Public release date: 6-Feb-2007
Contact: John Delaney
Wildlife Conservation Society
Nests now under constant protection
Working in the remote forests of Cambodia, conservationists from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) have just discovered Southeast Asia's only known breeding colony of slender-billed vultures, one of the world's most threatened bird species.
Found in heavily forested country just east of the Mekong River in Cambodia's Stung Treng Province, the colony also represents one of the only known slender-billed vulture nesting areas in the world, and therefore one of the last chances for recovery for the species, now listed as "Critically Endangered" by the World Conservation Union (IUCN).
"We discovered the nests on top of a hill where two other vulture species were also found, one of which—the white-rumped vulture—is also 'Critically Endangered'," said Song Chansocheat, manager of the Cambodia Vulture Conservation Project, a government project supported by WCS, BirdLife International, World Wildlife Fund, the Disney Wildlife Conservation Fund, and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. "Amazingly, there were also a host of other globally threatened species of birds and primates. It's a very special place."
Chansocheat's team immediately set-up 24-hour protection measures against poaching and egg collecting, and are now working with local communities to ensure that they are involved in—and support—longer-term conservation measures. "We already have a successful WCS model working in the Northern Plains where local people benefit from conservation activities. I think we have a good chance of making it work here if we can find the support."
The slender-billed vulture is one of several vulture species in Asia that have been driven to the brink of extinction across its entire range due to Diclofenac, an anti-inflammatory drug used for cattle that is highly toxic to vultures. Diclofenac has lead to global population declines as high as 99 percent in slender-billed and other vulture species. Diclofenac is now being slowly phased out in South Asia, but not at a pace that assures the recovery of the vultures. Because Diclofenac is almost entirely absent from use in Cambodia, the country remains one of the main hopes for the survival of the species. However, these birds are still endangered from other threats, such as a lack of food due to the over-hunting of large-bodied mammals, loss of habitat, and sometimes direct hunting.
The Cambodia Vulture Conservation Project has already been successful in helping stem the decline in Asia's vultures in Cambodia through a combination of scientific research, direct protection, food supplementation and awareness-raising. Satellite-collaring of animals has lead to a greater understanding of which areas are important to the two most threatened species, while simultaneous vulture 'restaurants' across the country provide both an additional food source for the birds and a chance to undertake coordinated counts to monitor the size and structure of the population.
Chansocheat remains optimistic, adding "We have the backing of local people and of the Government. If we can find financial support to extend what we know is already a successful strategy, then we should be able to conserve these species forever."
Look famillia!
Think! think! Think!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How can we conserve Khmer country and culture after the Royal gone!
this is a great finding. it must be treasured for Khmer nation's identity. please stop hunting.
i am sick and tired of Cambodian officials whom meant to proctect the wild animals. keep ordering meat from local hunters. so stop it
they should not be gone but keep them out of politics.
Post2:40, the khmer people have
the rights to chose what to keep,
what to let go, and what to change.
I will not object to their wills,
so long it is not externally
influenced by outsiders.
As for wild life consevation I am
okay with that, so long as we put
human life first.
And that vulture looks yummy!!!!
so your mother!
It is great if we can help this bred vultures from extinction. There are also other endanger animals being found in Cambodia. With the government's help, endanger animals could one day thrive again; which we could create a niche market for eco-tourism to see endanger animals in Cambodia.
Agreed, but you must not allowed
yourself to be trapped by the
wild-life activists' propaganda.
When it come to who should be
extinc between human and the wild?
The answes is obvious that human
must survives. It is okay to caused
extinction to wild-life, so long
we have a good reason for it, and
not abuse. And our reason is we
either do it or died. Get it?
Cambodian people will not die by saving these endanger wild lives. We will die if not saving these endanger wild lives. Cambodian is already a land of well-endow by mother nature but still this ignorant government can't use it to their advantage. Instead continue to destroy the environment breaking their own laws making secret deals with these questionable investors; at the same time implement a policy of ignorant government forcing their own people out of their land without any consideration of their own wrong doing. Cambodians do not have to die to save wild animals as you suggested.
the guy said the vulture looks yummy. and choose between human lives and wild life. how many vultures are there to eat? how long can you servive with a few vultures? your mentality should flush down the toilet.
Hey, if I can lived for one more
day, that will do for me. The
Vulture will be dead meat.
Wrong, the government is not
ignorant. They just don't got
the money fo feed everyone.
Okay, why don't you investigate
it for yourself instead of going
with my words or our oppositions'.
Just assuming you have to lookout
for 10 millions people for 1 year
or 365 days. How much money would
you need to handle this task.
Seriously, this is no rocket
science and you don't have to give
me exact number, just a rough
number, fair?
Eh 1:13 PM.
Hun Sen are not stupid when come to kill and cheat for power, but they are too ignorant/stupid for not able to build Cambodia for 3 decades and they don't have a real border, Cambodia has no real border.
The government has been designed from Hanoi. The government in Cambodia & Laos are being controlled by Hanoi. Laos Prime Minister is Yuan (Laos name).
Khmer people. I feel sorry for you all. As much as I dislike the monarchy, but look like the monarchy is going to be shut down by the Yuan very soon.
W/o the old monarch and his court, Yuan will have a full control on Cambodia. Practically Yuan control Cambodia but not yet officially.
If some Khmers believe that Hun Sen is the real leader then think more than twice. Hun Sen is noway can run or can resign. If he dares he will be dead. Cambodia can be free from the Yuan aggressors only all Khmer people can do not Hun Sen. Again I don't like the monarchy but King Sihanouk is still have a great impact on his people in countryside. He may be able to help. HOWEVER, Yuan want him out and Hun Sen has to respect the order.
The deal between Yuan & China already made. Why? Yuan just ceded some of the territory to China, and why China has to worry about Cambodia?
Hun Sen is being used to shield Yuan's dirt jobs, to get money from Donors, that's why all the money did not go the build the country.
I'll drop you all later why or where the more than 4 million Yuan are in Cambodia? The ~14 million people in Cambodia, among them there're more than 4 million Yuan.
THERE will be no KR TRIAL no BORDER until the colonization is reached and it will be in the year ~2015. Nguyen Van Son aka Hoc Lundy is a Yuan who's assigned to keep Hun Sen in place.
Btw: I know Yuan agents read this too ;-)
Get a life, Fluke Boy. We have
patient, and we will take safe
way for our country. We will not
be greedy and risk everything like
we did in 70's.
All nations of Indochina is now
rebuilding and they will not take
the path of destruction. Who in
their right mind will do that.
What we need is to keep people
like you from the region and
everything will be fine. Get it?
No I don't get it. How many Nations in Indochina? In your own opinions, who rules Indochina?
Why don't Cambodia & Laos have no border with Yuan Hanoi?
I get a life that's why we built a huge US Embassy in PP.
Typo ;-)
Why don't Cambodia & Laos have border with Yuan Hanoi
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