Sunday, January 21, 2007

China does not care about the Khmer Rouge Trial

20 Jan 2007
By Huy Vannak
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Socheata

According to officials from both the CPP and Funcinpec, the visiting Communist Party of China (CPC) delegation did not talk about the Khmer Rouge Trial during its official visit in Cambodia.

On 17 Jan, a 6-member delegation of the CPC led by Chen Jianguo, member of the central committee of the CPC and secretary of the Ningxia Hui autonomous region, performed an official visit in Cambodia to strengthen the cooperation and the friendship with Cambodia.

According to Cheam Yiep, CPP MP, during its visit, the Chinese delegation met with the president of the National Assembly, the president of the Senate, the prime minister, and officials from a few political parties. However, in all the official meetings held, the Khmer Rouge [Trial] issue was never raised.

Cheam Yiep said: “[In the past,] the Khmer Rouge had friendly relationship with China, therefore we see that China is considering this issue as its normal issue between China and the Khmer Rouge during that time.”

According Nouv Sovathero, Funcinpec spokesman, the Chinese delegation also met with Nhiek Bun Chhay, Funcinpec secretary-general. However, Chen Jianguo did not talk about the Khmer Rouge Trial either.

Chinese leaders used to oppose the international community for the formation of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. China claimed that this issue is Cambodia’s internal affair.

Hang Puthea, NICFEC NGO executive director, said: “During the genocidal regime, it was China which stood closely by the Pol Pot gang itself. Therefore, China is embarrassed by its past relationship.”

China is providing multi-million Yuan in aid and loan to Cambodia. Hang Puthea is afraid that China’s aid is nothing more than a strategy to exert its influence on the progress of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal.


Anonymous said...

I don't understand what is the big
deal? The communist era is dead for
a few decades now, and it has been
archived in history. Anyone
want to learn, just find a book.
We have many current issues to talk
about beside echoeing this shit
for a million times.

Anonymous said...

If you are Khmer, "the big deal" is your 3 million innocent Khmer people were injustly slaughtered. Your priority duty is to provide and assist your Khmer brothers and sisters anyway you can to help find justice for your dead relatives and the rest of your Khmer people.

However, if you are the ethnic other than Khmer then you are either plain ignorant or you need to get yourself some education and learn more about the world around you.


Anonymous said...

Yes, that is why I condemn the
backstabers and traitors. They are
the one who caused the 3 millions
wasted. If you don't learn that
lesson fast, there will be 3
millions more dead soon. Get it?

Anonymous said...

The "big deal" is that China is intent on regaining its ancient position as the uncontested ruling power of Southeast Asia, to which all Southeast Asian kingdoms bowed and paid tribute for 1,000 years. The last thing China wants is to have its support for the Khmer Rouge butchers publicized at an international tribunal and recorded in the history books. On the other hand, Japan, which has been trying to live down its own butchery in the region for 50 years now, would love to see China so embarrased, and has thus paid most of the bill to make the KR trials happen.

Anonymous said...

P.S.: If you ASEAN countries don't start to hang together, you will, as the saying goes, surely hang separately.

Anonymous said...

Even IF what you say is true, with
the Big Boss dead, hanging the
little guys it not pretty. After
all, the little guys don't have
much choices. They either agree
with the Big Boss, or die as a

Therefore you are hanging people
who are just trying to survive, and
you will be condemned by future

Anonymous said...

if the trial takes place at outside Cambodia may be, but if it is inside Cambodia, it will do no good because some of the killers are in power that includes the communist government from East next door.

Anonymous said...

Definitely, we should round up
all those KK Extremist muderers
for the trial as well.

Anonymous said...

Chinese does not care about the Khmer Rouge trial. Obviously it is working to the benefit of China so they could careless. But the question is: Does HUN SEN/CPP care about the KR trial? Because clearly it would benefit Cambodia if the trial take place. Or are they just buying time to let those old geezers slip away through death naturaly.

Anonymous said...

The trial would benefit Cambodia?
Will this stop the suffering of the
2 millions plus jobless that we
have on the street right now?
I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

I say the TRIAL will benefit to the victim families if it takes place at outside Cambodia. However, it won't benefit if it takes place in Cambodia. Because Hun Sen and Yuan will control over behind the scene. One wrong Move these savage people like Nguyen Van Son aka Hoc Lungdy police will shoot you in cold blood.

I agree that this TRIAL will do no good, because it is in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Dude 2:56 AM!

If someone killed a member of your family, do you want a trial?

Anonymous said...

Hey, I don't care if the Trial
take place on the moon. Without
Pol Pot, I can't see how anyone
could possible be benefit by it.
Do you really think the victim
will be happy to hang people who
has no choice but to follow the
devil (Pot Pot)? You do that, and
I guarantee you that you will be
fried in hell for eternity, and
your offsprings and siblings will
suffered from a miserable life that
you will wished you had never
brought them into this world.
You understand what I am saying?

Anonymous said...

Evil Pol Pot but who created him?
It's all about Vietnam Conspiracy since the beginning. Vietnam created the genocide in Cambodia. I am not surprised Vietnam herself who created KR vs. KR and used it as a scapegote to invade Cambodia.
Pol Pot gone but some killers are still here. Hun Sen, Hok Lungdy.. were/are Khmers' killer.

Anonymous said...

Okay, the Devil Pol Pot had no
power when Somdach Euv ruled
Cambodia. No one can beat SomDach
Euv's iron fist. That is why ah
Chmacrava called him Tyranny,
because him and his people are
no match for Somdach Euv and they
are jealous.

And Yeah, Vietnam (KK Extremists)
master minded the entire
conspiracy. They are smart from
living in a fast and competitive
society, but they are not as smart
as the true Hanoi Vietnamese.

No one created KR, they grew from
your stupid Democracy or from the
freedom to assembly, speech ...
which they don't have when the
country was ruled by Somdach Euv's
iron fist. But since, you took
the throne from Somdach Euv, he
have every right to help his
opponent grew to help take his
throne back. What is so bad about
that? and he done that by hook up
Pot Pot with Bejing. Now they are
30 times stronger. And because
they have common enemy (US) with
Hanoi, Hanoi also help them. Now
they 80% stronger ... And with
the corrupted SISOWATT Sarimatak
in charge, that is how you are
dead in the water. So who really
at fault here?

People under Pol Pot are not
killers if you understand Pol Pot.
If you dissagree with him, soon or
later, you will be pick up by UFO
if you know what I mean. If you
muder innocent people, you will
have a heck of time answering to
God, but hey, don't take my word
for it. We (the CPP) just know
evil will never defeated us.

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

Well, why should they care about
backstabers and traitors, huh?