Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Illinois State Senator Visits Cambodia

Jeff Schoenberg, US State Senator of Illinois

Veasna Mean
VOA Khmer
Phnom Penh

Senator Jeff Schoenberg visits the Extraordinary Cambers in the Court of Cambodia (ECCC) and the Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam) Monday to assess the progress Cambodia has made with the trials of former Khmer Rouge leaders.

“I think they are doing the best, given the financial constraint that they operate under. They certainly could use more resources to not only bring about justice more swiftly and fairly, but also to transmit those messages and those proceedings throughout the entire world”, said Mr. Schoenberg at a press conference.

Khmer Rouge Tribunal spokesman, Reach Sambath welcomes the senator's visit, and hopes that the visit will generate more media attention outside the country.


Anonymous said...

Fair enough statement from the US
Senator and I too would like to
Welcome the Senator to Cambodia
on behalf of all Khmer People.

Now go ahead, Khmer Basher, make
my day!

Anonymous said...

Voodoopro, you are so boring with your same lame comments.

Anonymous said...

Good, go back to your rat's hole

Anonymous said...

Voodoopro, crawl back up Hun Sen's arse hole and stay there.

Anonymous said...

Nope, that would not be fun until
I bring some of the shit back and
shove it down your throat, Psycho.

Anonymous said...

So crawl up there and eat your master's shit, voodoopro. The Psycho signature you use at every end of your sentence suits you a lot.

Anonymous said...

Maybe, but the word "Psycho" was
invented just for you and your
leftwingers people, not for me.
Got it, Phyc.?

Anonymous said...

Leftwingers? Hahahaha. This dude is clueless about politics. Communism are paraded around as extreme leftwingers. Yet, here you go and support communism, but at the same time call your opponents leftwingers. Your contradiction makes you one retarded..as you say...psycho.

Anonymous said...

Vietdoopro @1.37pm. You love the word so much it's becoming your name. Keeping signing away.

Anonymous said...

Hi all my beloved countrymen. Please don't argue or mock each other. We have been taught to kill, fight and argue with each other for a long time. Now it's high time we stopped. We All Must Be United And Work for the Course Of Khmer And Cambodia. Avoid the Phrase "Where there are two Khmers, there are argument between them!"

Anonymous said...

Nice Dream, but for that to work,
we must eliminate evils and racists
from our holly ground; otherwise,
Cambodia Future will hanging by a
string. Do you know what I mean?

Don't tell me that you support
evil and racist in cambodia. Are

Anonymous said...

The Vietcong is the most racist group of people on Earth!!!!! If any Cambodian people who happen to visit Cambodia next time just take a moment and observe of how those Viet live among themselves!!!You see AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave allowed these Viet to form their community in Cambodia but for the Khmer Krom AH HUN SEN Vietcong won't allow any! In Vietname, Khmer Krom are brutally oppressed from top to bottom!!! You won't find Khmer Krom people in higher education in Vietname!!! But you will find alot of Khmer Krom living on the edge of the Viet society!!!!The Viet treated the Khmer Krom as an outcast on their ancestor land!!! Who the fuck give all the Viet the right to do whatever they want!!!

I say fuck the Vietcong and the Viet and fuck them all!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I am sure you mother love
to fuck with yuons, and she wont
be satisfied unless she has at
least a dozen yuon's dicks a
day, Psych.

Anonymous said...

To 12:49

No I never say anything about my mother. It is you who said it! Why don't you read my writing correctly! I started the my sentence with the word "I". So this mean It is me who want to fuck!ahahahha. I suggest that you better turn around or I am going to kick your ass! ahahahhaaaaahh!

when I have enough with you I will send you to Psych department for evaluation!ahahahhahahahhaahh