Reaksmey Heng
Voice of America
Washington DC
39 custom and police officials in Banteay Mean Chey province are removed from their positions immediately on Wednesday.
Om Yentieng, a close advisor to Prime Minister Hun Sen and also chairman of the government's anti-corruption unit, said at a press conference that these officials have been accused of taking bribes from merchants and for allowing them to import some 800 right-hand-drive cars into Cambodia.
Since March, Cambodia has banned the import of those vehicles. Cambodia is plagued by corruption at almost every level of society and government.
Cambodia is ranked at 151 out of 163 countries for corruption, this according to the 2006 report by Transparency International.
Om Yentieng, a close advisor to Prime Minister Hun Sen and also chairman of the government's anti-corruption unit, said at a press conference that these officials have been accused of taking bribes from merchants and for allowing them to import some 800 right-hand-drive cars into Cambodia.
Since March, Cambodia has banned the import of those vehicles. Cambodia is plagued by corruption at almost every level of society and government.
Cambodia is ranked at 151 out of 163 countries for corruption, this according to the 2006 report by Transparency International.
congratulation...but who else not corrupted in cambodia....may buddha destroyed all corrupted person so cambodia can be free...and prosper....
Om Yintieng!!! mind you do me a favor! investigate Sok An, Cham Prasedh, Hok Lunly, Pen Simorn, So Khun, Chan Sarun, Tea Banh, Kiet Chhon, Chiem Yeab and finaly yourself and Hun Sen, nah!!!
I would be appreciate you very much.
Monkey sees, monkey does....I wonder whose examples are they following Mr. Om Yentieng?
Dear mates,
I totally agree with you in asking Monster OM to investigate some other high corrupted people.
One more family you should include is the family of HOR Namhong in the Foreign Affairs.
This fox and his children reign the Foreign Affairs almost two decades. Most officials in the Ministry are crying but they are affraid to say it out because they are afraid of this fox family.
All HOR Namhong children are not qualified for the position they are holding, they have no official education background but pretend to be highly qualified people.
HOr Sothuon, as the Secretary General of the Ministry, but never deals with the challenging issuses, for instance politic, economic...but deals only with lady job such as posting people abroad, promotion officials....
Any officials posted abroad must pay HOR Sothuon in advance from US$5000 to 20000 deeming country where they would be posted.
HOR MOniroth, promoted to the Director of Legal Department while was working in France. THis fellow doesnot read english properly but pretends to be the best english reader.
HOR Nambora, Ambassador who never speaks to Cambodian people in Australia, just shift his office from Canberra to London. You might ask every single Cambodian-Australian about what he acted in Canberra.
MONSTER OM should investigate this family too..........Maybe the fate of this family will be coming after the next election........? DO WISH SO................
Mr.Om Yintieng ,
Regarding the fire of the 39 corrupted officers please answer the question from a VOA reporter officially.He asked you in name of the Cambodian listeners , not for himself.
Please act diplomatically when you speak in the name of the governement.
Good first step, but why waited until 800 illegal cars brought into Cambodia. That is why there are so many accident happens daily. Not enough yet, there are many many more corrupted officials in Cambodia. This is probably only .001% (1 in 1000 people) that should be fired. It needs to be a real number here not in decimal form. Every year the number of corrupted people in cluding those monsters like Lundy or Namhong ought to be fired or prosecuted also. Do not fire just the little ones. Go for it Om Yentieng
Only the small fish are punished. Mr. OYT should also question his boss, Hun Sen, about this problem. It is Mr. "know-all" Hun Sen who keeps changing his mind about the status of the right-hand drive vehicles in Cambodia. His unruly tongue has caused confusion many times to ordinary motorists. Whenever there are demands for the right-hand vehicles, with the on-and-off approvals of Mr. Strongman, there are smugglings for such vehicles. The main customers are Cambodian military officials. And, those high-ranking custom officials, who are related to leading CPP members and responsible for those border areas, are not arrested.
Don't expect those big fish to be prosecuted any time soon, and Mr. OYT knows that. Those big fish could only be brought down by one of the following options: a bullet, a deadly virus or a lightning strike from above. As no Cambodian compatriots have the courage to carry out the first option, let God sort them out with the second and third options whenever He could find time to review the wish list of the Cambodian people.
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