Friday, December 15, 2006

Vietnam, Cambodia to complete border marking by late 2008

December 15, 2006

Vietnam and Cambodia plan to complete their border demarcation and landmark planting by the end of 2008, local newspaper Vietnam News reported Friday.

The Commission for Ideology and Culture under the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee held a conference on Thursday to disseminate information about the border demarcation.

The supplement to a treaty on border demarcation, signed by the two countries' prime ministers in October 2005, paves the way for their improved political and economic ties, and the setting of border markers.

Since the signing of the treaty in 1985, Vietnam and Cambodia have demarcated over 200 km out of the 1,137 km shared between the two countries, and planted 72 markers out of the 322 planned ones, said the report.

The Vietnam-Cambodia Joint Committee on Border Demarcation has agreed to use newly-designed landmarks to replace existing ones. Vietnam will help Cambodia manufacture the landmarks after the two sides agree to use symbols and scripts.

Ten of Vietnam's 64 cities and provinces border nine localities of Cambodia.

Source: Xinhua


Anonymous said...

This freaking border agreement between ah HUN SEN and the Vietcongs should be declared illegal because ah HUN SEN is a Viet dog.

Anonymous said...

Its about time the government stop allowing those fucking vietnamese to steal our land. Those fucking vietnamese deserve to die, they're the scum of the world, who are made up of nothing more than thieves, robbers, and prostitutes!! Fucking Vietnamese people!! get the fuck out of our country and give us all our fucking land back!!