We sincerely appreciate the time all of you took to let us know your opinion regarding the issue of posting comments to articles on KI-Media.
To be honest, within our small group of 4 members, we also had a healthy debate among ourselves on what to do with the comments. In fact, within our team members, the result was exactly 50% in favor of moderating comments (led by Luc Sâr), and 50% in favor of allowing free comments (led by Heng Soy), i.e. a split decision.
The reason we presented you with the three choices (no comment allowed, comments allowed after a moderator review, and free comments) is because they are the only choices we have with our host, Blogger. Requiring someone to register to post comment is not a viable long term solution as there are ways to circumvent this restriction. One reader suggested a very attractive solution in which readers will be allowed to vote on the comments themselves, and for those losing the readers’ vote would disappear by themselves. Unfortunately, we do not have the technical mean to implement such option under Blogger.
Furthermore, KI-Media (he is the technical leader of our group) questioned us on how we would proceed to allow or deny a comment, and who among us will have the time to sift through all the comments posted, in addition to our regular work which brings us rice and soy sauce (instead of bread and butter). Heng Soy, on his part was adamant about maintaining the current status quo (allowing free comments). His supporting argument, which corroborates with those of many of you, is the fact that our Compatriots are limited in their freedom of speech in Cambodia already, why would we impose such horrendous condition on them. As for Luc Sâr, he was mainly flabbergasted by the cursing some readers are hurling at each other. Living in Phnom Penh, Socheata said that she cannot agree more with Heng Soy. KI-Media said that he tends to agree with Luc Sâr instead even though hurdles await us. That was why we decided to bring this issue to you, our respected readers, to help us make the final decision.
Based on the results of the survey, out of 681 readers who voted, 35 (5%) are for banning comments, 287 (42%) are for moderation of comments, and 359 (53%) are for the current status quo, Heng Soy, our resident statistician assured us that with a 95% confidence, the margin of error of the survey is approximately 4%, thus scientifically (as Heng Soy claimed) taking into account this margin of error, the majority still remains with those of you who voted for maintaining free comments as it is right now.
In keeping with democracy (vox populi, vox dei), we have decided to continue allowing free comments as they are right now. However, we are pleading with all of you to please use moderation when it comes to cursing other readers or posting profanities. We can assure you that cursing and profanities can only turn off your message rather than promoting your ideals.
Again, our team members deeply thank You for your comments, encouragements, denigrations, and constructive criticisms. We really appreciate the time you put in letting us know your passionate message. We understand that promoting democracy and human rights in Cambodia may be against the agenda of some readers, however, please understand that we are all working to better Cambodia for Cambodian people. We may have diverging views on how to approach the same problem, but our ultimate goal is still aimed at improving the living and working conditions in our beloved Cambodia for our beloved Cambodian Compatriots.
With our deepest respect and sincere thanks,
Socheata, Heng Soy, Luc Sâr, and KI-Media
To be honest, within our small group of 4 members, we also had a healthy debate among ourselves on what to do with the comments. In fact, within our team members, the result was exactly 50% in favor of moderating comments (led by Luc Sâr), and 50% in favor of allowing free comments (led by Heng Soy), i.e. a split decision.
The reason we presented you with the three choices (no comment allowed, comments allowed after a moderator review, and free comments) is because they are the only choices we have with our host, Blogger. Requiring someone to register to post comment is not a viable long term solution as there are ways to circumvent this restriction. One reader suggested a very attractive solution in which readers will be allowed to vote on the comments themselves, and for those losing the readers’ vote would disappear by themselves. Unfortunately, we do not have the technical mean to implement such option under Blogger.
Furthermore, KI-Media (he is the technical leader of our group) questioned us on how we would proceed to allow or deny a comment, and who among us will have the time to sift through all the comments posted, in addition to our regular work which brings us rice and soy sauce (instead of bread and butter). Heng Soy, on his part was adamant about maintaining the current status quo (allowing free comments). His supporting argument, which corroborates with those of many of you, is the fact that our Compatriots are limited in their freedom of speech in Cambodia already, why would we impose such horrendous condition on them. As for Luc Sâr, he was mainly flabbergasted by the cursing some readers are hurling at each other. Living in Phnom Penh, Socheata said that she cannot agree more with Heng Soy. KI-Media said that he tends to agree with Luc Sâr instead even though hurdles await us. That was why we decided to bring this issue to you, our respected readers, to help us make the final decision.
Based on the results of the survey, out of 681 readers who voted, 35 (5%) are for banning comments, 287 (42%) are for moderation of comments, and 359 (53%) are for the current status quo, Heng Soy, our resident statistician assured us that with a 95% confidence, the margin of error of the survey is approximately 4%, thus scientifically (as Heng Soy claimed) taking into account this margin of error, the majority still remains with those of you who voted for maintaining free comments as it is right now.
In keeping with democracy (vox populi, vox dei), we have decided to continue allowing free comments as they are right now. However, we are pleading with all of you to please use moderation when it comes to cursing other readers or posting profanities. We can assure you that cursing and profanities can only turn off your message rather than promoting your ideals.
Again, our team members deeply thank You for your comments, encouragements, denigrations, and constructive criticisms. We really appreciate the time you put in letting us know your passionate message. We understand that promoting democracy and human rights in Cambodia may be against the agenda of some readers, however, please understand that we are all working to better Cambodia for Cambodian people. We may have diverging views on how to approach the same problem, but our ultimate goal is still aimed at improving the living and working conditions in our beloved Cambodia for our beloved Cambodian Compatriots.
With our deepest respect and sincere thanks,
Socheata, Heng Soy, Luc Sâr, and KI-Media
What, or who, is KI-Media? Is he/she God?
Or couldn't they just give us a fake name?
KI Media is a Racists and
troublemakers breading ground.
There goals are to deter jobs from
comming into Cambodia so as to
caused kaos and suffering then blame
everything on the government.
With the current PM having recently announced that he never intends to leave office, your services are required more than ever.
Your coomittment are always appreciated! We salute you-KI
Thanks a millions to KI-Media, you guys are the "The best and the brightest of a new Khmer generations. Thank you for your sincer to keep KI-Media as it is now. We all very appreciate for your hard work for bringing the news to all of us Khmer around the world. KI-Media is best place most of us can get NEWS about Cambodia with out Gov't intervene.
Hummm... I am so annoyed by this Anon. poster (see attached below). Race Card will never help with all the power and killing machine killing poor people every day. Until this gang learns to understand what is freedom and understand that they are not the slaves' owner.
[[[[[[Anonymous said...
KI Media is a Racists and
troublemakers breading ground.
There goals are to deter jobs from
comming into Cambodia so as to
caused kaos and suffering then blame
everything on the government.
5:02 PM ]]]]]]]]
You do have rights and freedoms,
racist9:39, but you do not have
freedoms or rights to slander,
riot, or abuse.
Hi 10:35 PM,
If you are looking to defend your party (CPP/Yuan), you should be able to debate with facts. Using race card is only a scapegote to cover your very weak argument does not do you any good, it only makes CPP/Yuan be more incompetent and stupid. Of course, the whole world already know that CPP is being orchastrated by the Yuan.
This http://ki-media.blogspot.com/
has been sent to too many forums around the world. They read although they don't reply. I hope you can come up with a solid fact against your opponents rather throwing garbages.
You should be able to convince the public why do you think yours are on the right path.
Hey, there are many theories about
each thing, but there is only one
truth. There are theory about KK
Extremists being angels from
heaven, and there are theory about
KK Extremists from the rest of the
world that they are nothing more
than scumbags who try to
undermine the world. So which one
do you choose? You may choose the
first nonesense theory that don't
add up to any fact regardless of
what it's published on the KK
Federation website, but we prefered
the second, backed by the world
oppinions. There is no card here
but fact backed by KK Extremist's
finger prints from their crimes'
Why cannot you debate with facts instead of accusing the victims as Extremists? Why every time KK extremists? If you have some intelligence please post the link or documents where the world support Yue Nam concerning KampucheaKrom.
Show us, we want to learn and see it.
I am not KK but I defend KK for the reasons they were in their land prior to Yuan moved in.
Share with us the wolrd your documents you claimed.
Okay, so you say that yuon is bad
for anexed KK terrories, Then what
do you say about KK for anexing
Phnong territories, not to mention
abusing, raping, and murdering
khmer kandal, huh?
I am sure that KK extremists is
very appropriate here. It is not
rocket science.
I want to thank KI for bringing (us) news update every seconds. Some people throw in comments just to create problems and hatred. Those are the few. However, the majority enjoy reading good news on KI blogger, provoking positive and constructive critisism. People with moderately educated background understand well how to use proper languages when it comes to leaving comments. Based on a sample of close to 700 hundreds with 4% margin of error, one could stastically conclude that half of new readers prefer free comments. I don't wana question the possible errors in conducting this survey (few sample size than the standard one, one person voted more than once, so on and so forth). I voted for moderate comments (42%), so i support the idea of using this forum as a way to help one another to get to know more about what's going on inside Cambodia.
Cut the crap, Dude.
Are you for bashing Khmer, or not?
Read this below. Does anyone understand this Yuan/pro-Yuan say?
So where are Phnong territories?
Now these Yuan/pro-Yuan confessed that Yuan troops invaded Cambodia are KK Xtremists. Does it mean KK are also Yuan Hanoi governmnet? Lol. The Radical Extreme far Left accused KK who are the victims as xtremist. Race Card as usual -Yuan are so good in using race card. LOL
[[[Anonymous said...
Okay, so you say that yuon is bad
for anexed KK terrories, Then what
do you say about KK for anexing
Phnong territories, not to mention
abusing, raping, and murdering
khmer kandal, huh?
I am sure that KK extremists is
very appropriate here. It is not
rocket science.
10:28 AM ]]]
Hey, you can be as ignorant as you
want to. The truth is you guy
fought war with Norh vietnam and
lost it. You tried to get it back,
before the arrival of the French
and your lost it. And then, you
try again after the the French
left, and it gone nowhere.
Get a life, will you? are no match
for yuon. They have opposed China.
They have opposed Mongolian. They
have opposed the French,...
What have you opposed, the harmless
Phnong? and that made you warrior?
Wrong, without racist propaganda
like KI-Media, more people will have invested in Cambodia, and we
would have been more developed,
and more people of all ages will
have job, pride, and self-esteem.
On the other hand, who in their
right mind would want to invest
in a country infested with racists?
;-) KI is the source for the foreign investors to check out before they can invest in Cambodia?
OK I'll keep checking before I can build a Nuclear Power Plant in Cambodia. I need to buy at least 200,000 acres to do my business.
At least 40,000 employees I am looking for to have them to work for me. ;-)
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