Sunday, December 03, 2006

Ieng Sary might bite the dust before facing the ECCC

Ieng Sary reported to have suffered heart trauma

Post Reporters
Phnom Penh Post, Issue 15 / 24, December 1 - 14, 2006

Ieng Sary, the former Khmer Rouge Brother Number 3, suffered heart trauma on November 20 and was flown to Bangkok where he remained for just over a week, a physician in Pailin with close ties to the family has told the Post.

Sary, now 77, returned to his home in Phnom Penh on November 28, but he remained "seriously sick" and his family are gravely concerned for his life, the doctor said.

Peter Foster, spokesman for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) said he had no information on Sary's health or recent movements, adding that the ECCC had no comment on individuals, however notorious, who have not been charged.

Sary was sentenced to death in absentia by the 1979, People's Republic of Kampuchea Court but received a Royal Pardon in 1996 after defecting to the CPP with hundreds of Khmer Rouge fighters.

One of the key issues meant to be resolved by the ECCC's draft internal rules was whether pardons — such as that received by Sary — would be honored or whether such individuals could potentially face new charges.

On November 25 the ECCC announced that the plenary session had failed to approve the draft rules because of a failure to reach consensus on certain key points.

"There is no guarantee that he will even be charged," Foster said. "People have assumptions, but the investigators don’t even tell us [the press office] which cases they are building."

Although Sary's prosecution is uncertain, his purported heart trauma highlights again the fragile health of many of the key figures potentially slated for prosecution.

In July 2006, Ta Mok, Southwest zone secretary under the Khmer Rouge regime, died in prison.


Anonymous said...

Pailin sacred Yat mount will be Sary (Ong Kim Tran) memorial monument site as opposed to Anlong Veng for Comrade Mok.

Government reserves Mount Daun Penh for Sihanouk and Tuol Sleng For Nuon Chea.

Old US embassy site in the 60's will be Khiev Samphan small memorial stupa there.

Anonymous said...

I don't thing Phnom Donpenh is the right place for Sihanouk, let put him beside his best friend Hochimin.

Anonymous said...

That I agree.Mr.Sihanouk wanted to be so much like Ho Chi Minh,his adopted father beside Chou En Lai and Kim Il Song.

He let Surkano had Monique part time while in turn he played house with Surkano Japanese mistress. (source from his own info)

The deal was he can be the communist unscrupulous stooge for later decades in SE Asia.

Anonymous said...

Ahh Ieng Sary, Ahh dog, ahh chhke, ghost is waiting for you in few minutes to come. You killed khmer, do you hear their voices which are calling you to accompany??? They will cut your soul again in millions pieces, you will fall into millions noruk. I want to have your head to kick now, I'll kick your head millions times. I want to see you cry millions time of the khmer's cries during your time in reign. You make me and other thousands orphans cry and suffer of losing family and died of hunger, now I want to paint your head and your face with all orphans's stool, I want to see your face while you get pain of heart trauma. Do you know how pain is??? Ahh Chhke Ieng Sary, Ahh dog Ieng Sary, Ahh pred Ieng Sary.... you and your camarade ahh Noun Chea and Ahh Khiev Samphan will die in the most extreme pain. You all will receive millions of pain more than our innocent people who you killed. All your souls should be put in toilet so people can feed you all with stool cos you all like that.

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk who used to cooperate with Ahh dog Pol Pot, Ah dog Ieng Sary, Ahh dog Noun chea, ahh dog khiev Samphan...etc, should not be cremated in Cambodia. Their bodies are not worth to be stored in Cambodian land.

Anonymous said...

reserve not thing for them give its to the dogs!