Monday, January 15, 2007

Montagnard Asylum Seekers In Hiding, Waiting for UN [- If Police can be so efficient in arresting illegal VN immigrants as they do with Montagnard]

Monday, January 15, 2007

By Thet Sambath
The Cambodia Daily

Four Montagnard asylum seekers have arrived in Ratanakkiri province and are hiding in the forest in wait for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, a rights worker said Sunday. Pen Bonnar, provincial coordinator for local rights organization Adhoc, said the four arrived in recent days, but that further information on them is scant. "They are worried they will be arrested by Cambodian authorities," he said. UNHCR spokeswoman Deborah Backus could not be reached for comment. A UNHCR official who declined to be named said that he had received reports of the asylum seekers' arrival but had not yet confirmed them. Hor Ang, deputy provincial police chief, said he was unaware of the group's arrival. "I do not know who is a Montagnard, but if anyone comes into Cambodia without proper papers, he or she will be arrested," he said.


Anonymous said...

If the Vietcong government claimed to liberated Cambodian people from genocide and why can these same Vietcong government liberated the Montagnard from the Vietcong oppression???

Vietcong are just a bunch of hypocrite people and no people with the righteousness should ever trust them!!!

Anonymous said...

The answer to your question is
simple, that is they are not
Montagnards. They are Khmer Krom
Leftwinger extremists faking to
be Montagnard. Get it, fool?

And in case you don't know, we are
very well aware of you leftwingers
faking to be vietnamese and abused
khmer citizens and blame it on
innocent vietnamese in Cambodia.
Give it up, fool, your stupid plan
to cause instability in Cambodia
aint working for you. Better come
up with something better if you
have a drop of brain in your
fucking head. You got that?

Anonymous said...

Every News from Vietnamese I stopped believing them for a long time. The one who cause instability in Cambodia are the Yuan, the Yuan Conspiracy.
Yuan created Khmer Rouge so what next?

Anonymous said...

BullShit, you don't even know the
difference between Yuon and Khmer
Krom, fool.

Anonymous said...

Neak Yun 2:14 AM,
I don't care to know, I knew too much about Yuan Communist Hanoi the thieves. The Yuan Pham Van Dung is not Khmer Krom. That Yuan Dung is burning in hell with Ho Chi Mienh right now.

Anonymous said...

Some fucken fool in here claimed that the Khmer Krom abused Cambodian people and create instability in Cambodia!!ahahahhah

The Vietcong double agents are in every sectors of Cambodian institution and they will be punished and exposed of their dark dirty trick and eventually be driven out back to Vietname or be killed on the spot!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's right, the khmer Kroms
leftwingers mastermind all the
tension between Yuon and Khmer.
They want to boost the hatred
between khmer and Yuon and they
also have other plan, but I
aint disclosing here to spoil
their surprise, but we are
ready for all their move. That
much is certain.

Anonymous said...

To 1:41 PM

Now listen fool! No Khmer people want to see another Khmer live under any kind of oppression!! The Vietcong can no longer deny their evil behavior by oppressing million and million of Khmer Krom under their feet! The Vietcong can no longer pretend to be friend with Cambodia because it ain't a true friendship! Don't believe me and why not observe all the fucken issues that Cambodian is dealing with the Vietcong right now! Alot of these so called Cambodian issues is not even Cambodian issues or problems and yet the Vietcong make Cambodia under AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave responsible for everything!

-There are million of illegal Viet and now Cambodia own illegal Viet problem!

-There are land and border issues and the Vietcong annexed all of it and Cambodia under AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave do nothing only retreat and more retreat making way for the Vietcong to come into Cambodian land!

-There are plenty of Cambodian natural resource exploited by the Vietcong middleman and Cambodian farmers can never get a fair market price!

-There hydro-power dam contructed by the Vietcong which cost damage in million and million of dollars on Cambodian side and poor Cambodian farmer suffered from man made flood which destroy all their crops and cattles! The Vietcong never give a fuck!!!

The fucken lists are endless...

You dare to come in here and disclose something about the Khmer Krom? Tell you what! You ain't got shit to disclose!ahahahahahahah
Sure I ain't lying that the Khmer Krom have alot of plans for the Vietcong!! Whatever you want to disclose ain't going to change to the course of Khmer Krom history!!!
The history book of Khmer Krom people had been slammed shut by the Vietcong since 1949!! So whatever happen from now on will be the continuation of the 1949 Khmer Krom history!!!!!!!!

The real surprise will be all mine to enjoy!ahahahhahahahhaha.