Monday, January 15, 2007

Child Porn Sick, No Matter Where The Child Lives

Monday, January 15, 2007

Letter to the Editor
The Cambodia Daily

I am aghast at the widespread availability of child porn in Phnom Penh and the raw indifference towards it of officials and porn vendors.

It is sickening and deeply shaming that Cambodian officials and sellers could make a clear, nonchalant distinction about torture of children based on their nationality. Is it OK if the filmed sexual torture is being committed against a Vietnamese rather than a Cambodian child? Are we this lost as a people?

One official reportedly said "I don't believe that Khmer children are even like that Maybe they are Vietnamese," ("Officials Resigned to Child Porn Presence in City," Friday, page 1). What did he mean? He could not possibly have meant that these children are volunteering to be tortured, could he?

This is a human issue, not a political one. Whatever we may feel regarding Vietnam politically, let us not malign a human being—particularly a child—for political expediency.

As a Cambodian, I am deeply ashamed by these statements. Upon reading articles about pornography, one cannot help but be angry, disgusted and shocked by the magnitude of the problem, and the silence and indifference of our government in response to it.

Theary Seng,
Executive Director,
The Center for Social Development
Phnom Penh


Anonymous said...

Theary Seng should be commended for her stinging letter in today's Cambodia Daily. If only a government spokesperson or minster had the courage and foresight to take such a bold stand against this outrageous abuse being committed against innocent children. It was shocking to read that the Government's spokesperson suggested that those selling these vile videos should not be charged, repridmanded or in some way punished for the sale of such material simply because they are poor. Nobody has the right to sell, make or view this kind of sick material. If one was to work on the basis of only punishing the producers (which rightly they should be punished to the maximum - if only a law existed)then the poor, whoever they are, should also be allowed to break every law in order to get money. In effect, they also be allowed to rob, kill, sell drugs, take part in human trafficking, deforestation and partake in wholesale corruption in all its forms. There are enough people doing this already so no need for the poor to join these ranks. Since when has poverty been a defense against child abuse in any country in the world - please Cambodia don't set a precedent!

Anonymous said...

Theary Seng want to be my bitch!!!
For a bitch like her and I need two!

Anonymous said...

Hi 4:04 PM.
Sounds like you lost the business "porn" because Theary Seng spoke up against it, eh?
If she is a Bitch don't forget to look at your mother, she too is a bitch. Since your mother is a bitch, thus you are a son of bitch (SOB). Get it? Your abnormal development of the brain that's why you enjoy hurting and harming the society.

Anonymous said...

Very well said, Theary Seng.

Anonymous said...

To 4:04 PM.

You must be some inbred Asian redneck who bang his own sister to get high. Get your head out of your ass, you pediphile looser. You are worth less than a piece of dog shit sitting under your nose.

Anonymous said...

Hi 4:57 AM,
I'm not Theary Seng. I only support her article protecting kids.

Anonymous said...

You stupid Hun Xen go rto hell!

Anonymous said...

Psycho got it backward again.