Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Political Cartoon: The two dictators' talking


Anonymous said...

Good, and I hope the cartoon send
a message to the Khmer Kroms
Leftwingers who live in Cambodia
and abused Khmer people and frame
innocent Vietnameses for it
because they look like
Vietnamese and speak Vietnamese

You got that KK Extremists? we
know all about you now, fools, and
you will be eating rat's meat in
PreySor if you continue to abused
innocent people in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

More of your stupid rantings, voodoopro lol.

Anonymous said...

Glad that you enjoy it, Psycho.

Anonymous said...

The YAUN HUN SEN should be hanged like HUSSEIN because these two guys
are the dictators.

Anonymous said...

FYI,"should/would/could" don't
mean crap, Psycho. Fact is Cambodia
aint no push over like Iraq. You
got that, retard?

Anonymous said...

Retard...that's a good word for your rat master Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

Wrong, Psycho, you got everything
backward. "Retard" is made for
those scums who brought you into
this world. Do you know what I

Anonymous said...

Nope. Your rat master is the retard looking one. Suits him and you perfectly. You got it backward with HS because you love going backward with him the broke back mountain style LOL!

Anonymous said...

ah chhake yuon hun xen will be sh*tted n' ah chhkae yuon n' here is f*cking shit.

Anonymous said...

Hey, save that for your mother
birthday. I am sure she would
welcome the surprise.