Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Ky Tech is not changing his position

Friday-Sunday, January 12-14, 2006

Cambodge Soir

Translated from French by Luc Sâr

Following the failure to adopt the ECCC internal rules, Ky Tech, President of the Cambodian Bar Association (CBA), was accused of obstructing the process with the deliberate intention of slowing it down. Ky Tech invoked on the national sovereignty, and demanded that CBA be involved in the nomination of defense lawyers for the ECCC. On these issues, he remains unchanged.

On the sovereignty: “The internal rule was developed so that the ECCC processes function correctly. Some points were inspired from international tribunals, they are unacceptable because the court is national, Ky Tech explained. It (ECCC) only includes the participation of foreign lawyers and judges.

On the ECCC defense office: “The defense office is contrary to the Cambodian law because there is already a law on the statute of lawyers. The internal rules violates [the Cambodian law] whereby it allows sanctions imposed on defense lawyers by the judges. The internal rule is necessary because the penal code is not adopted yet, but it must be applied by the officers of the tribunal, not by the defense lawyers, nor by the witnesses. The law on the statute of lawyers allows foreign lawyers to practice in Cambodia. They are only invited to enroll themselves, Ky Tech pummeled. I don’t have to soften my position, I only apply the law. When a foreigner comes to Cambodia, he needs to ask for a visa, it’s the same here.


Anonymous said...

where did this guy get his JD from? hanoi University of Law.. oh ! of course..

Anonymous said...

FYI, HUL is a lot better than
Yale and Havard combine.

That is why the US got their
asses kicks all over Vietnam
in the 50's, 60's, and 70's.

Anonymous said...

AH Ky TEch is talking about Cambodia sovereignty??? I like to see AH Ky Tech tell the Vietcong government to hand over Koh Tral back to Cambodia then I will believe all his fucken bullshit!!!

The reason AH Ky Tech is opening his mouth because somebody make him! ahahahah! AH Ky Tech ain't major player in Cambodian Bar Association (CBA)!!!This mother fucker worry about his salary and worry every fucken day about choosing carefully what to say to please AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave and the Vietcong master!!! AH HUN SEN had said before about some Cambodian sovereignty when dealing with Khmer Rouge trial but the fact is Cambodia don't even have sovereignty!!!!!Tell me that I don't all the bullfuck and the bullshit still going on in stupid Cambodian politic!!!!

Anonymous said...

ah yuon 11:22 am bragged so much shit on his head, ah k'rpeu yuon forget w/o china, soviet and sihanouk helped ah Yunkee'w drop bombs on ah yiek cong siit all over. even that 3 million ah chhkae yuon dead. f*ck u ah chhkae yuon.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and 90% of the dead yuons
are fucken Khmer krom.

Anonymous said...

To 12:45PM

So now the Vietcong are admitting their brutality!! The YOUN keep preaching peace but they practice brutality!!!!!!!NO PEACE YOUN!!!