Tuesday, February 06, 2007

U.S. resumes immigrant visa processing in Cambodia

Tuesday February 6, 2007

(Kyodo) - The U.S. Embassy in Cambodia said Tuesday that U.S. immigrant visa processing has officially returned to Cambodia with the issuance of such a visa at the embassy in Phnom Penh, the first in more than five years.

The recipient of the visa was Sun Dalis, who qualified for immigrant status through a petition filed by her U.S. fiance.

U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia Joseph A. Mussomeli was on hand to personally offer the visa to her on Monday, the embassy said in a statement.

U.S. immigrant visa processing for Cambodian citizens was transferred to the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok in December 2001 due to workload considerations.

At the time, resource constraints hampered the ability of the U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh to handle a growing number of immigrant visa cases.

But with the opening of the new U.S. Embassy building in Phnom Penh in January 2006, it became feasible to return such processing to Cambodia, improving convenience and service for Cambodian applicants, it said.

"Many logistical hurdles had to be overcome in the months leading up to the resumption of immigrant visa processing in Phnom Penh, including hiring and training new local staff and transferring the paperwork for more than 6,000 cases from Bangkok to Phnom Penh," it said in the statement.

Last September, embassy spokesman Jeff Daigle said more than 2,300 immigrant visas were issued to Cambodians in Bangkok from October 2005 to July 2006.


Anonymous said...

Hey, make sure you don't take our
our good people, turned them
to evils, then send them back to
destroy us, okay motherfuckers?
We have enough of your cock sucker
people, alright?

Anonymous said...

you'r talking!

Anonymous said...

He he, I am really rolling,
today!!! Yahooooo!!!

Anonymous said...

i pray to buddha for Kmeng Wat Knong Srok that one day he/she/gay/lesbian would have a chance to travel to outside of Cambodia and may be to live in abroad. and that way I wish he/she would realize that the sky is much bigger than the mouth of the well.

i can imagine why you are Kmeng Wat Knong Srok

Anonymous said...

Hey, we all know you live well in
the US. What is your point? We
should followed the US foot step?

Okay fine, let us mug some poor and
defenseless countries and rob all
they wealth, then we capture
hundreds thousands of slaves and
bring them over to work our land
and to create more wealth. How's
that for a rapid economic growth?
Once we got the wealth, we can
industrialized our country. Then
we can make ships and war planes.
Then will go to other countries
to stir up problems in their
society so that we can sell them
our ships and war planes to become
richer. You like that, don't you?
If so, I say, "Suck my arse,

Anonymous said...

oh, how come the sky is so small, over here?

Anonymous said...

Poster number one is obsessed with cock sucking. Get a life faggot. If you hate the U.S. so much, get a petition to stop your loving CPP officials from sending their kids over to the State. Get it, dumbo?

Anonymous said...

Hey, someone need to know the truth
whenever you lied to us. And we
can't do that without studying in
your country. For example, you
claimed to have the best education
system in the world, but at the
same time we know most of you guys
is a total failure abroad. Your
Education aint doing shits. Many
people still suck on government
assistances. Many are in jails,
Many have been deported ... and
your government had given up.
Need I say more?

Anonymous said...

Not only some Khmers who are in troubles but Yuan...Spanish etc.. However, we do no deport people to Communist like Yuan, Cuba, because they will be executed. Yes, the USA has the best Education in the world.

Here is one of many subjects relating to Khmer problems I found on line write by Khmer psychologist. You can search for following the title.

From: santhor santh...@gmail.com
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 23:35:13 -0400
Local: Mon, Jun 5 2006 10:35 pm
Subject: Effects of Khmer Rouge Trauma on Camdicers