Tuesday, December 05, 2006

'White Ribbon' Campaign Fights Domestic Violence

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

By Kuch Naren

Door-to-door visits are being made to rural homes in four provinces as part of a campaign to fight domestic violence, NGO workers said Monday.

NGO workers from Gender and Development for Cambodia and the Cambodian Men's Network are visiting villagers in Kompong Chhnang, Pursat, Prey Veng and Kompong Speu provinces during the "white ribbon campaign" to combat domestic violence, which began Nov 25 and will conclude Dec 10.

Ros Sopheap, GDC executive director, said that the campaign was named for the small ribbons supporters wear to pay tribute to victims of violence. The white ribbon campaign has been an annual event for six years, but door-to-door visits have only been introduced in the past three, Ros Sopheap added.

"We can educate perpetrators of violence and victims directly at the scene," she said, adding that the four provinces have particular problems with domestic violence, and little access to outside information.

GDC has also distributed leaflets and posters and aired radio talk shows and televised discussions about domestic violence in the four provinces as well as in Banteay Meanchey province and Phnom Penh. NGO workers have distributed ribbons to more than 50,000 supporters so far this year.

Pak Sokhom, a Royal University of Phnom Penh student who took part in last year's white ribbon campaign, said that participation from men is critical to ending domestic violence.

"The number of men using violence is higher than the number of women," he said.

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