Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Document for the nomination of Comrade Revolutionary Monk Tep Vong to the Vice-Presidency of the National Assembly

Click on the letter to zoom in

People’s Revolutionary Party of Kampuchea (PRPK)
Party Central Committee

Phnom Penh, 24 April 1982

On the Nomination of Party Executives (Cadres)

- Based on the review for work application and the capability of the party executives,
- Based on the party central committee decision taken during the meeting on 11/06/1981.

The office of the party central committee had decided:

Decision No. 1: To put in charge the following 5 comrades in their position at the National Assembly:
  1. Comrade Chea Sim, member of the political office of the Party Central Committee, President of the Front for the development and defense of the Kampuchea homeland, is nominated as President of the National Assembly. He is also nominated as the Minister of Interior.
  2. Comrade Mat Li, member of the political office of the Party Central Committee, Vice-Minister of Agriculture, is nominated as Vice-President of the National Assembly.
  3. Preah Vineytho (Monk) Tep Vong, Vice-President of the Front for the development and defense of the Kampuchea homeland, is the Vice-President of the National Assembly.
  4. Comrade Nou Beng is the Vice-President of the National Assembly, he is resigning from the position of Minister of Health.
  5. Woman Comrade Phlek Phirun, President of the Cambodian Red Cross, is Vice-President of the National Assembly.
Decision No. 2: The ministry of Interior, the ministry of Agriculture, the Front for the development and defense of the Kampuchea homeland, the ministry of Health, the office of the National Assembly, the office of the State council, the office of the council of ministers, the office of the Party Central Committee, the nomination office of the Party Central Committee, the 5 comrades whose names appear above, must abide by this decision.

Office of the Party Central Committee


(Signed) Heng Samrin

KI-Media Note: The communist People's Revolutionary Party of Kampuchea (PRPK) is the precursor to the current Cambodian People Party (CPP).


Anonymous said...

Here is the ignorant farmer Heng Samrin (as Hun Sen mentioned a few days ago) of Hun Sen gangsters is nominating another ignorant Tep Vong to encirle his gangsters of ignorant government running dogs. After all this dog is a politician not a Buddhist patriarch he disguises.

Anonymous said...

Whaever, but it is still far far
better than anything that you can
offered to Cambodia.

Do you know that, Psycho?

Anonymous said...

What do you offer to Cambodia, voodoopro? Besides your usualy lame rantings.

Anonymous said...

So you said Cambodia does not deserve to have a real Monk, but a Khmer Rouge killer like Tep Vong who abides dishonesty and abides a vigorous violent attack, right 6:16 AM? Looklike you are one of the gangsters in Phnom Penh.

Anonymous said...

Voodoopro is a Khmer wannabe but no one accepts him to be Khmer so he's angry. That's why he likes to diss others. He's from Cambodia Forums but he got banned so he came here.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and now you get to be with
your worse nightmare everyday,
isn't that fun? Mua ha ha ha ...

Anonymous said...

I really don't care what political parties does these folks belong to, but i kind of like them all. They are smart,witty,intelligent and all that. I have such fun reading these postings and the way they interacted with each other. Keep it going ,and don't let up. My advice to you is please use whatever mean you have in your arsenal to piss each other up , to heat up the tempo...

Anonymous said...

Glad you like it, old fart.

Anonymous said...

Tep Vong can be a budhist monk while he occupy his body. But when he dies, his soul will live in hell.. and the lord budha has a plan for him. Only Tep Vong knows what will happen to him...not all the incents in the world can save his soul.

Anonymous said...

The truth has revealed about this old man.

Anonymous said...

A couple of years ago or so this fake monk TEP VONG managed to get the king of Thailand bring in BON KATHEN to Cambodia. Had the king found out that TEP VONG was a communist agent, he(THE KING)must be surprised......

Anonymous said...

Communist will only trust another communist!!

Anonymous said...

Kariyalai machhemparg means the Politburo, not just Kariyalai.

The sentence should read: The Politburo of the Central Committee hereby decides:

Deciison No.1...

KR called its Politburo "Kanak Achentrai".