Wednesday, March 07, 2007

AFEC Rights March Progress

Marchers procession on 03 March 2007 (Photo: AFEC)

Collecting donations along the way (Photo: AFEC)

Villagers cheering the marchers along the road and contributing their donations (Photo: AFEC)

Under the sweltering sun, monks, women, men, young and old march on. (Photo: AFEC)

Villagers prepared water bottles for the marchers, some are waiting with buckets of water to have the monks bless them as they passed by the villages along the marching route. (Photo: AFEC)

A well-earned rest after a long day of march! (Photo: AFEC)

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Anonymous said...

Best of luck to you all. Let's show Hun Sen that freedom is a must for all human being and not just for Khmer people alone!

Anonymous said...

Yes, us KHmer want our freedom!! Yuon Hanoi and its puppets suppress us no more. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Marching for freedom in srok khmer, how rediculousit it is. It may work in Western democracy, but in Cambodia noway. You march till you died ,you would not achieve anything.Don't waste your time.I hope they don't resort to hunger strike if the marching is a total failure...