Gov't Official Offers Cash To Bury Child-Rape Case
By Chhay Channyda
A deputy district governor, who is the father of a Siem Reap province police officer accused of raping a 12-year-old girl, admitted Wednesday that he offered money to the victim's mother to withdraw her complaint against him. Bakong deputy district governor Kong Pro Loeung said that his son, 21-year-old Kong Sokhun, is guilty of rape, but that to protect his son from prosecution, he asked commune police to offer compensation to the victim's mother. "If he is arrested, I could not help him because he really raped the girl," Kong Pro Loeung said by telephone. Sous Narin, Adhoc provincial monitor, said that Kong Pro Loeung offered $500 to the victim's mother in exchange for dropping charges against Kong Sokhun. "If she receives money, the rape case will not reach the court," Sous Narin said. Sous Narin said on Monday that the 12-year-old was raped repeatedly at the Kok Chak commune office by three policemen between Nov 11 and Nov 13 after she ran away from home. Kong Sokhun and fellow commune policemen Neang Sam Sineth, 25, and Lach Vichheka, 19, have been on the run since Dec 6, Siem Reap deputy district police chief Mok Sam On said on Wednesday. Arrest warrants have not been issued, he said.
Please help the victim, don't take $ 500. I beg all authorities to arrest all the culprits and put them all in jail and charge them thousand and thousand dollars. The life of the girl is not worth $500, show the rich that the Poor are not a monky seeing bananas.
I am interested in offering the parents of this child $500 or more to get this case to court. If you are interested in helping seek justice please see my posts at:
We can't end corruption but we can do our part.
to all, I also am willing to give mony as needed to get this case to court. BUT the only way we will is if we get the UN and international media involved. Call your local media. we need international protest. Write your president, the leaders of China, Hun Sen of Cambodia, the leader of Vietnam. THIS 12yo GIRL WAS RAPED BY THE POLICE. The people who are supposed to be there to help her. Yes it is one case in one poor country, but it is against all laws of humanity.WE MUST MAKE THIS AN INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT SO THAT JUSTICE WILL BE DONE. Please help.
I think:
1- first these gangster policemen must be arrested and sentented.
2- The second, this deputy district governor KONG PRO LOEUNG must be complained to the court also. In his capacity as second man in the district, he tried to influence local police to close his son's file. And
3- The third one, there should be an investigation on how this ganger Kong Sokhon was recruited as a policeman. At the age of 21 year old and as a son of a diputy district governor, he should be still in school or university if he is a good guy. If otherwise not good, his recruitment must be done by his father's influence, a kind of corruption in recruiting police corp.
I appreciate ADHOC officials. You are doing a very good job. Please continue it. I appreciate the Cambodia forum. Please try together to share some parts if we can't stop corruption.
If this case goes to court... these waste of sperm and egg, will go free.. Trusting the Cambodian court is like responding to an emial that you've just inherit 1 million dollar from Nigeria and they need your account number to deposit the cash.
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