Bomb substance for Bangkok blast not from Cambodia: Official
The chemical substance for making the bombs of the Bangkok explosion on the eve of the new year is not from Cambodia, government spokesman Khieu Kanharidh said here on Monday.
Thai people could buy the chemical substance for making the bombs in their own country, they did not have to buy them from Cambodia, said Kanharith, who is also Information Minister.
Thai security authority should show the evidence while telling out the powder provider for the blast that killed three and injured about 40 Thai people, he said.
Cambodia has been cooperating closely with other countries to fight against terrorism and other criminal acts, he added.
The minister made his remarks after a Thai security agency official told an Australian Newspaper that the Jihad Islam (JI) terrorist group bought the chemical substances in Cambodia to make the bombs of the New Year's Eve explosion.
Source: Xinhua
Thai people could buy the chemical substance for making the bombs in their own country, they did not have to buy them from Cambodia, said Kanharith, who is also Information Minister.
Thai security authority should show the evidence while telling out the powder provider for the blast that killed three and injured about 40 Thai people, he said.
Cambodia has been cooperating closely with other countries to fight against terrorism and other criminal acts, he added.
The minister made his remarks after a Thai security agency official told an Australian Newspaper that the Jihad Islam (JI) terrorist group bought the chemical substances in Cambodia to make the bombs of the New Year's Eve explosion.
Source: Xinhua
sure sure. deny 'n deny.
khun kamen' 'n khun yuan deny 'n deny.
Who care where it came from? just
find the damn sources and kill it.
This is no time to create any more
tensions between blood neighbors.
Hun Sen is a greatest obstacle for Cambodia to grow. Hun Sen is a least educated and the most brutal Evil/Beast Khmer Rouge ever lives.
Barachey ah/me Chor Yiek Cong
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