Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Aussies aid Cambodians in wildlife program

January 16, 2007

Australian wildlife experts have joined an international training program to help Cambodian officials thwart wildlife trafficking.

Cambodian police, forest rangers and customs officials began the 10-day training program on Tuesday in the coastal city of Sihanoukville.

The program was organised by US-based conservation group WildAid and conducted by law enforcement agents from the United States and wildlife experts from Australia and New Zealand.

Wildlife trade has escalated to "alarming levels" in the region but poses "an especially acute threat" in Cambodia, which is poor but has a rich array of wildlife, the group said in a statement.

"In this high-stake, multibillion dollar business, well-organised wildlife traffickers are taking bolder, more destructive actions that could wipe out the region's wildlife in the matter of years," the statement said.

The training was aimed at teaching techniques in surveillance, profiling and interviewing suspects and was to include simulated raids and arrests to prepare Cambodian officials for real-life scenarios, the statement said.

It is part of the Wildlife Enforcement Network that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, launched in December 2005. ASEAN is made up of Brunei, Burma, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia.

Tim Redford, deputy director of WildAid's field operations, said the training's significance was boosted by the presence of three representatives from China, a country where trafficked animals are often destined for restaurants or for use in traditional medicine.

"China is one of the important consuming countries of wildlife products, and we are willing to have more collaboration with" ASEAN countries to combat wildlife trafficking, said Dr Li Zhang, an associate professor of Beijing Normal University, who works on wildlife issues for the Chinese government.


Anonymous said...

Yep, wild life is very important
for Cambodia. We don't want any
endangered species to choke for
carbon monoxide emitted from
gas or desiel combustion engine.
Therefore, we should raise gas
and desiel price to combat abusers
from polluting our environment and
protecting our valuable wild-life
for our future generation to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Hmm ... I wonder what happen to all
those Psychoes and idiots who
whined and cried about pretrol

No reply for a while. They must be
busy trying to get their foot out
of their mouth. Mua ha ha ha ....

Anonymous said...

One of the thing that really crack
me up constantly is when those
brainless fools proposed to the
khmer people to vote for a loser
to run our country who only got
a fairy tales experiences. They
think they are smart enough to
deceive khmer prople, ha ha ha,
LOL, ROFLMAO, ha ha ha, LOL,
haaaaa... it's really killing me
just to talk about it, ha ha ha
LOL ..... ha ha ha !!!!

Anonymous said...

This guy must be AH HUN SEN's top dog. I don't think this DUMB ASS live in his FUCKING holly soil as he claim he is....This motherfucker is so good in trashing people. Now we are outgunned....

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and don't you forget it,
Psycho. Mua ha ha ha ... ha ha ha.

Anonymous said...

He is trash alright. Look at all the trash he's leaving around KI and other Khmer forums.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your complement. That is
exactly my job, which is to feed
Psychoes and Khmer Krom leftwingers
and troublemakers trashes.

Hmm ... since I did a great job,
I think I am going to ask for
a 35% salary increase on our next
team meeting. After all, I haven't
have a raise for about 6 months

Anonymous said...

ah chhkae yuon, ah runteas banh, ah slab tayhorng soon. 35% my arse ah runteass banh.

Anonymous said...

Yeeh, Ah Chau Ma Seet nuv yum teit.
reign tuv bauv kdau skair tuv, srul
kloon veign huy.

Anonymous said...

ah kantorp ah chhkae yuon suck my d*ck.

Anonymous said...

LOL, Psycho don't have dick. Dog
can't even find it. Maybe it only
show up in your rat's hole.

Anonymous said...

To 3:16 AM,11:52 AM, 4:09AM, 6:29 AM.

I know the Vietcong like to eat dog and only a motherfucker like you would dare to come in KI-media to promote dog eating Viet culture on Cambodian people!!!You can do better this!!!aahahahhahah!

It took AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave over 30 years with over 1000 advisors and a fake Phd and he still can't run the fucken country without consulting the Vietcong dog eater for direction!!!ahahahahah!

At least Mr. SAM RAINSY has his CPA firm which is a fucken hand on experience in real life!!!!Tell me does AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave ever own any business in his life time? And this slave is running the Cambodia into the ground!!!!

AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave is the CEO of Cambodia???ahahahahha If AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave truely has his own business and his business couldn't survive the first 5 years without filing bankruptcy and run into red ink!!!!

It no wonder he is afraided to step down for fearing being shot in broad day light for his stupidity!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Vietcong and Khmer are
buddies in the real world and we
love to eat Khmer Krom leftwinger
criminal, not dog, Psycho.