Monday, January 15, 2007

NA Committee: The appalling situation on the Cambodian-Thai border [- Meanwhile Hun Sen send Khmer troops to police abroad]

Monday, January 15, 2007

By Chheang Bopha
Cambodge Soir

Translated from French by Luc Sâr

Border – After a visit performed last week in the provinces of Siem Reap and Oddar Meanchey, the National Assembly (NA) Committee No. 4 relayed to the government the worries of border post police officers. Yim Sovann, SRP Chairman of this committee reported that the local authorities are denouncing the anarchic setup of border control stations by the Thai authorities in the so-called “white zone” [disputed border areas designated as “no man’s land”], without prior consultation with the Cambodian side. Furthermore, the visiting MPs were moved by the paltry working conditions of police officers operating along the delineation line between the two countries. “They lack everything: they don’t have means to properly survey the border, they don’t have clean water to drink, and they don’t have medicine to protect themselves from diseases, in particular to protect themselves from malaria. A police commander confided to us that he did not dare impose training sessions to his men because he does not have water for the men to drink should they be thirsty during the training. Malaria already took the life of two police officers, and there are only 32 of them who are mobilized to protect this border,” the opposition MP deplored. The latter promised to plead the case of these police officers to the NA during a session where he will summon government representatives, notably those from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This is the third visit by the NA committee since the start of the 3rd legislative mandate.


Anonymous said...

This is sad. The number of border patrol is too short. More Cambodia's land is being lost. The number should be at least between 900-1200 properly monitored. They also should at least provided enough of the basic necessities to do their job. If we careless these greedy neirghbors will take full advantage of our weakness/poor state of governing.

Anonymous said...

Hmm ... it sounds like we have an
unhappy costumer here. He like to
see us do this, and he like to see
us do that. I bet he also think
that all the things he wished for
are all free. Either, that or he
must think that moneys grow on
trees in Cambodia. What is an
ignorant fool?

Anonymous said...

Hi Neak Yuan peasant 2:35 AM.
How many Villas do you need and how many million of dollars do you need in order for you to stop stealing?

Anonymous said...

I usually don't react to different opinion but the fool 2:35am is making more fool out of himself. If he hasn't known the value of protecting your future, your family and your country; IT IS AT ALL COST. You fool will soon be the prisoner of your country unless you one of those short-sighted persons or youn yourself. Grow up and speak like you get some brain!

Anonymous said...

The Thais are more arrogant than any of Cambodia's neighbor. They do as they wish, while at the same time, looking down on Khmer people. If you look at their boarder along Kompong Som, they are slicing it very thinly along the north shore. They even claim part of the oil in Cambodian water belongs to them.

With new vast oil revenue, Cambodia have a chance to even things out, economically, politically, and militarily. The U.S. with their new corporate interest in Cambodia will provide more "military" assistant to Cambodia. We should take advantage of this, and stand ground. However, the current CPP will have to prove that they are willing to change from "self-interest government" to "people-first government".

Anonymous said...

Hmm ... looks like the Psycho wants
a rematch of China vs US, huh? and
he think this time the US will
stay with him all the way to the
end. Isn't that right, Psycho?

Just remember, Psycho, we just
finished Chapter1, the rematch
will be Chapter2, and there will
be no Chapter3, you get it? There
will be no Cambodia after Chapter2
to make chapter3 or any chapters
if you are too stupid to understand
what I am saying.

Anonymous said...

Wow what an arrogant?
Most Asian countries like Yuan love to brag and talk big. Wonder how long will it last?
What comes around goes around.

Anonymous said...

You got everything backward,
stupid. I wasn't the one who
whine and complaint about Cambodia,
but you are. Do you see the truth

Anonymous said...

So how do you feel to be at backward journey? Wow you have a lot of experiences. The truth I see that you are talking only trash.

Anonymous said...

Voodoopro likes the backward journey especially with his master HS. They love going backward the broke back mountain style.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but the problem Psycho have
direction all backward.