Tuesday, January 16, 2007

NEC Removes Dozens of Candidates, Except from CPP

The members of Cambodia’s National Election Commission (NEC) headed by its Secretary General, Mr. Im Suosdey (center)

Reaksmey Heng
VOA Khmer
Phnom Penh

The National Election Committee (NEC) Monday officially removed 26 candidates from the list of communal council members.

A total of 26 candidates were removed from the following parties: Sam Rainsy Party (19 candidates), Sangkum Jatiniyum Front party (6 candidates) and Norodom Ranariddh Party (1 candidate).

NEC's Secretary General, Tep Nitha says this is the first time that NEC makes such a decision, and promised that it will continue to screen more candidates.

According to Tep Nitha, the removal of candidates were necessary due to “a handful of candidates requested to be removed because they have registered for two different parties, some were unhappy with their ranks, and other irregularities included names being used without permission."


Anonymous said...

19 candidates from the SRP, I knew
all along that they will cheat as
usual. And to make thing worse they
are not even good at cheating, ha
ha ha,LOL, and they think they
can lead Cambodia. Who in their
right mind would want losers like
them, ha ha ha, LOL.

As for the scumbag's(Thomico's)
party, they are a total joke.
Nothing more than an abuse of
the poor taxpayer money.

And for the NRP, it is obviously
the most decent of the tree, and
I hope we will be partner with
them again as usual, provided that
they will not try any dirty trick
like using Khmer Khroms
Leftwingers to do their dirty
works for them.

Anonymous said...

The NEC always help the CPP during
the elections. So, the international communities must strict control on it. The prevous elections were not fair and free
because most of the medias belong to the rulling party.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprise at anonymous 1 comments that SRP "cheat" because the NEC is made up of CPP members, it was bais from day one.

It is in your opinion which party can or can't lead cambodia. At this stage SRP or other opposition parties will not have this opportunity to prove to you otherwise because of the CPP controls of every aspect of the voting system, so voting system in cambodia is alway bias toward the CPP. Unless Hun Sen decide to have his own party call Hun Sen party and compete at the same level then it fair.

Anonymous said...

Don't take notice of the first poster because he is just pro CPP going around to every Khmer forums to talk trash. He is known as voodoopro on Cambodia Forums but he got banned from there.

Anonymous said...

JUST WELL DONE! TO HENG SOY AND FOREIGNERS AT KI-media and stupid cartoonist, please stop your game if you want to improve the image of SPR PARTY......

be sure that you can change the destiny of the khmer history just creating hatred comments by some stupid readers...


Anonymous said...

Are you crazy post 3. You think
we will allowed people with big
mouth but no action to run our
country just like that? Remember
cambodia can't take anymore chance
with anyone who claimed that they
can do better than we can. No way,
Let us see some accomplishments
of your candidate first. I am
listening. Let me have it.

Anonymous said...

Well, what are you waiting for
smart mouth (post3)? Let the khmer
people see his accomplishments;
that way we can all vote for him
in the next election. You get the

Anonymous said...

Staying too long in power and say other cannot do the job is not that fair. let the young generation prove their capability to leader the country. It is time for CPP old fox to retire and let other lead the country...

Anonymous said...

Madam secretary general of the SRP, it's time for you to stand up and fight now to prove your worth.

Anonymous said...

Don't be such a bully pal.

Anonymous said...

There is no bulling here, if you
want to sell khmer people your
candidate, I wanted to see some
record of accomplishments about
running a country. What is so
unreasonable about that?
You don't expect us to go along
with your stupid words like we
did with Lon Nol, did you?

Come on, we all waiting, and
stop stalling.

Anonymous said...

SRP would have passed the anti-corruption law a long time ago. They would not allow the rich to run amuck, kicking off the poor people who had been lawfully living on their own land. The SRP would, for the most part put people first, before greed and power. They would not run the country using force and bribery. They would have put a lame ass corrupt person like you away along, long time ago.

Anything else?

Anonymous said...

FYI, Would/Should/Could don't
count. I too can say I would have
beaten George Bush to the office,
or I Should have been king of
england long ago. You got the

Again what I want to know is what
he have ACCOMPLISHED anything
for any country before, not what
he would/should/ or could
accomplished for anything for any

And in case you still don't get it,
let me ask you where and when have
he done all those things that you
stated above.

Anonymous said...

Well? where is it? Where is his
stupid past experiences? You don't
expect us to just let anyone run
our country without past
experiences, do you?

Anonymous said...

You really stink with the shits that's coming out of your mouth, voodooshit. Crawl back up HS arse will ya?

Anonymous said...

Stop stalling, Psycho. Where is the
damn SRP Experiences in managing
the country? We are waiting a long
time now. I hope you don't think
that we are stupid enough to let
any idiot run our country with
Fairy Tale Experiences. You are
not going to destroy us like you
did in the past no more, you got
that, Psycho? Pack all your shits
and get out of our holly soil,

Anonymous said...

To 11:55PM

What about AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave's experience in running the country???ahahahhahah Yeh...AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave with his fake Phd degree is running Cambodia into the ground already and what is the different??? Sure AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave never learn how to run the country in the first place but the fact still remain because AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave is still learning and that explain why he always send his corruption officials to Hanio to learn from the Vietcong!! How come AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave never stop learning from the Vietcong!! Didn't the Vietcong put AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave in prison when he escape to Vietname from Pol Pot!!!ahahahahh

AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave has something to prove the Vietcong master that is why he never stop learning from the Vietcong master!!

I will remember to kick your holy shit or soil in your fucken face when you keep talking about AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave again!!!ahahahahhah

Anonymous said...

Wow, it is laughing to see these CPP dogs are barking fro Hun Sen in KI media.

11:55! have you gone to school?

What expereinces do you expect from other leaders to acchieve before the post? Do you understand the role of the governement and assembley?? Who are in the government? who are only in assembley?

Anonymous said...

I say blow up the NEC headquarter!!

Anonymous said...

yep blow 'em all. ah chhkae yuon NEC need to be blown.

Anonymous said...

Better yet, don't vote at all.
Then there wont be any dispute and
Somdach Hun Sen can ruled forever
as he should be. Mua ha ha ha ...
What is a bunch of losing Psychoes?

Anonymous said...

yeah keep ruling I keep f*ckin' me j'rouk. anh n; ah hok langdy share me j'rouk get it ah chhkae yuon?

Anonymous said...

That will make a great surprise
for your mother, Psyc. . I am sure
she'll love to do pig and dog
at the same time.

Anonymous said...

who is mee j'rouk? is it your mother ah 12:33OM? she must be youn.