Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Road construction threatens homes in Boeung Pong Peay

Monday, January 15, 2007

By NS and KY
Cambodge Soir

Translated from French by Luc Sâr

About 30 families living in the Boeung Pong Peay development zone, Russei Keo district, have until 20 Jan to get out of their homes, the Phnom Penh municipality said. Once the land are vacated, bulldozers will be brought in to build a 30-meter wide access road for this suburb city developed by a private South Korean company. Only 5 families still refuse the pay off offer made by the municipality.

In Lea, an old woman, said that she does not accept the $13,000 offer made by the authorities. “This offer is unacceptable. I want $60,000, if not, I’d rather die in my house,” the woman grumbled. Mey Somalin, her neighbor, was offered $21,000 after a meeting with a representative from the municipality on Friday. However, she continues to ask for $70,000. In a statement issued last week, Kep Chuktema, Phnom Penh city governor, indicated that the municipality could not pay more than the offer proposed and he also said that the limit date of 20 Jan is fixed. “If these families are not moved out, we will take appropriate measures to resolve this affair,” the statement threatens. An investigator for Licadho who follows this problem, said that the municipality does not propose a “reasonable solution” because “it is issuing threats.”

Son Chhay, SRP MP, threatens to send a letter to the South Korean government if the demand he sent to the South Korean embassy in Phnom Penh does not lead to anywhere. “It is unacceptable that foreign companies are grabbing people’s lands, with the help of the local authorities, under the pretext of development project,” Son Chhay deplored.

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