Thursday, February 08, 2007

Australian and Cambodian Police to Work Together

Thursday, February 8, 2007

By Saing Soenthrith

Australian Federal Police and Cambodian National Police officers wrapped up a two-day workshop in Phnom Penh on Tuesday focused on transnational crime, particularly drug trafficking, an official said. Twenty-nine Cambodian officers, two customs officials and two AFP officers participated in the meeting— presided over by Deputy National Police Commissioner Sok Phal— which focused on internal concealment methods used by drug mules, according to a news statement Moek Dara, chief of the Interior Ministry's anti-narcotics department, said skills training and information sharing by the AFP and the Australian customs service would help Cambodia combat drug traffickers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the Australian Federal Police is teaching these Cambodian shithead police how to conceal more drugs.