VOA Khmer
Phnom Penh
LICADHO, a prominent human rights organization was denied entry to see Heng Pov in Prey Sar’s prison, a representative confirmed Friday.
The former police commissioner has been detained in Cambodia’s prison since December 21, following Malaysia's authorities' decision to send him back to his homeland.
LICADHO's director, Pung Chhiv Kek tells VOA Khmer that her organization has legal rights to visit inmates in Cambodia’s prisons. To date, her organization has yet to received permission from the Ministry of Interior.
The former police commissioner has been detained in Cambodia’s prison since December 21, following Malaysia's authorities' decision to send him back to his homeland.
LICADHO's director, Pung Chhiv Kek tells VOA Khmer that her organization has legal rights to visit inmates in Cambodia’s prisons. To date, her organization has yet to received permission from the Ministry of Interior.
Thank you everyone! Keep up the
great works. Make sure we used all
the loopholes to keep anyone
from seeing this criminal and
traitor to khmer people.
May God be with you all.
Chey Yo, Kampuchea!
He's probably dead by now or gone insane by the way those mother fuckers tortured him.
Who care? we have not been
brainwashed by that stupid "prison
break" shows like many of you have.
Bad dog want to bite the owner .
you think the owner will keep him.
If you khnow the back ground of this person you don't like him either.
Once one joined the gansters (mafia), it will be too difficult to run away from those gangs. Heng Pov knew too much, so no matter he tried to run from the mafia, but at the end the mafia in Cambodia supported by Yuan have too much money, they got Heng Pov back.
Yes they enjoy torturing him, but Heng Pov's transcipt is already scattering all over in the world.
The criminals caught the criminal.
Hmm ... that sounds just like a
typical ganster movie from
Hollywood. Sorry that it have
ended so soon for you, moi28.
Now, do you want to move on or
stay in your Hollywood's land.
Eh 7:53 Am,
The truth hurts.
Whatever you want to say it is your own opinion, but the fact remains, my friend.
Heng Pov's transcript is all over the world via internets.
You see my friend? everyone has his/her day.
Take care and I wish you well under those criminals like Hun Sen and his thugs. Each of us have only one life to live. I choose to live to the fullest and try to find solution for a better society.
I am a native of American but my heart is for the poor Khmers who are being tortured by the richest and most powerful which are by far the least educated and most brutal on earth.
I Strongly CONDEMN the Yuan Government for creating the Genocide in Cambodia. The Yuan Government have tried to destroy Cambodia while its economy rises.
More than 4 million Yuan are in Cambodia issued fake visas by a Yuan man aka Hoc Langdy.
I am having a short message for you my friend & Poor innocence Khmers that Cambodia is better off without Hun Sen and his thugs. Cambodia will become a properous nation very fast if new generations who are highly educated from mainly USA join force together to rebuild her. Most old people who are not educated are usally corrupted.
But the problesm about Cambodia is that she has too many unducated men/women who want only fame and power -not only that they are the most brutal creature on earth who will shoot and kill others in cold blood.
How can a Nation survive if the leaders are mostly lacking of:
1) Intellectual Intelligence and 2) Emotional Intelligence?
Without these two Intelligence no way the nation can survive.
Yeah, but I read the transcript
also, and it is inconsistent with
reality and it is also self-
contradiction. Moreover, I have
not seen a drop of evidence that
he claimed to have tons of it.
Therefore, I say he is guilty as
charge by our great Judges.
You won't see any evidence while you are with Hun Sen, and if you see it you will be shot in cold blood. Take care your self and watch your back, because you are in a ring of the mafia.
Eh 75:53 and 11:30, Sound like you refuse to accept the fact that Moi28 is saying. Also you seem to support the Viet progpaganda just like the those CPP. May be you are one of Ah Sen's thugs as well ( Hope I am wrong). Perhaps your body is Khmer but your mind is Viet that's why you would not see what Ah Sen and his CPP officials do to the border of Cambodia and to the people of Cambodia everyday. Why do the poor get poorer and the rich get richer and no matter how much aide Cambodia gets each year Khmer people are still struggling with daily life. That is the reality. This is the result of this dictator and his thugs. Ah Sen works day and night to find ways to turn Cambodia to Youn and to destroy the Khmer people structure its foundation, so that Cambodia will easily be controlled like Laos. Ah Sen has never ever work for Khmer interest. Cambodia would be better off without Ah Sen and his thugs.
I saluted you Moi28! You make a lot of sense with your message posted at 10:35 AM. Everyone must read to get real updates about Cambodia and its leaders in perspective. Cambodians must go to school and must not afraid to fight for their future. The more we know the more we can make better decisions for yourself for your future; and the less exploiting and manipulated by Hun Sen/CPP government. If you stop fighting; it means you stop caring for your future and your future will define by Hun Sen. Is this what you want?
Oh get a life, will ya, moi28?
The idot's lawyers got the
evidence if there are any. I heard
they got it out of the country
when the idiot was in Singapore
the first time. So, until I see
some evidences, he remained guilty
as charge by the government.
The private JET of the thugs in Phnom Penh was waiting to receive Heng Pov on his way to Singapore.
It's a conspiracy to shut up the eyewitness. Because the thugs are in power thus yes political pressure and dollars TALK. When we said the THUGS means both Yuan and Hun Sen together.
This current world only Money and power can Win.
With the Jungle Court of Cambodia, everyone in Cambodia except the thugs are all found Guilty NOT beyond the reasonable doubt, because the thugs are above the law and because the Law is not being enforced therefore the guilty ones (the Lawbreaker or the thugs with power, $$ and armed force) are the Winner.
Yes the government is being operated by the Mafia (Hun Sen & the Yuan Nguyen Van Son aka Hoc Lungdy).
Sadly debating with a member of gansters like 12:43 AM will go nowhere, because this baby gansters 12:43 AM remains a gang, who knows its rule.
Good day
Jungle Khmer's court is, by far,
much much better than the
westerner's judicial slum.
yeahh keep bragging the law of jungle in kangaroo court.
LOL, who care about Australia?
You must be hearing things now.
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