is a republican at heart anyway and with him as a good influence to Prince Ranarith, the 1970 case seems like the thing of the past.

The SRP should learn to make Royal family feel at ease and comfortable instead of driving them away.

Cambodia of 2007 see way beyond that! and this time for some real makeover!

Picture this:

Imagine if King Sihanouk saw Mr. Lon Nol the way, he should have been seen. May be plunging Cambodia into the war, but 2 millions of us probably would have been able to escape those those nasty death after all and why Thailand continue to proper when we are all in hell?

Please God help my brothers and sisters get along just for one.... I want to live in peace. So I can concentrate on taking care of my own well being, other's well being and live longer with more meaningful life and get rich! and live happily ever after with my own family and freinds. Please God Please help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

More of The SRP

Can you win this war alone? or do you see that The CPP is seeing what we are seeing? meaning using an ordinary citizens'strenght from the royal family to win their votes as well as the Viet's strenght to help them.

Is it better cutting one- half or one -third out of their so calls" the comfort zone"?

We are Khmers, but sorry..not pro Veit and If The CPP is refusing to see that half of their brothers and sisters aren't so hot about The Viet and continue to do nothing about it. Let's most of us tell them on the election day that we like The SRP and the royal family better by saying bye bye on the election day of 2008.

I see Prince Thomico and Prince Ran are having an equal chance and an equal right to win as the SRP would. There are a lot of Khmers that love the old King and still do. The connection are still concret and valid. One word of cautious, please watch the The KR Trail. Will the royal family have anything to do with it? and what is their chance of saving their good name?

Good luck SRP!, you should be the Government in 2008!!!!! Cambodia needs new look, new direction and we need you!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

SRP in government in 2008?

They can't even appoint a secretary-general for their party, how are they going to manage the whole government machinery full of CPP supporters?


Anonymous said...

There are a lot of Khmers out there that would mind helping The SRP and sit on their Senate seats for a change. What make you so sure those people are irreplacable? No one is wrap with gold. Are we?