Extraordinary wickedness and cowardice of the CIA
By N. Sihanouk
Beijing, February 5, 2007
I am including with my present article the text of the original article by the “Bankok Post”, dated Wednesday, July 7, 1982, titled, in large letters: “SIHANOUK, the CIA and a SECRET RADIO STATION,” by Alan Dawson.
In order to separate from me the Small Khmer People (Ordinary Khmer Citizens), after the Putsch [perpetrated] by the Lonnolians, SirikMatakians, and other pro-USA people – a Putsch dated March 18, 1970 – the CIA set up, in Khone, an island on the Mekong, located near the Cambodia-Laos border, a broadcasting radio station. This radio [station] impersonated “Beijing Radio”. The CIA used a Khmer woman who knew how to transform her voice to be like that of Sihanouk. And this Khmer-traitor woman addressed to our People, each day, “acting as Samdech Euv Sihanouk.”
This fake “N. Sihanouk,” in order to separate our monks and other faith believers from me, praised Communism. And to separate from me our Small People, this “fake Sihanouk” woman recommended our villagers to let my North Vietnamese allies take [and] rape their daughters!!!
One day, this Khmer-traitor woman, [who was] on the CIA payroll, became pregnant and had to leave Khone to return to Phnom Penh. The “replacements” the CIA found, were not able to render “the voice of Sihanouk”[and make it] credible….
(Signed) Norodom Sihanouk
That's balony, better yet, that's just a crock of shit, Sihanouk!
Why can't you just be brave and confess The Viet's Crime behind the killing fields which YOU were also part of it!!!
And who was your source of intel Sihanouk? Viet Hanoi of course, who else.
rfa still has the tapes where you scorned the Viet as being an ungrateful race...remember that Sihanouk?
go to the website below and at the right bottom corner (under sihanouk's picture), click on "I help youns"
update your "computer" to "critical thinking" software
this is a new BS that no one ever heard of before. Was he that important?
Almost everyday I listened Radio Beijing where was broacasting in KHmer Language...Xihanuk was the no 1 broacastor of Radio Beijing.
He cursed Khmers from the Chinese Radio station,1970-175.
He spoken Khmer mix his beloved French language such a word : " Chair a Canon " in English --> " The Flesh of the Gun's barrel ".
He officialy invited Youn-Hanoi to kill Khmers.Youn had created Monster Khmer Rouge whom had killed
Khmers more than 2 million.
And he accused those victims as the Traitors of National,he proclaimed himself as the Khmer-Hero & Patriot.
Between Lon Nol/Siri Mitak and Pol Pot, I wonder who Sinhanouk would give royal pardon to?
My educated guess would be the Viet, 12:01AM. Does that answer your question? lolz
You monther fucker. Why don't you eat shit and die. Khmer suffer until now because of you. You and Pol Pot were in the same boat. Khmer Rouge won war because all Khmers belive in you. Even I listen to that fucking radio. You're a snake with two head. You should be hung first in Khmer Rouge trial.
Say no more. Impersonating people
is Khmer Krom Extremists' trade-
mark. If they can't do it, they
will find someone who can, and
we all know it.
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