Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ranariddh's supporters threaten march

February 21st 2007
Loyal Cambodian Royalists Threaten 10,000-strong March


Supporters of Cambodian Prince Norodom Ranariddh have threatened to muster 10,000 supporters to march in protest of his ousting as president of the royalist Funcinpec Party, his Norodom Ranariddh Party (NRP) said in a press release Wednesday.

The statement, issued by Ranariddh's new and self-named party, said it was currently seeking permission to march on the streets of the capital to protest the October election of Keo Puth Rasmey as Funcinpec president.

The NRP said permission had not yet been granted by Phnom Penh City Hall or the Interior Ministry to hold the gathering and gave no date for the proposed march.

Before the October vote by Funcinpec elite, party rules had appeared to say that Ranariddh remained Funcinpec president for life unless he removed himself.

The NRP statement followed a final summons issued by Phnom Penh Municipal Court last week for Ranariddh to appear to face charges made by Funcipec secretary general Nhek Bun Chhay alleging misuse of the party's funds after the sale of the Funcinpec headquarters.

Ranariddh, who has pleaded his absence from Cambodia when called by the court previously, has denied the charges, calling them politically motivated. He is currently believed to be overseas, and his lawyer has said he is handling the matter on Ranariddh's behalf but that his client intends to make an appearance voluntarily.

Keo Puth Rasmey is now a deputy prime minister in his role as leader of Funcinpec, which is part of the coalition government with the dominant Cambodian People's Party. He is currently on a state visit to South Korea.

Rasmey is married to Ranariddh's half sister, Princess Arun Rasmey, and was a former ambassador to Germany before his election to the Funcinpec presidency.


Anonymous said...

Samdach Hun Sen please give RNP permission to march, to see who are those stupid to support the fool prince!

Anonymous said...

There are alot of old school royalist who probably just discovered that the prince had been outsted.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure that Ranarith dares to participate in March ??
If he dares so pls march for benefit of people/ e.g land grabbling..etc.. not only for your and yours and your young girls sir...

Anonymous said...

while looikg at LOGO of NRO, Preah Ang Mchas is still/looks nice, handsome playboy that is why more young & Old ladies stll love Preah Ang Mchas.

Local Citizen